In the bedroom, Chu Yu closed the curtains and made a black background by herself. She sat in front of the laptop with her back straight and her hair curled up. She was professional and serious.

For the first time in his life, student Ge was questioned by the police. He was nervous and excited. He heard that he wanted to make a video call. He even sprayed breath freshener for fear that the police officer on the computer might smell it.

In fact, the Wangjiang police can be responsible for the inquiry, and then forward the transcripts to Chu Yu to let her know about the situation. However, Chu Yu is more authentic and wants to do it herself. She chose the video because she wanted to capture the witness’s face and body in addition to the testimony. Language and other details, make sure that he is not lying or describing it through imagination.

At the beginning of the inquiry, Chu Yu recorded automatically here.

The witness's voice is transmitted to the Muyu computer to form a voice ripple, which automatically recognizes the subtle differences in the voice, thereby distinguishing whether the speaker is lying.

Now every step closer is extremely critical. Chu Yu must ensure that the information he gets is genuine, which determines the success or failure of the next step.

Ge Xiaolu's face appeared in the video frame, occupying a full screen. When he saw Chu Yu, he scratched his head, and there was always a feeling that the defendant and the defense lawyer were of a unified caliber.

"Hello, Mr. Ge, you are in the second class of Suxun Elementary School, and you are in the same class as Mu Han for six years, right?"


"Are you familiar with Mu Han?"

"Unfamiliar," Ge Xiaolu sat on a bench with a hunched back and his head slightly stretched forward. "She and the classmates are not familiar...I mean, she is not very gregarious."

"Then you are in elementary school, do you have a good classmate?"

"Yes, there were a lot of them back then, but now there is still contact, only one."

"Do you have any impression of Xia Yihan?"

"Yes, she is one level lower than us, and she is more prominent in the aspect of student cadres. There were several flag-raising ceremonies and she even went up to give a speech. I remembered this name."

Chu Yu nodded. Although his heart was raging, he could not wait to treat classmate Ge as toothpaste, dragging the bottom to squeeze out what he knew, but the surface was still not hurried, and the problem was pushed forward step by step.

"Then you know Xia Yihan, do you have a good classmate?"

Ge Xiaolu was stunned, and scratched her sideburns. "There must be. Generally, people who are keen on student work have more contacts and more friends."

"Is Mu Han a good friend of Xia Yihan?"

Ge Xiaolu was stuck for a while, and the sound ripples on the display began to intermittently.

"Um... not a good friend... but also... with Mu Han's character, I thought she would not have friends, but she and Xia Yihan are in a very good relationship..."

Chu Yu's brows sank slightly, staring at the face on the screen, "Xia Yihan came to class to find Mu Han?"

"Uh..." Ge Xiaolu waved his hand, "No, their's quite hidden, and no one else knows it. I also found it by accident."

Chu Yu raised his chin, looking very interested, "What kind of concealment method?"

"Because they are not in the same class, Xia Yihan is one level lower than ours. Usually, I can't see anyone. But occasionally I will encounter them when going up and down the stairs. They don't work together. Anyway, I didn't see Xia Yihan come to class and said he wanted to. Look for Mu Han. I accidentally ran into them two or three times at night."

"At night?" Chu Yu laughed, "Are there any evening study at night?"

Could it be that Su Xun is so cruel and opened up a precedent for evening self-study in Wangjiang Primary School?

"Oh, no, because I'm a class member. There are several Golden Autumn Art Festivals, plus class cleaning, I always stay until the end. It's not too late at that time. It's about six or seven o'clock. I have a habit. If you leave school late in the afternoon, you will go to the canteen next to the kitchen, buy some bread, and eat while walking in the corridor behind the school building.

The promenade is pretty, covered with creepers and a variety of flowers, what's the name...Oh, Bougainvillea, looking down from upstairs, it looks very beautiful. I have met Xia Yihan and Mu Han twice, once when they walked down the corridor together, and once when I saw them inside, I didn't go in. "

Ge Xiaolu paused, and continued: "I didn't stay many times throughout the fifth and sixth grades, but I've met twice, so I guess, Xia Yihan and Mu Han, the two should meet frequently, just after school. "

Chu Yu nodded, Xiao Huaihua can use Xia Yihan as her name, and Xia Yihan's death as her birthday, which shows that the relationship between the two is not shallow. She is still thinking about the introverted Mu Han and the outgoing Xia Yihan. There are different things, and there is no intersection. How did you get it together?

The original story is here.

"When I first met, I saw Mu Han and Xia Yihan walking one after another, carrying schoolbags, and walking down the corridor. After I saw them, I didn’t follow them. They turned to the front of the teaching building and took another path. When I met them for the second time, I was outside the promenade, across the gap of the creeper vines, and saw them sitting on the stone benches. They turned their backs to the teaching building, so I didn't see me.

I noticed that Xia Yihan leaned to the side and lay down on Mu Han. Mu Han was motionless at first, then stretched out his hand and hugged her. The two of them were close together. It was quiet at the time. I heard it. With the sound of whispering, Xia Yihan was crying, but Mu Han didn't say anything, just quietly let her lean on. "

Chu Yu's expression changed from being gentle in business to indulging in concerns. She had further thoughts about the relationship between the two.

"Well, I listen to your description, I feel that they are indeed better friends."

Ge Xiaolu nodded: "Indeed, no one would cry with someone they don't know."

"Why did you say before that you think their relationship is not normal?"

"Uh... this," Classmate Ge scratched his head again, kind of honest and embarrassed, "Because most good friends are just playing together, playing around and laughing, there is nothing taboo, but Xia Yihan With Mu Han, meeting the two people is a see, they are all after school, and only meet in a hidden place when there is no one in the school, it feels a bit surreptitious?"

