The bailiff didn't ask carefully, and acted as a legal adviser, so he weighed it based on Chu Yu's description.

"Intentional injury is one of them. Of course, the degree of injury of the victim must be determined according to the "Criteria for the Identification of the Degree of Human Injury". Article 125: "Illegal manufacturing, trading, transportation, mailing, storage of guns, ammunition, etc." shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years; finally, harm public officials of the state, disrupt public order, and cause greater society The impact is very serious. "

After listening to him, Chu Yu knew that there was no play. This was similar to her own estimate. Although she could provide Xia Yihan's neurobiological identification report to prove that there was a problem with her brain structure and innate genes, this did not prevent Xia Yihan from having complete The ability of criminal responsibility, she is mentally normal, has the ability to recognize and control her own behavior, and even controls the behavior of others, which is a premeditated crime.

"Extremely serious crime" not only refers to the extremely serious objective harm caused, but also includes the subjective malignancy of the criminal perpetrator, or the extremely serious personal danger, that is, "extremely serious crime" is the unity of subjective and objective.

Objectively speaking, Xia Yihan’s criminal behavior caused many injuries, and the social impact was bad. Subjectively, she had premeditated and deliberately escaped from the police and deliberately placed bombs, causing panic.

Chu Yu covered half of his eyebrows, and the light from the window penetrated, resting on her body, and the halo around her looked haggard, without the scent of brilliance before.

Although the bailiff did not give a specific number, she also had the number in her heart. After hanging up the phone, she clearly realized the seriousness of the form. If she still wants to have an intersection with Xia Yihan in her life, she must fight for her treatment responsibility.

Xia Yihan may be sentenced to severe sentences, but due to her personality disorder, she will be subjected to compulsory treatment after trial, and she will be detained in a prison hospital or a psychiatric hospital. If she does not meet specific mental health standards, it is impossible to release her from the hospital even if the sentence has expired.

Although she is now extremely guilty and it is difficult to quell social panic after ten or eight years, Chu Yu does not want to give up on her. She even feels confidently that no one can treat Xia Yihan except her.

She wished that she could immediately put down her work and head straight to the interrogation room of the Public Security Department to participate in the interrogation, or to fight for the opportunity to talk to Xia Yihan alone, tell her not to give up, and she is still working hard.

But she couldn't get away, and the inspection team was about to come. The whole Superman was doing well to receive. After all, Chu moving was involved this time, and because of Xia Yihan's uproar at Fushan Hospital, her punishment has not yet come down, most of this time. It is necessary to calculate the old and new accounts together. I don't know how long the "forbidden period" will be.

The inspection team came, and Chu Yu drank a cup of tea with him. The inspectors were also unambiguous. After drinking the tea, they began to get busy. The monitoring team began to check the accounts of Superman. In this regard, Chu Yu was most relieved. They were so poor that they depended on the funds from the above. NS.

Sometimes the confidentiality of institutions is too high and it is not good. No one comes to hand over red envelopes to stuff gold bars, and she does not give her the opportunity to embezzle or accept bribes at all.

The expert group of the Judicial Appraisal Committee sat in the conference room and began to look through Mu Shangqing's previous medical examination reports. Chu Yu prepared everything by category and gave them a review.

In fact, when Chu Dongren made an exceptional admission to Mu Shangqing, he must have reported the situation to the central government, and the experts of the appraisal committee had also reviewed it, otherwise Chu Dongren's application would not be approved.

The first physical examination report included the diagnosis result of psychological disorder. The expert team leader wore thick eyes and looked at it carefully. His expression changed slightly. Chu Yu saw that his nostrils were closed and he felt that he wanted to sigh. Without sighing, he turned a corner and emerged from his nostrils.

"So at the time, the former director was diagnosed with mania?"

Chu Yu nodded, "Yes, it is also accompanied by post-traumatic stress disorder. After that, the mood disorder is the main problem, and psychological and drug treatments are given."

The team leader glanced at the list of drugs listed, focusing on mood stabilizers, as well as sedatives and hypnotics, such as benzodiazepines.

A minute later, he raised his head: "Can you see the transcript of the psychotherapy conversation between the former director and Mu Shangqing?"

At that time, taking care of Mu Shangqing's mood, Chu Dongren didn't record it, but he told Chu Yu most of the conversation. Chu Yu has worked overtime these days, turning the conversation into text to facilitate inspection by the expert group.

The three in the expert group, each holding a pile of thick materials, looked at it page by page. There was no obvious change in expression on their faces, but they would whisper to each other and exchange views in whispers from time to time.

Chu Yu sat opposite them, not feeling nervous. She had passed these materials several times in advance. Although she was dissatisfied with Chu Touching's act of concealing the truth, she still had confidence in his professionalism, at least not making obvious professional mistakes.

Sure enough, the expert group took a look around, took the glasses off and wiped them, and did not raise any tricky questions.

Next, the expert team began to check the diaries of Mu Shangqing and Mao Yi. After reading them, the deputy team leader was puzzled: "However, the comparison of these two diaries cannot be confirmed as a dual personality."

"It really can't. It needs to be supported by other evidence." Chu Yu submitted the recording and corresponding text materials compiled this morning, including the relevant files of Huang Nan's suicide case.

