The sun rises and falls in the sky, and so does the moon, sometimes snowflakes, sometimes cold wind, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, Chu Feng, who was lying in his sleeping bag, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked sideways at the girl who was sleeping soundly with his arms, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then carefully laid the girl flat, got up and got off the earthen kang.

Chu Feng put on his rabbit skin shoes and ordered in his mind: "Sign in!" "

A virtual screen pops up in front of you, showing the date of the 18th lit up.

This means that Chu Feng and the others have been in the wilderness for seventy-six days.

"Time flies so fast." Chu Feng whispered to himself.

He crouched down in front of the fireplace and skillfully rekindled the extinguished fireplace, which dispelled the cold in the shelter.

Fifteen days had passed since Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting left, during which Chu Feng had also received two seven-day gift packages, except for two potion packages about bone strengthening, the remaining four seemed irrelevant.

This time it was the bones of his left arm and the bones of his right leg, which allowed him to experience two profound experiences of 'unforgettable' again.

Chu Feng stood up, pushed open the wooden door of the shelter and came to the courtyard, feeling the temperature, and muttered suspiciously: "It doesn't seem to be so cold today." "

It hasn't snowed on String Moon Island for seven or eight days, and the cold wind has blown much less.

He stood still in the courtyard, looked up to observe the direction of the clouds, and whispered to himself: "Why is this celestial phenomenon a little strange?" "

Chu Feng was a little confused, winter had only been here for less than two months, was it about to pass?

He stood there for a while, the clouds went one after another, and finally came to the conclusion that winter was about to pass.

"It's a weird island." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he was not sure in his heart whether his ability to observe the sky was too weak, or if the winter on String Moon Island was about to pass.

He turned and went to the cultivation room, and he was greeted by a field of green wild vegetables, the cultivation rack was covered with wild vegetables, and many leaves fell down, covering the bamboo trough below.

The growth rate of wild vegetables has exceeded the speed of everyone eating, and these are too late to eat to grow like this.

On the other side, the mushroom cultivation rack is similar, the hay covering the bamboo trough has been lifted, and the wood chips are covered with dense mushrooms, and in a few days, all of these mushrooms will be edible.

"It should be planted in batches, it's a bit much." Chu Feng smiled bitterly.

Now the size of the mushroom is about half the size of a baby's fist, and chanterelles grow better and already have some edible.

He added wood to the fireplace, then got up and left the nursery and returned to the shelter.

Yun Xin and the Liu family sisters had already got up and were huddling in the toilet I to wash up.

Yun Xin wiped his face with a towel, and after coming out of the toilet, he asked suspiciously: "Chu Feng, is it my illusion, how do I feel that it is not very cold today." "

"Ah, it's a lot warmer." Chu Feng nodded lightly, maybe winter is really over.

"Chu Feng, since it's warm, do you want to go out for a walk today?" Liu Yimeng came out of the toilet, she remembered that she had not left the shelter for more than ten days, and she was about to become moldy.

"Get out for a walk?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at the girl.

"Where to?" Yun Xin pursed her lips and asked.

"Go to the beach, I haven't been there for a while." Chu Feng said softly.

"Then let's go for a walk by the sea." Yun Xin nodded lightly, although it was safe to stay in the shelter all the time, it was easy to make people lazy if they were too comfortable.

"Then I'll go prepare breakfast." Liu Yimeng put away the toiletries with great interest, and then got busy in front of the fireplace.

Nearly an hour later, everyone packed up their things after breakfast and left the shelter, following Chu Feng towards the direction of the sea.

"Ride my beloved little motorcycle, it will never get stuck in traffic ~~~" Liu Yimeng hummed a brisk song, going out was a happy thing for her.

"This song is a bit magical." Chu Feng chuckled and snorted along.

The girl also couldn't help but hum herself, learning the tune of Liu Yimeng's singing, and the slightly cheerful singing of the three echoed in the mountains and forests.

Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips and glanced up at the drone above her head.

In the observer's live broadcast room, He Ming and others observed the live broadcast room of Chu Feng and others.

"This song is really quite magical, should you sing it again in Qingyue?" He Ming chuckled at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay." Wu Qingyue looked at the cheerful people in the live broadcast monitor, and felt a little nostalgic for the time to survive in the wilderness together.

She cleared her throat, found the tune and hummed softly: "Ride my beloved little motorcycle, it will never get stuck in traffic ~~~"

"Qingyue, your tune seems to be taken off." He Ming couldn't help but chuckle out loud.

Wu Qingyue was also speechless, and now her mind was full of the version that Liu Yimeng hummed, and the original normal singing method had been forgotten.

She couldn't help but think to herself: "When she comes back, I will teach her to sing properly." "

Qi Weiting looked at the familiar figures in the live broadcast display, and the corners of her mouth rose a little.

"The cold is going to pass, and I can't relax for a few days." Wang Lin said softly.

"Well, there are still twenty-three groups of players left, and the number is a bit small." He Ming sighed.

In the past seventy-six days, three-quarters of the contestants have already been eliminated, and the elimination rate is not ordinarily high.

Wu Qingyue's black eyes turned, and she asked with a smile on the side: "Teacher Wang, among these twenty-three groups of contestants, which groups are most likely to last until the end?" "

The corners of Wang Lin's mouth tugged, and he said in a serious deep voice: "Chu Feng and the Liu family sisters, as well as Yan Qingyu and Chen Zhixi." "

"Huh? Teacher Wang is optimistic about so many groups? Wu Qingyue asked in surprise.

"Well, the top three should come from between them." Wang Lin nodded and said softly.

"What about Qingyue, which group is the most optimistic?" He Ming asked curiously.

"Hee-hee, naturally it's Chu Feng and Little Luo Yili, as well as the sisters of the Liu family." Wu Qingyue said it without thinking.

In addition to personal emotional factors, she compared it through on-site understanding and long-term live broadcast room observation.

"I have similar ideas to you, let's look forward to who can last until two hundred and eighty-seven days later." He Ming ended the discussion on this topic.


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