"Then if the two people only have time to meet at that time, or they have seen each other at other times, but you don't know, do you think it is possible?"

Ge Xiaolu froze for a few seconds before reluctantly affirming Chu Yu's thoughts: "It's possible, but Mu Han has always been alone and doesn't talk to people very much. It's quite mysterious. How did she and Xia Yihan become friends? curious…"

Chu Yu laughed, "Have you ever thought about asking her?"

Ge Xiaolu blushed a little, "I thought about it, but she is too cold, I think she will not say if I ask."

"Then do you know that Xia Yihan drowned and died?"

The question turned abruptly, and Ge Xiaolu's face froze, "Yes, the whole school knows that it's a big noise, and the police have come and asked us about her situation."

"The time you saw Xia Yihan holding Mu Han crying, how long has it been since Xia Yihan died?"

Ge Xiaolu's eyes began to turn upwards, "It's been a long time...about a year, I'm not sure, it may be a little longer."

"So when the police were collecting information, did you mention this?"

Ge Xiaolu's eyes never came down, and he tried to recall the history of elementary school, "It doesn't seem to be... I didn't think the two things were related at the time, and even if there was something, Mu Han would say it himself."

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes, reflecting a sharp light, "What do you think is the relationship between Xia Yihan and Mu Han?"

Ge Xiaolu's eyes were down, but his face flushed again, and when Chu Yu asked him, he felt ashamed.

"I'm not easy to define. In fact, I thought they were very close friends at the time, but now I may be more open-minded... In retrospect, I think they might like each other."

"You mean open-mindedness..."

Ge Xiaolu touched his nose, and boldly admitted: "I watch Lily anime a lot. Generally, the CP is not just a cute loli, but Bingshan Yujie, Xia Yihan and Mu Han, this attribute is quite good..."

Chu Yu: I don't understand the world of corrupt men.

"Xia Yihan is in a different class from you. You may be unfamiliar, so what do you think of Mu Han?"

"She..." Ge Xiaolu thought for a while, "It's just very cold, beautiful, but cold. In terms of her cuteness, she is Bingshan Yujie, but I don't think she is bad."


"I actually discovered a secret. She used a small card to record her daily habits, just like the kind of post-it notes, card after card," Ge Xiaolu gesticulated, "One time, we went out for a spring trip, and everyone had fun. Very happy, Mu Han has always been the same, I can't tell whether she is tall or unhappy.

After returning, the teacher said that everyone can write down their feelings about the spring outing in one or two sentences, and write them in the class memorial book together. When they graduate, it is a kind of commemoration and memory.

I was a member of the arts committee, and I was responsible for sorting out the feelings and words at the time. I counted them. There were a few students in the class who didn’t hand them in. I didn’t need to clear them. I knew that Mu Han was one of them. She never participated in this. Things are outside the collective.

But once I took manual homework, and happened to ran into her to go to the bathroom. Her homework was on the table. When I picked it up in the past, I picked up the textbooks together. I found out when I got to the teacher’s office, so I took it to her. When I went back, in the corridor, a card fell out of the textbook, and it read a sentence: Spring outing with the class, I was a little happy. "

Speaking of these old events, Ge Xiaolu couldn't help smiling, "But at that time, it was already summer. When I saw the card, I was a little surprised, so I paid special attention to it. The handwriting on the card did not look old. It’s a bit like I just wrote it and I haven’t had time to put it away. So after this incident, I feel that Mu Han is not without feelings. She may be too slow to react. We can feel the emotions immediately. It will take a long, long time for her. Feel it."

After listening to it, Chu Yu recalled what Mu Shangqing had confessed when he handed Xia Yihan to Huang Li and Wang Zitao to take care of her-she was not without feelings, she just reacted slowly, or sometimes didn't show it, I hope you will tolerate it.

A warm current passed by in his heart, and Chu Yu's cure of Xia Yihan's illness added a bit of certainty. If the anti-social disorder is like an iron box, the lid is tightly closed, isolated from the mainstream values ​​and feelings of the outside world, and no feelings are felt. And shame, that Xia Yihan is an iron box with an unwelded lid. If she knocks on the door persistently, the door might open.

Thanks to Ge Xiaolu, Chu Yu contacted Fang Datuo again. In addition to Ge Xiaolu, investigators from Wangjiang City contacted the parents, classmates, and teachers of the deceased Xia Yihan, and compiled the collected information into a complete data.

Chu Yu flipped through the information, with the unique sensitivity of a psychological counselor, sketched out the true character and experience of the deceased in his mind, trying to restore the scene at the time.

At three in the morning, Chu Yu closed the PDF file. She wiped her face and got up. After confirming that Xia Yihan was asleep, she rolled up her sleeves and opened the door to let Fang Datuo, Muyu, and Song Qingyang come in. The four joined hands. , Began to prepare for a vast project.

The next day, November 1, is also Halloween.

Xia Yihan opened the bedroom door and was stunned. From the stairs on the second floor to the living room on the first floor, purple and yellow matched each other. The interior was full of lavender, and the stairwell was covered with purple carpets. Every second floor, there were delicate pumpkins. , The interior is hollowed out, and there are incense lamps.

Below the stairs, Chu Yu was wearing a white lace long-sleeved dress. The hair on the left and right sides was twisted and braided into a triangular braid, wrapped in a half circle. His long hair was sleek and elegant.

Holding a princess crown made of lavender in her hand, she raised her head and smiled like a flower: "Happy birthday, Akan, today, you are my princess!"

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