Hearing the answer, Chu Yu was really surprised. Judging from Chu moving description, he is very fond of Mu Shangqing. In addition, Mu Shangqing has a mental illness. He will provide regular psychological consultation and pay special attention to him. . The clerk who got along with them day and night should be able to tell, but now Wang Dechuan said: No, they are just ordinary subordinates.

Are they developing an "underground romance"?

Restraining his doubts, Chu Yu continued to dig up the material: "Well, I thought that the analysis department was only the chief of Mu, and he would often conduct psychological analysis in the later period, and would often meet with Da Chu. How does the chief of Namu work normally? Well, do you work hard?"

Wang Dechuan recalled it for a moment, and his mind was like a video playback, showing the previous details. I have been an assistant to Chu Dongren for eight years. Not only has I been filled with a lot of professional terminology, but my memory is also excellent. My mind is like computer D, E, F disks. I have to stuff all the big and small things into it. Can be transferred at any time.

"Chief Mu usually talks very little, has a reserved personality, and is easy to be shy, but at work, when discussing the case, he can still talk about the details. When it comes to working methods, he is not simply immersed in hard work. , And there will be exchanges with the technical and research departments, but his work has too much technical content. It is like a mountain that is separated from each other. It is not an expert who cannot understand or help him. Therefore, he will organize a lot of data by himself and report it to the university after completion. Department Chu may later gather people from various departments to discuss together. So the way of working is when he is alone, there are times when he and Da Chu or two other section chiefs, and there are also collective discussions."

"Yeah," Chu Yu nodded, "Chief Mu's job is indeed difficult, and there is a lot of pressure, and pressure will follow. I heard that when there are frequent murders around Da Chu, he is also the most stressed. Is that the case when it was time?"

Wang Dechuan nodded. When he mentioned the murder case, his face became more wrinkled. He was also considered half of the "participant" in the murder case at that time. He almost had traumatic stress disorder. When he mentioned it, he felt crippled. Root, firm atheism, but the experience is too mysterious, people have to try "folk remedies"-back then, he pulled Chu moving, went to the temple to ask for Taoism, and also studied the "supernormal people" The plaque of "Investigation" was opened.

Fortunately, this method still worked. After the consecration, the evil thing did not reappear, but Mu Shangqing also disappeared.

"Yes, in the past two years, the whole place was panicked. Every time before going out, they had to build a mentality to bless the murder case. In the end, they would have to encounter it afterwards, and they could only believe in its evil. But. When we ran into it, we were helpless and were not within the scope of our investigation.

However, Section Chief Mu is very persistent about this matter. He often ran to the Public Security Bureau. He also helped with criminals' psychological profiling, and sometimes brought the materials back to the department for research.

He has to be busy with his job during the day, and homicides are often piled up at night. During that time, it is commonplace to work overtime. He hopes that one day, the murderer can be caught. Seeing that he was so busy, we tried to help, but we still found out that the case could not be dealt with and the murderer was too well hidden. "

The last sentence is a bit under-sounding, not like being angry at the murderer’s cunning, or ashamed of his own incompetence, but a bit of a guilty temptation — Wang Dechuan watched the changes in Chu Yu’s expression, he always felt , Chu Yu called him this time because the murderer was hiding among them.

However, Chu Yu still had a calm face, not giving the other party any opportunity to spy on intelligence through facial muscle exercises.

"In this way, the pressure on Section Chief Mu has doubled. Not only has there been research and investigation, but also the progress made by the Public Security Bureau." Chu Yu began to attack sideways. Wouldn't it be the same as us, with a lot of hair loss, frequent insomnia, and a irritable temper?"

Wang Dechuan nodded, and after a while, he waved his hand again, "Hair loss and insomnia are real. Section Chief Gu also joked that his hair would fall so much and that he would not need to turn on his headlights when he stayed up late at night. The bald head has its own reflective effect. However, Mr. Mu's head is also enviable, clever and inexhaustible, just like his hair has fallen out for two years, and it is still so lush.

Insomnia, it should be called active sleep deprivation. He can't sleep at all when he is busy. He will solve it on the spot. He takes a nap on the sofa, wakes up and continues to work. I have come early in the morning several times and touch Until he is on the sofa, so know.

As for the bad temper, this is not true. Chief Mu has a good temper. Respecting his superiors and caring for his colleagues is his true portrayal. Although he is not very close to anyone, everyone likes him so much. His name is "Superman Superman" and he wants to give him an award. "

Chu Yu had seen Mu Shangqing's photos and knew his face value. She pursed her lips, admired it for a second, and continued to ask: "When Chief Namu came to the office, how was his body? "

At the time of the entry medical examination, there was a problem with his examination. After living on the third floor for three months, it is impossible for Wang Dechuan not to know.