Then, Chu Yu deduced Mao Yi’s criminal psychology again, from his first appearance to his disappearance from the migrant workers’ building, just like at the scene of the "trial" at the Huaxie Court, but now he has to be much calmer and calmer. It is as if she is also a member of the expert group.

The expert group listened to her and read the documentary evidence. Chu Yu would be interrupted when they encountered problems. For example, they would wonder why Mao Yi hated Mu Shangqing's wife Huang Nan?

Chu Yu explained: "Although the master likes his mother very much and knows that his mother has paid a lot for him and is doing her best to repay him, in fact, she still complains about her over-control and harshness. These are all deep. When we look at Mao Yi, we can find Mu Shangqing's negative emotions. The bad influences imposed on him by the outside world have been accumulated in the sub-personality."

The expert group listened to her without comment. The trio referred to her explanation and went through all the evidence. Finally, the group leader looked inscrutable and decided to hold a small meeting.

Chu Yu vacated the meeting room and reserved it exclusively for them. The expert group discussed for a whole afternoon, but still did not give an accurate answer. The public security organs had to wait for the complete confession of the five families of the deceased to make a final appraisal of Mu Shangqing's mental condition and Chu Dongren's responsibilities in it.

On December 15th, after completing the forensic appraisal expert team, Chu Yu ushered in the review of the discipline inspection and supervision team. The team leader asked her to report on the work plan, actual deployment, emergency plan and actual progress of the Huaihua project.

When Chu Yu was in high school, she simulated a personal performance report in the classroom, and stated all the plans and arrangements since she took over the Huaihua project. She was afraid that the leaders would doze off. She also deliberately made the tone ups and downs, the reporting structure was complete, and the key points were highlighted. , Not long-winded and not underreported, after an hour full of Dangdang, she wanted to applaud for herself.

After listening to the supervisors, they were generally unable to spot the problem, so the final footing was at the end, turning out the old accounts.

"Chu, please report on the situation at Changyan Fushan Hospital."

Chu Yu quickly understood that this was what allowed her to truthfully explain the reason for "one misstep will become an eternal hate", which is related to the judgment of "work error" or "work negligence", and also related to the severity of punishment afterwards.

"In fact, when I took Xiao Huaihua to Fukuyama, I deliberately wanted her to get close to the potential victim, because I suspected at the time that she would ask the victim some questions before the assault. Then the dialogue between them is crucial to solving the case. So I asked an actor to act as a potential victim under the condition of signing a non-disclosure agreement, and finally succeeded in learning what the problem was. These are all recorded in the file."

Chu Yu explained in detail what he had gained, including "It was determined that the victim did not know Xiao Huaihua", "The victim Xue Jinping thought he killed Mu Shangqing", "Xiao Huaihua asked the victim's questions", and these were all This paved the way for the successful inference that "five relatives of the deceased killed Mu Shangqing".

The group leader nodded, "It sounds like you can roughly predict the behavior of Xiaohuahua, and by creating specific conditions, let her complete a certain behavior, so as to obtain or derive useful clues through the behavior?"

Chu Yu nodded, "Yes, I did plan that way at the time."

"Then why did Xiao Huahua suddenly attack you in the end? She made a fuss in Fushan Hospital and escaped your control. Are these also part of your plan?"

A knowing blow.

Chu Yu concealed his embarrassment with a smile, "These are not. I will not sacrifice the interests of the entire hospital in exchange for clues. This will outweigh the gains."

"So you made a mistake in analyzing her criminal psychology?"

Chu Yu was slightly in a daze. He looked at the monitoring team leader with his left eye, and his right eye seemed to travel through time and space. He saw Xia Yihan, who drew his sword at her that night, with the decisive and indifferent face.

In the end, Chu Yu made a "slow strategy", and she wanted to move this question back.

"It's not necessarily a criminal psychology, it may be other psychological factors. I am not sure yet, so I want to get the answer from Xiao Huaihua. I believe that after a good communication with her, I can recognize clearly where my mistake is. ."

I checked at Superman for two days. Except for Chu Yu’s undecided responsibility for Xia Yihan’s escape, the inspection team found no other problems, whether it was finance, management, personnel assessment, file management, equipment maintenance, and even hygiene. To impeccable.

After questioning Chu Yu, the inspection team also asked Fang Datuo, Muyu, Song Qingyang, and the members of the secret operation team in turn, and found that they had a clear report on their work. The final "employee satisfaction survey" was also It shows that they are quite satisfied with Chu Yu, the boss, and there is no malfeasance and slack in Superman.

The inspection team couldn’t help feeling that on weekdays, in various departments at all levels, the rules are framed, with a large number of personnel and complicated relationships. It takes a long time to sort out tasks at different levels. As a result, the Superman Department has streamlined personnel and departments, and the division of labor is simple and rude. The relationship is simple, the work log is clear at a glance, but it is really a high-speed locomotive.

After checking Superman's office, the inspection team moved on to the Public Security Bureau on the same day to supervise the investigation of the police.

Chu Yu held back for three days, finally seized the opportunity, and immediately called the junior sister who was staying behind in the public office.

Little Junior Sister’s voice revealed the situation. It sounded bad, "Chu, Xiao Huaihua is not very cooperative. It has been three days here, and I haven’t said a word. I have exhausted all the methods used to interrogate the police. any progress!"

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