Chu Yu picked up the thin piece of paper, his hands trembling.

She feels that she has a heavy hand, and almost all puzzles are contained in this piece of paper, within five words, and are also buried in it, and they cannot be answered.

Found dad.

Did Mu Shangqing take the initiative to find Mu Han, or did Mu Han find Mu Shangqing? She disappeared for the first time on November 1st five years ago. Did she find her father at that time?

But at that time Mu Shangqing had not been declared missing!

But if Mu Shangqing disappeared and Mu Han found him, doesn't it mean that he is still alive? Or is the body still there?

Chu Yu was stunned for a few seconds, and countless thoughts flashed, like playing a movie, showing frame by frame, and frame by frame representing a speculation, but each speculation was unsatisfactory, so he had to skip it one by one, and stopped abruptly in the end. There is an empty film roll left.

What Huang Li was still talking about, Chu Yu couldn't listen, and couldn't help interrupting her, "Do you know when Xiaohan wrote this piece of paper?"

It is a pity that Xia Yihan never took time with him when he recorded the incident.

"Not sure, she has lived here for eight months. I haven't looked through her things very much. Only when she was missing, I searched to see if she left with her mobile wallet. When I looked for it before, I didn't pay attention. There were pieces of paper until the last time she disappeared. I did a big cleanup in her room and found these pieces of paper in a photo album. The photo album was empty and there were no photos in it. She used it to hold card stock. "

"But when you turn to this piece of paper, you suspect that Xiaohan found her father and left with her father?"

Huang Li was silent for a moment, and then nodded. First, she lied to Chu Yu and was slapped on the spot by Wang Zitao. Now her face was full of embarrassment and she didn't want to look directly at Chu Yu's eyes.

Chu Yu realized that she still had feelings for Mu Han. After all, she was Mu Han's aunt. She said that she was sensible and independent, and got along well with them. She might want to maintain Mu Pippi Han’s beautiful image, but it seemed like another. There is a bitterness.

"You saw this note at the time, didn't you think about informing the police?"

Because Mu Shangqing has been missing for a long time, these five words may be important information, and may be able to guide the police to solve the case.

After listening to Chu Yu’s question, Wang Zitao leaned against the door and sneered, “Are you trying to say that this may be an important clue to find Mu Shangqing? If I say, it’s good to not find him, for so many years. I don’t know what occupation he did. It’s mysterious, and he suddenly disappeared during his work. Who knows if he died in the line of duty or traveled the world with money?"

Hearing this, Chu Yu no longer concealed his emotions, directly expressed his dissatisfaction, frowned: "Mr. Wang, you can't say that. Mr. Mu's disappearance has attracted the attention of the public security organs and his work units. The police will definitely be able to detect the disappearance, and his superiors and colleagues will also be aware of it."

"I don't know how he is doing at work, and I don't judge him, but in terms of character, he is not a good person, otherwise he would not teach a child like Mu Han. Mu Han is so deviated from the world, it is estimated that he is based on her. Dad is a role model, and he has to live like his six relatives don't recognize him."

Chu Yu felt hot to her ears again. Although she had never seen Mu Shangqing, she could already see it from Chu Dong’s population—he was serious, responsible, with high IQ, and the most important thing was to care for her boss. The boss is worried about his safety, otherwise he won't be so moved by Chu Dongren. It has been five years, and the memory is still fresh, and he almost burst into tears when he said it.

Chu Yu has experience and cares about his colleagues seriously at work. His character will not be too bad. At least he has a collective consciousness. You can draw inferences and use all aspects of dealing with people and things.

Wang Zitao's remarks seemed to completely negate Mu Shangqing, just because he had come out of such a shocking offspring as Mu Han?

Before Chu Yu had time to ask, Huang Li broke out first. She used to speak in her throat. She was afraid that Wang Zishan, who was rushing to work in the bedroom, would be noisy. At this moment, she could not care about anything. If it doesn’t work, you have to expose my old man before you give up, don’t you?"

Wang Zitao was also anxious, and his eyebrows were twisted together: "What is your family? Your family's affairs are also my business. That is our family's business. Anan is also my sister. You think I didn't take Xiaohan as my sister. A niece? I always wanted to raise her as my own daughter, and then? What happened? Isn't it like her father, just walk away, beasts in clothes!"

Huang Li burst into tears, and Wang Zitao blocked the door. She rushed out, opened him, and went straight to the bedroom, closing the door as if a gust of wind blew by, and she couldn't stop it.

After the door was closed, the whole room fell silent, in sharp contrast to the hysteria just now. It seemed that someone had fired a shot suddenly, everyone was frightened and returned to silence.

