Chu Feng gave an order in his mind: "Use the right arm bone strengthening potion. "

"Ding! The right arm bone strengthening potion is in use..."

Chu Feng's cheeks couldn't help but shake, and then there was a tingling sensation in the bones in his right arm, spreading from his shoulders to his fingertips, and every inch of his bones seemed to be hit.

He clenched his teeth to avoid snorting in pain, sweat broke out on his forehead, and the color of his lips turned white.

This tingling sensation lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually dissipating, which made Chu Feng suddenly breathe a sigh of relief, if it took a little longer, I am afraid that he would not be able to bear the pain.

When the time comes, he woke up the girl, and he couldn't avoid worrying for a long time, which he didn't want to see.

"Huhu~~~" Chu Feng relaxed and lay quietly for more than ten minutes before he eased up.

"It's become more powerful."

He clenched his right hand, and he could clearly feel the change in his right arm, and compared with his left hand, he clearly felt the difference.

With the same weight, it will be laborious to lift with the left hand, but it is easy to lift with the right hand, which is the reason for the strengthening of bones.

"It hurts, but the rewards are worth it." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose.

He closed his eyes after the sweat on his forehead dried, already physically and mentally exhausted.

Sleepiness came like a tide, and Chu Feng fell into a deep sleep.


In the early morning, the sun fell on String Moon Island, and in the bamboo forest on the island, the Zhao brothers, Chen Zhixi, and the black bear got up one after another.


Zhao Lei stretched his waist, looked at the bamboo forest outside the shelter, and grinned: "It didn't snow today, and the weather is quite good." "

"It's nice to have the sun, you can go to a farther place to explore." Chen Zhixi walked out of the shelter and said softly.

Zhao Lei was stunned and asked in a muffled voice, "Where are you going to explore today?" "

"Black bear?" Chen Zhixi did not respond, and looked sideways at the black bear who had just walked out.

"Go to the east, there is near the sea, maybe there will be a harvest." Black Bear said quietly.

Chen Zhixi nodded, and said indifferently on the side: "Prepare breakfast, eat and leave, you have to find other food today." "

"Got it." Zhao Lei pouted and replied, now he and his brother have completely become Chen Zhixi's subordinates, who let the black bear find the food every time.

But once the food was found by myself and my brother, it will not evolve into this, and you need to be attached to survive, otherwise it may have been eliminated now.

The Zhao brothers sat around the fire, boiling snow in a steel pot, ready to make breakfast.

More than half an hour later, several people finished breakfast and packed up their things and walked out of the shelter.

"Come back before dark and go." Chen Zhixi said in a deep voice, stepping on the thick snow and walking towards the east.

The snow is thick, and the speed of several people is not fast, and they have to constantly stop to identify the direction and carve marks along the way.

"There's nothing in this damn place." Zhao Lei pouted and complained, stretching out his feet to carry the snowdrift in front of him, the surrounding was white, not even a green bush, can you really find food?

"It's only been more than half an hour, be patient." Chen Zhixi said indifferently.

Zhao Lei grinded his teeth, this half an hour seemed to have walked for most of the day, he couldn't help but reach out and rub his eyes, for some reason his eyes were a little tingling.

"What food can you find on a snowy day?" Zhao Lei pulled his brother's sleeve and signaled to calm down.

"There are many, such as snow hares, wild goats, etc." The black bear head replied without thinking, his eyes scanning the surroundings, still unable to find food.

"Damn, how it hurts more and more." Zhao Lei scolded, stopped and rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"Don't move your hands, I'll take a look." The black bear shouted in a deep voice and strode over.

"What's wrong?" Chen Zhixi stopped with a frown.

"Put your hands down." Black Bear said quietly.

"Damn, what's going on?" Zhao Lei hesitated and lowered his hand, his eyes were red, and there were many red bloodshots.

The black bear's brows furrowed, his fingers pulled away Zhao Lei's upper and lower eyelids, carefully inspected it, and said in a deep voice: "Snow blindness, it's a little difficult." "

"Snow blindness? What is it? Chen Zhixi raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

The black bear Shensheng simply popularized snow blindness for everyone, focusing on the symptoms and effects of snow blindness.

"What? Am I not blind then? Zhao Lei's voice raised a few degrees, and the symptoms that the black bear said made him a little afraid.

"Probably not...," Zhao Lei asked in a muffled voice.

"It's just the early days, and you won't be blind to recuperate." The black bear said expressionlessly.

He also had snow blindness, when he was a soldier, he once squatted in ambush in the snow for three days and three nights, and it was because of this that he got snow blindness, and then he was treated in the hospital for two days before he improved.

"So what now? You can't walk with your eyes closed. Zhao Lei said irritably, his eyes were half-squinted, and tears secreted from the corners of his eyes.

"Close your eyes and let Zhao Lei take you away, it's a waste of time to go back now, unless you don't want to have dinner tonight." Chen Zhixi pondered and said softly.

There is no food stored in the shelter, and not finding food today means going hungry at night.

He paused, then continued, "Or stay here by yourself and pick you up when we come back after our exploration." "

"Made, I didn't know it came out." Zhao Lei cursed, half-squinted and walked forward, making a choice with actions.

He didn't want to go hungry tonight, let alone stay here alone, and if a wild beast approached, he didn't know how he would die.

"Be careful." Zhao Lei quickly grabbed his brother and helped him walk forward.

"Let's go." Chen Zhixi said indifferently, thinking in his heart whether he should change the object of cooperation, and those who dragged their feet could not ask for it.

The black bear glanced at Chen Zhixi and guessed some of his inner thoughts.

Nearly two hours passed, and the group walked through the jungle to an open field, hundreds of meters long and wide.

Zhao Lei's eyes lit up, pointed to the opposite side of the open land, and asked softly: "There is a small hill there, do you want to turn it over and take a look?" "

"Not today, you can't get to the top of the mountain when it's dark." The black bear said in a deep voice, and the words he said directly made Chen Zhixi shut up.

"Then look around." Chen Zhixi pursed his lips and said softly, while secretly remembering the location of the small hill.

Everyone looked around, Zhao Lei sat under a big tree, and he could only stay where he couldn't see clearly.

"Damn, you have to find a way to regain dominance." He secretly calculated that the dominance fell into Chen Zhixi's hands, and everything had to be listened to others, which made him very angry.


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