Liu Yimeng nodded quickly, reached out and took the girl's hand, and said with a smile: "Yunxin, if you don't give me to you, I will do everything, washing, cooking, cleaning, and warming my bed are proficient." "

"Hee-hee... Who do you say you are warming my bed? Wu Qingyue covered her mouth and chuckled, meaning something in her words.

"Of course, it's to warm Yun Xin's bed." Liu Yimeng is serious.

"Sister Meng, don't joke." Yun Xin replied with a smile.


Chu Feng coughed lightly twice and quipped: "Warm my bed maid, it seems to be quite good." "

"Chu Feng, you are a big pig's trotter." Yun Xin rolled her eyes angrily.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, what's wrong with me?

"Sister Qingyue, Sister Wei Ting, what do you want for breakfast tomorrow?" Yun Xin asked softly with her head sideways, tomorrow was the last day of the two in the wilderness, ready to make their favorite food.

"How about eating hot pot?" Wu Qingyue asked tentatively, when she was in the observation live broadcast room, every time she watched Chu Feng and the girl eating hot pot, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Qi Weiting nodded approvingly, indeed wanting to eat wild hot pot once.

"It's a little strange to eat hot pot in the morning, but it's completely fine." Yun Xin stretched out his hand and compared an 'OK' gesture, there was still a lot of frozen meat outside the shelter, and it could be taken out to thaw and make a hot pot.

"Great." Wu Qingyue's beautiful eyes lit up, eating hot pot in the wilderness was the first time for her.

"I washed the pots and dishes first." Liu Yiqiu got up and put away the pots and bowls.

Qi Weiting put down the clay cup in her hand and stood up to help clean up the pots and bowls.

The girl sat on the earthen kang, playing with the wooden carving that Chu Feng gave her.

Yun Xin couldn't help but turn his head sideways and ask, "Chu Feng, how did I not know that you had this talent before?" "

"That's talent." Chu Feng boasted a little stinky.

"It's so thick-skinned." Yun Xinjiao said with a sneer.

"It's like a copper wall." Chu Feng smiled and pinched my face cooperatively.

The girl covered her mouth and smiled, her dark and godly eyes became crescent-shaped, and then moved out of chess to start her daily pastime to pass the time.

Time passed slowly, tonight's moon was exceptionally bright, the night was deep, and the other competitors on String Moon Island fell asleep one after another.

"Aha~~" Wu Qingyue stood up and stretched, revealing a small brute waist without the slightest bit of fat.

"Pack up and get ready for bed." Chu Feng urged softly.

"Good." The women answered in unison, taking away the chess and clay cups on the wooden table.

Chu Feng stepped forward and moved the wooden table down with one hand and placed it next to the earthen kang.

Yun Xin and Wu Qingyue laid out the sleeping bag and quilt, and then got into the sleeping bag one after another.

Chu Feng stretched his waist, ready to go to bed early today, so he climbed onto the earthen kang and got into the sleeping bag.

"Good night everyone." Yun Xin said softly, and then rolled over and hugged Chu Feng's waist.

"Good night!" Several women responded at the same time, closing their eyes and falling asleep.


In the morning, the sky is white and the sun is gradually rising from the sea level.

Yun Xin and the Liu family sisters had already got up and were busy in front of the fireplace.

On the fireplace, a few pieces of fresh meat that had just been brought in from outside the shelter were hung and thawed by the temperature emitted by the fireplace.

"Make the seasoning first." Liu Yiqiu murmured softly, lightly found wild ginger and lemon from the wooden frame, briefly processed them and cut them all into cubes, then put them in a bamboo tube cup and mashed, and finally added a little mint.

"Let's boil the soup base into mushroom soup, and a little mushroom..." Yun Xin muttered softly, the steel pot was on the fireplace, and the snow water inside was already boiling.

She quickly put the wild ginger slices in, and then poured all the cut mushrooms and fungus into it.

Liu Yimeng pulled out the ceramic oven from the wooden frame, and used a sapper shovel to scoop out a charcoal fire from the fireplace and put it on it

"So fragrant~~"

On the earthen kang, Wu Qingyue, who was lying down, opened her eyes and got up in a daze.

She rubbed her eyes and muttered, "Everyone got up early." "

"I didn't know when the helicopter would come, so I prepared in advance." Yun Xin said with a smile, and then added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace.

"Trouble you." Wu Qingyue was a little embarrassed.

"Hee-hee, get up and wash up." Yun Xin chuckled.

"Good." Wu Qingyue got up and got off the earthen kang, put on her shoes and went into the toilet.

More than half an hour later, everyone was sitting around the earthen kang after washing, the steel pot on the charcoal stove was already boiling, and there were several plates of fresh meat on the side, as well as a few fresh wild vegetable leaves, which Chu Feng picked in the cultivation room after getting up.

The original wild vegetable stalk had grown leaves again, and he plucked one leaf from each wild vegetable to make this small plate of fresh wild vegetables.

"Eating hot pot in the wilderness has a special flavor." Wu Qingyue's eyes lit up.

She took a piece of cooked venison from a steel pot with chopsticks, put it to her mouth and blew it, then stuffed it into her mouth and chewed.

"Eating hot pot in winter is the best." Liu Yimeng agreed, especially eating hot pot on snowy days, don't mention enjoying it more.

Wu Qingyue's brows furrowed slightly, stuffed a piece of freshly cooked meat into her mouth, chewed it a few times, and said softly: "This is jackal meat, it doesn't seem to have any taste." "

"I can't tell what this wolf meat tastes like, it can be eaten, but it's not very delicious." Liu Yimeng chewed wolf meat in her mouth, the taste was very peculiar, not as delicious as venison and rabbit meat.

"It is said to be a bit similar to dog meat, I don't know if it's true." Wu Qingyue said softly.

"I haven't eaten dog meat." Liu Yimeng quickly shook her head.

"Neither do I." The rest shook their heads one after another.

"Wolf meat is really not very delicious for hot pot, and it should be very good for barbecue." Chu Feng said softly, the taste of the wolf meat chewing in his mouth was indescribably strange.

"The meat on this wooden table is so rich." Yun Xin sighed with emotion, and there were venison, wild goat, rabbit, jackal, wolf, and wild boar on the low wooden table.


Suddenly, the sound of the helicopter came from a distance, and then became clearer and clearer.

"The person who picked us up is coming?" Wu Qingyue was stunned, quickly swallowed the venison in her mouth, got up and put on her shoes and ran to the wooden door of the shelter.

She pushed open the wooden door, the familiar helicopter hovered in mid-air outside the fence, and a rope ladder was lowered.

On the helicopter, a middle-aged man in uniform poked his head out and shouted, "Ms. Wu, we're here to pick you up." "

"Really, how did it come so early." Wu Qingyue pouted and stomped her foot helplessly.

The middle-aged man in uniform was stunned, listening to this tone, it seemed that he didn't really want to leave?

Qi Weiting walked out of the shelter, holding the gifts she had packed up.

Behind her were Chu Feng, the Liu family sisters and others, and everyone's faces were reluctant.


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