The room was dim, and the rising smoke swayed, like two Yangchun noodles, originally straight up, after entering the water, the body softened and became graceful and graceful.

The cigarette floated over, circled Chu Yu, and gradually disappeared. Chu Yu always thought that atheism had penetrated his bones, but at this point, there were fluctuations in his heart, and he became serious in awe.

The room was quiet for a while, and Mrs. Zhou's voice rang coldly: "Use your index finger to hold the left end of the crossbar, and ask for help in accordance with the law."

Chu Yu walked to the left end of the wooden frame and pressed her index finger lightly against the crossbar. Grandma Zhou walked to the other side and placed her finger on the right side. The two of them exerted force at the same time, and the crossbar was in a state of balance and remained motionless.

Grandma Zhou closed her eyes and kept her original movement unchanged. Chu Yu also didn't move, her body was tight, and she felt the fingertips holding the wooden frame trembling.

She swallowed, feeling that the weight of her words was too heavy, and it was difficult to open her mouth: "Yihan, you drowned, right?"

The words faltered in the dim room, like the smoke trail, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

Slowly, the horizontal wood moved, and the hanging cone moved on the wooden plate, and the hanging cone slashed on the wooden plate, gradually showing traces of fonts on the soot.

Chu Yu held his breath and saw that the thick gray soil was divided, gradually forming a "V" outline.

This was a positive answer, and Chu Yu felt excited. She just put her hand on the crossbar and didn't deliberately drive it to move. She felt that the crossbar was looking for her own direction and borrowed her strength.

Chu Yu looked at Granny Zhou on the opposite side, and saw her eyes closed and her expression calm. After the hanging cone stopped moving, she did not open her eyes, as if she had entered a state of sleepwalking.

Chu Yu couldn't help making a fist with his left hand. According to the original plan, he continued to ask questions: "That day, you didn't go swimming, did you?"

The hanging cone moved again, this time it was a "V" again.

"Did something happen that day?"


Chu Yu's breathing became heavy. In the quiet room, her gasping voice was clearly audible: "Do you want me to find out?"

This time, the hanging cone hadn't moved for a long time, as if being frozen, Chu Yu waited for a while, before seeing it move, he asked again.

The hanging cone moved again, but this time drawing circles round by round, like entering a dead end, spinning around in place.

Before the start, Mrs. Zhou gave a brief explanation and three points to note. First, you cannot talk to her during the questioning period, that is, you cannot call her name; second, try to use simple questions, such as asking the other party to answer "yes". Or "No"; the third point is that if the hanging cone is spinning around, you have to change the question, or stop asking questions, and the questioning ends.

Chu Yu was silent for a while, and when he raised his eyes again, his expression was a bit solemn, "Do you want me to get married?"

The hanging cone started again, first drew a "V", and soon, hit an "X".

Looking at the pair of "antonyms", Chu became more puzzled, "You both hope and don't want it, right?"

The hanging cone rotates in its original position and draws a circle again.

Chu Yu frowned and was quite puzzled: "If I get married, will you be happy?"

The hanging cone began to go crazy and moved a lot, but did not give a reply. Instead, it drew a big circle to mess up the entire plate of soot.

Hengmu began to shake violently, a little out of control, Chu Yu felt his fingertips numb, but he dared not let go, and the questioning spirit was not over yet.

Suddenly, Grandma Zhou opened her eyes, and the Xuan Cone stopped suddenly. She lowered her eyes and looked at the chaotic situation without any reaction. After returning Hengmu to its original position, she raised her eyes to look at Chu Yu, without saying a word.

She took out a piece of black cloth, put it on the wooden plate, covered it, and then facing the incense burner, she said together: "Please end the spirit, and the deceased will rest in peace."

Chu Yu looked at her back. Although Grandma Zhou was over sixty years old, her body was straight and her shoulders were flat. If she wears a dark wig, she might be able to cospy young adults, especially her eyes are more energetic and sharper than those of young people. Comparable to X-rays, skin cramps and bone marrow can be seen through.

"Why is this so?"

Grandma Zhou opened the curtains. It was already dark. The light in the countryside was sparse. There were few bright impurities in the eyes, and the black was pure and clear.

