In the early morning, the warm sun shines on String Moon Island.

Chu Feng and the others had already got up, and after washing, they were nesting on the earthen kang and eating breakfast.

After more than ten minutes, everyone finished breakfast and began to pack up their belongings to the beach.

"Bring a few pairs of straw shoes, it'll be safe to walk on the rocky beach." Yun Xin muttered softly, rummaging through the wooden frame and finding the straw shoes she was wearing before.

She was worried that Chu Feng would catch fish on the beach because of the puddle, and then run around the rocky beach with bare feet, which would easily scratch her feet.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and the girl's mind could guess.

He got up and rummaged under the eaves to find a few pieces of fresh meat, then broke off half of the bean cake from the wooden frame to use as bait for fishing.

Everyone packed up their things, walked out of the shelter, closed the gate and walked towards the beach.

"Explore the puddle before going fishing. Chu Feng said softly, otherwise when the sea water rises, the puddle will not be able to explore.

"Well, that's it. Liu Yimeng nodded repeatedly, thinking about the bergamot that he had not finished prying yesterday.

By the way, the four people cut three branches two fingers thick on the road, ready to be used as fishing rods, not so thin bamboo, can only be replaced by branches.

After more than an hour, the group bypassed the complicated terrain along the coastline and re-arrived on the shore of the rubble.

"Be careful, I'll go first. Chu Feng said softly.

Yun Xin nodded seriously, and then instructed, "Okay, you also pay attention to safety." "

"Got it. Chu Feng stepped on the protruding stones on the cliff wall and cautiously approached the rocky beach.

The three women followed closely and climbed down cautiously.

"It looks like you have to make a rope ladder. Chu Feng muttered softly, this road is very difficult to walk, if he will come often in the future, for safety, it is necessary to make a rope ladder.

In about twenty minutes, the group of four people came to the rocky beach smoothly.

Today's rocky beach is much larger than yesterday's because I went out nearly two hours earlier today than yesterday, and the tide has not yet risen.

"You guys pay attention to safety, I'll go to the outer watering hole." Chu Feng reminded softly, striding towards the edge of the rocky beach.

"You also be careful. Yun Xin reminded softly, then put down the bamboo basket and began to collect the limp and bergamot.

Although seafood cannot be eaten too much at one time, it can be dried and stored and saved for later eating, which is necessary in the wilderness.

Chu Feng approached the sea, the sea water was only half a meter away from his feet, and he could vaguely see fish swimming in the sea not far away.

He quietly looked at the clear water, resisted the urge to go into the sea to catch fish, and turned around to probe in the puddle.

The first puddle did not harvest, the second, third, and fourth were gone, until inside the fifth large puddle, a familiar voice came again.

"Boom . . ."

The water inside the puddle became cloudy, apparently something was inside, this puddle was closer to the surface of the sea, and in another half an hour it would be covered by the sea.

"Let me see what it is. Chu Feng took off his rabbit skin shoes, rolled up his sleeves and carefully went into the water.

The sense of danger was not warning, and he put his mind at ease, proving that the contents of the puddle were not dangerous.

Chu Feng bent down, spread his hands, and waited until he reached the puddle

After there was movement, he suddenly reached out and probed into the water.


He clutched a sea bass in his hand, smaller than yesterday's one, also a white bass.

"It seems that there are quite a few sea bass on this coast. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he could eat sashimi again today.

Liu Yimeng turned his head and shouted excitedly: "Chu Feng caught the fish again." "

"Tonight's sashimi has fallen. Yun Xin said with a smile, took out the straw shoes from the bamboo basket, and carefully stepped on the chaotic stone beach towards Chu Feng.

"The stone is slippery, come up and wear this pair. She put the straw shoes next to the puddle.

"Okay, you catch the fish and find a small puddle to raise it first." Chu Feng said softly and handed over the sea bass in his hand.

"Okay. Yun Xin grabbed the sea bass tightly, carefully walked in the direction of the cliff wall, found a small puddle near the lower position, and put the sea bass in.

Chu Feng put on his straw shoes and walked towards another large puddle.

He found that his mouth had been raised, and after eating sea bass and then eating stew, he would find that sea bass was still delicious.

More than half an hour later, all the big puddles were probed again, and Chu Feng caught a fish again, but it was not a sea bass, it was a herring that he had caught when he first came to String Moon Island.

"You can boil fish soup. Chu Feng put the herring into the small puddle.

He took the twine and hook from the bamboo basket, pulled the twine out half a meter long, fixed the hook in the middle, and then tied a small stone at the end of the end.

Stones are used to increase weight, otherwise the hook made of easy pull rings is not heavy enough and is easily carried by the sea.

Chu Feng found a small wooden stick to tie up and make a fish float at a position nearly one meter above the hook, and the materials in the wilderness were limited, plus the time was relatively tight, so he could only make up like this first.

In the same way, he fixed another hook to twine and wrapped it around three sticks to make three rods.

Chu Feng took out the fresh meat and bean cake he brought from the bamboo basket, and used a saber to cut the fresh meat and bean cake into small pieces and used it as bait.

He picked up three fishing rods and walked towards the beach, which attracted the attention of the Liu sisters and the girl, and they all put down their work and walked over.

"Chu Feng, are you going to start fishing?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

She also fished when she was very young, and when she was still in the orphanage, she followed Uncle Wang with Chu Feng several times to fish in the small lake not far from the orphanage.

As a result, at the end of the day, only Uncle Wang caught a fish, and she and Chu Feng played soy sauce next to them the whole time, and they would marvel at every fish they caught.

It's just that I heard later that the small lake was filled in and converted into a shopping mall, and now I don't remember the way there.

"Well, let's try it first and see if it works. Chu Feng said softly.

He stopped near the beach, hung fresh meat on the hook, then untied the twine, and then flicked the rod, threw the hook and stones together, and landed on the sea five or six meters away.

Stones added weight, and the hook quickly sank into the sea, leaving only a fish made of sticks floating on the surface, undulating with the surging sea.

According to the same method, Chu Feng untied the twine of the other two fishing rods, hung the fish hook with bean cake and fresh meat respectively, threw it out together, and landed on the sea not far away.

The three fishing rods are spaced a few meters apart from each other to prevent twine from becoming entangled with each other.

"Hopefully a fish will take the bait. Yun Xin muttered softly, standing nervously on the rocky beach looking at the fish floating on the sea.


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