At this moment, in accordance with the humanized process, I should have an intermission and go to persuade the injured Ms. Huang, but Chu Yu was bent on getting important clues. Looking at Wang Zitao’s walking "information flow package", without Huang Li’s obstruction, maybe The speed of information transmission is better. Chu Yu aimed at the opportunity and asked quickly: "Why do you think Mr. Mu has a character problem? Is it because of Mu Han's matter that he has a prejudice against him?"

Wang Zitao immediately defended and opened the chattering box: "No, mainly because Osamu's mother, which is my wife's sister, is good-looking, has a lovely personality, good cooking skills, and good popularity. In short, everything is good. What a wonderful girl, she was ruined in Mu Shangqing's hands!"

This was the first time that Chu Yu heard of Xia Yihan's mother. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his eyes were full of curiosity, encouraging Wang Zitao to continue.

"A Nan was originally sunny and optimistic. As a result, after marrying Mu Shangqing, her personality became more and more gloomy. Every time we went back to her family's house, we asked her what was wrong. Shang Qing always shirks with work. How busy can he be at work, can he be too busy to eat or drink, and not meet his wife?"

Chu Yu coughed lightly. As the director of the Superman Division, she wanted to tell Mr. Wang Wang through her own experience-not only was she too busy to eat or drink, but she was also busy fainting.

"After getting married, Anan’s body is not as good as each day. Ali’s marriage is happily and happily. Anan gets married, but she feels like taking part in "Deformation Plan" and going to the countryside to labor camp. She seems to be tortured both mentally and physically. , I even suspect that she experienced domestic violence."

"Are there scars on her body?"

"No, it should be said that there are no obvious injuries, but I feel that I have internal injuries, but her mental illness is more serious. Later, she feels trance and depression. A Li suggested that she see a doctor. Mu Shangqing seemed to take her to see too. However, it was of no use. In the end, she committed suicide. She drank a cup of pesticide and did not do much. After drinking, she could still move around, but eventually died of neurological damage and poisoning."

Chu Yu heard that there was something in his words and carefully guided him: "That is to say, if the rescue is timely, she can still be rescued?"

"Yes," Wang Zitao looked at the closed bedroom door, and did not consciously lower his voice, "Mu Shangqing was at home that day, which is equivalent to Anan committing suicide in front of him, although he said he did not see Anan drinking. He used pesticides, but his chief inspector felt something was wrong, so he stayed at home for a day, watching Anan slowly die!"

Chu Yu and Song Qingyang looked at each other, feeling five thunders, she adjusted her breathing and asked, "Afterwards, what did Mu Shangqing say?"

"He said that she was huddled in the study and office, and her attention was focused on the computer. Anan had never entered the study, and Xiaohan went home at night, and he went to call Anan, only to find that she had stopped breathing." Wang Zitao frowned. "But it's too ridiculous. Doesn't he go to the bathroom? The couple stayed at home for a day, and there was no communication during the whole process?"

Chu Yu lowered his eyes, and it was not impossible to stay in the study all day long. If she had something on her hands, she could spend a day and night in front of the computer. However, since the police did not arrest Mu Shangqing afterwards, it is clear that he was telling the truth. , Or that no flaws can be found, it is determined that Huang Nan's death is related to him.

But Huang Li is different from Wang Zitao. They have a close relationship with Huang Nan. They know the comparison between her before and after her marriage, so it is difficult to make judgments based on the facts at the death scene. Link him to Huang Nan's death.

But what the truth is, it is not clear now.

"Where is Mu Han, how did she react?"

Wang Zitao curled his lips, "She is very calm, just like her dad, the child is kissed by his dad. This is one of the reasons why I don’t like her. It feels like she and her dad joined forces to kill Anan. !"

Chu Yu looked at Wang Zitao, his heart sinking, but he also had counts-Mu Shangqing disappeared first, followed by Mu Han. Perhaps in the eyes of Huang Li and Wang Zitao, this is also a kind of retribution, just like It is justified by murder to pay for life.

Pack Xia Yihan's things, Chu Yu bid farewell to Wang Zitao, Wang Zishan also came out to see off the guests, Chu Yu smiled and waved her goodbye, and when he closed the door, he said sadly in his heart.

When I came, I was up and down, and when I left, I was miserable.

Knowing that the more Xia Yihan's past has, the more she wants to find her.

After exiting the building unit door, Song Qingyang looked up at the balcony window on the third floor, and muttered softly: "I have seen pictures of Senior Mu. He looks very quiet, and I can't see that it is a person who is capable of domestic violence. "

"He doesn't have domestic violence." Chu Yu clutched his non-woven pockets, filled with Xia children's old things. "If Mu Shangqing hit her mother in front of Xiao Han, she would chop him off."

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