"You should have asked a difficult question."

Chu Yu thought for a while, but didn't think it was, "No, I just used selective questions. She only needs to give an answer, yes or no."

Grandma Zhou turned around and pushed the wooden frame to the wall, her movements were not hurried and slow, just like an old grandmother pushing a baby for a walk.

"Sometimes it is not the form of the problem, but the problem itself. We cannot embarrass the deceased."

Chu Yu's complexion fell dignified, his eyes out of focus, and he felt a little lost. "I don't quite understand. If I don't understand this question, I can't make a decision myself."

"But the deceased has already given a reply. No reply is a kind of reply, and we have to accept it."

Chu Yu sat on the pony, her tall body suddenly became short, and her whole body looked weak and helpless. She raised her head, her eyes filled with confusion, "Mr. Zhou, do you think I should get married?"

Grandma Zhou stood by the window, opened the window, and the cold air entered the room, dispersing a lot of the "hypnotic" smoke.

"You shouldn't ask me this question. I am only responsible for inviting spirits, not answering questions that the spirit body has not clearly answered."

In layman's terms, it is only responsible for sales, excluding after-sales service, five-star praise or one-star bad review, whatever you want, it has no effect on me.

Chu Yu drooped his head, like a cat that didn't grab the dried fish, aggrieved and confused.

Mrs. Zhou has always maintained a deserted attitude. She does not laugh or speak actively. Everything is done in order. Every time she speaks, she is memorizing the rules and strictly observing the rules. The whole person appears mysterious and authoritative. At the moment, after the official business is finished, she faces the window and breathes. The field told Chu Yu: Hurry and leave.

Chu Yu stood up wittily, hesitated a few times, and still spoke: "I have another request. Ever since I moved into my fiance's house, I feel that the deceased always appears in my bedroom and enters my dreams. I have been awakened in the middle of the night for several days. Can you accompany me home tonight, stay in the bedroom for the whole night, and beg it to leave?"

Grandma Zhou turned around and turned to Chu Yu. Her nose was high and the tip of her nose was fusiform. When viewed from the side, she felt a little serious and capable, with a sense of indifference that turned away thousands of miles away.

Chu Yu controlled her expression well, her eyes were full of pleading, as if she would die tonight because of being entangled in fools, this is a matter of life and death.

After a long time, there were a few more stars in the sky, and faint starlight was sprinkled in the night sky.

"Okay, let's go," Grandma Zhou picked up her jacket and put it on her shoulders, "but I explained in advance that I am only responsible for spreading the word, and it depends on the wishes of the deceased to leave."

Chu Yu nodded vigorously, saying that as long as her old man is willing to move, everything is easy to say.

Regarding the stay of Mrs. Zhou, Li Rufei said he was pleased to hear about it. Mrs. Zhou is a well-known house, and can be called the originator of the whole village. She often stocks up enough vegetables and eggs in the refrigerator, and then stays closed for a week or two without going out. The door is like a fairy.

Because her handicrafts are popular throughout the village, coupled with Wenling’s unique secret skills, it can be said that she is loved by the villagers. Many people invite her to be a guest at home, saying that they will put her on a banquet and take her to travel for free, but the gate of Mrs. Zhou was closed. Zhuge Liang was even more arrogant than the three-guer who just came out of the house. He refused to show up and only chatted with acquaintances or children.

People in the village said that if one day meets Mrs. Zhou on the street, you can buy a string of firecrackers to celebrate. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to witness such a rare event that is comparable to the comet's return.

This time, Grandma Zhou came to Li Rufei's "Humble House" and had to stay overnight. This was a big event for Li Rufei, enough for Li Rufei to talk about it for a few years!

When he got home, Li Rufei rushed to the bedroom, turned on the electric blanket, added a quilt on the bed, and burned incense, so he had to arrange a violinist to play a lullaby by the bed.

Chu Yu actually negotiated with Li Rufei in advance, and regarded the bedroom on the west side as her sleeping place these days. Li Rufei’s son Fang Yadong rarely came back. He didn’t know that he liked to mention his "fiancee" and his wife. Arranged out temporarily.

Chu Yu could feel Li Rufei’s enthusiasm for herself. It was like her mother-in-law’s satisfaction with her daughter-in-law. She knew that Fang Yadong was also single and unmarried. He is now over 30 and is an older leftover man. It is estimated that Li Rufei is really interesting to her. Thinking of doing a fake show, ask for a daughter-in-law for his son.

After washing and entering the bedroom, Chu Yu saw that Mrs. Zhou was already sleeping on the bed, with her back facing her, and the bedside lamp was still on.

Chu Yu took the opportunity to turn on the headset, tapped it with his index finger in his ear, and soon got Fang Datuo's reply: "Chu, we have entered the target room and are checking the thermal image, magnetic field, and air composition."

Chu Yu didn't say a word, and tapped his ear again.

She was wearing her pajamas, lifted a corner of the quilt, and went to bed. Because of her movements, the whole body of the bed vibrated a little. Grandma Zhou lay motionless on her side. It seemed that she had already gone to see Gong Zhou.

Chu Yu looked at her for a moment, reached out and turned off the light, and the whole room plunged into darkness.

Unlike the upstairs and downstairs in the city, the walls on the left and the right are all neighbors. The east side does not sound and the west side does not sound. When there is no quietness, rural houses are single-seater households. After a family sleeps, they will be as quiet as possible. The whole world was adjusted to hibernation mode.

Surrounded by the airtight silence, Chu Yu could only hear her own breathing. She squeezed the quilt tightly, feeling strange. Was Grandma Zhou not breathing even when she slept? What is this unique skill?

Chu Yu tried to call Granny Zhou and talk to her, but Granny Zhou kept a posture, without any physical ups and downs, did not reply, and seemed to refuse to talk awkwardly.

Chu Yu turned over and lay flat. With her eyes open, she tried to distinguish the outline of the chandelier on the ceiling in the dark, and counted the number of star pendants on it.

In this way, she counted hundreds of times, and Mrs. Zhou remained silent. It seemed that the one sleeping beside her was not a human body, but a wax figure.

At two o'clock in the morning, Chu Yu's eyes were sleepy, and his upper and lower eyelids rushed towards each other frantically, but his brain was still stubbornly on duty, guarding the response of Mrs. Zhou, and waiting for news from Fang Datuo.

In Wan Lai's silence, she couldn't help but yawned, dragging her so long, trying to empty every cell of her sleepiness.

But this yawn didn't end well. Just about halfway through, Mrs. Zhou suddenly said something, which shocked Chu Yu almost to cramp his tonsils.

"It came to me just now, let me tell you what it knows."

Chu Yu opened his eyes wide and held his breath. At that moment, he felt that the blood circulation had stopped, waiting for the "report" of Grandma Zhou.

Chu Yu turned her head, her slender hair snaked along the pillow and fell to the side of the pillow. She looked to her side and saw Grandma Zhou also turned around, her eyes reflecting the light in the dark night," it said: The son of the owner of the house has a photo in the innermost layer of his wallet. It is his roommate in high school. That photo has been there for twelve years."

The amount of information was a bit large, and Chu Yu felt that the speed of the brain couldn't keep up. After half a second, she came back to her senses, pulled the quilt up with her hand, and covered her head to avoid losing control of her expression.

I'm so sorry, Aunt Li, you accidentally exploded your son's sexual orientation!

She was buried in the quilt, hiding her reaction, and did not reply for a long time.

Grandma Zhou didn't say anything, she turned her body around, and continued to fall asleep, quite calmly.

My mind was agitated, and there was no drowsiness, but the yawn just now hadn't been finished, I guess I was unwilling, so I went back to the house at this moment, and wanted to get it all out. Chu Yu opened his mouth wide, and he was shocked again before the air flow came out this time.

Fang Datuo’s voice came from the headset, and it sounded like Erha was calling the door: "Chu, there is no problem with magnetic fields, infrared radiation, etc., and no traces of drugs have been detected in the room, but we have done all the knives in the room. Benzidine test, one of the fruit knives, the test result was turquoise blue positive!"

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