"Not so good," Wang Dechuan shook his head. "At that time, Da Chu felt that his ability to withstand stress was not strong enough, and that his body was thin, and he would be unable to resist even after the intensity of his work became stronger, so he helped him for two to three months. At the same time, he builds his mentality, and at the same time allows him to strengthen his body and fight for a lap. At that time, he was on the third floor and Section Chief Mu was not idle. He was studying psychology on his own, determined to become the right arm of Da Chu in the future."

Chu Yu suddenly realized that he nodded his head. It turned out that Chu Touching was right, and he claimed so. It seems that besides him, no one in his real name knows Mu Shangqing's mania, and no one knows his sad past.

"There happened to be a party on the night when Chief Namu disappeared? Can you describe the scene that day?"

"That night...Oh... At that time, there were frequent murders by Da Chu's side, wherever he went, where did the people die, and later he felt that he was too depressed, so he simply kept behind closed doors, nestled in the investigation office, and tried to seal it. Declined. At that time, this trick worked. I haven’t had an accident for more than five months. The atmosphere in the office has been a little bit happy. So the Da Chu place is hot, please go out and have a good meal. That night, Chief Mu didn’t. We didn’t care about it. We thought he was at home with his family, but not long after the party was over, Da Chu called me and asked me to help locate Chief Mu’s cell phone... the place where it was located is the case. Found."

Chu Yu: "How was Chief Mu's mood on the day of the accident?"

"I don't know, I don't remember meeting him that day."

"Then why didn't he go to dinner?"

Wang Dechuan frowned and looked at his toes again. Chu Yu could see that he actually knew that he was just organizing the words.

"He was not at the office in the afternoon and went home, so he directly asked Da Chu office for leave, saying that he was unwell."

Hearing something in his words, Chu Yu poached in his simple words: "But do you think he might have something else?"

Wang Dechuan moved, and suddenly felt a sense of interrogation, and his **** was fidgeting. The next thing he wanted to say, he didn't say to the police at the time, because the police didn't ask.

But this time, Chu Yu keenly sensed that it was wrong, and asked him along the way, eliciting his underlying meaning.

"Actually, I'm not surprised that he didn't come that day, because I felt that Chief Mu was hiding from Chief Chu during that time."

Chu Yu felt that her shoulders were about to collapse, and she sat up straight, maintaining a serious questioning state.

"Hiding? When did you find out?"

Wang Dechuan started rubbing his hands again, although others had already started to sweat, it was so hot that rubbing could ignite spontaneously.

"About a month or two? I can't remember the exact time. During the period before the accident, Chief Mu asked for three vacations. Each time it was not short, maybe two or three days. This is very abnormal, because he was out of work. Well-known due diligence, we even asked him the question: If his wife and work fell into the water at the same time, which one would he save first? He refused to answer because he was either by his wife's side or by his work side. Can't help it, let them fall into the water at the same time?

Therefore, in more than a month, I took three consecutive leave. It is natural for ordinary people, but for Chief Mu, it is a rare spectacle that he scored 59.9 points in the final exam. "

Chu Yu couldn't help but smile. Mu Shangqing, a rigorous workaholic, really resembles her. I didn't expect that in this world, there are still like her who can say "I love work, work" with a clear conscience in the circle of friends. Make me happy".

"Actually, he asked for leave many times, maybe something happened at home, it is not convenient for us to ask, but during that more than a month, whenever he had paper materials, he asked me to pass it on. In the past, he would directly hand it over to Da Chu Yes, so these two phenomena are combined. My intuitive feeling is that he doesn't want to see Da Chu very much."

Just a moment of joy and relaxed heart, he raised it again, Chu Yu remained alert and continued to dig: "Then you are aware of the reason, what is the reason?"

"I guess...Of course I'm just guessing," Wang Dechuan stretched out his hand, pressed his palm down, and emphasized, "Maybe he thought that Chu was too bad at that time... In fact, not only him, but all of us, A little sluggish, it feels like offending God, being chased and blocked for trouble."

Chu Yu smiled bitterly, "But the decline, it shouldn't be the reason why Chief Mu has avoided seeing it. After all, Da Chu has been in decline for two years. During the period of his retreat, didn't he have no murders?"

Wang Dechuan sighed, was silent for a moment, and said, "It may be because there was an accident in Wangjiang City before that. It looked like an accident and suicide, but the parents and teachers said that the child could not commit suicide. "

In Chu Yu's mind, like a flash of lightning, the name of the deceased popped up: Xia Yihan, nicknamed Xiaomei.

This case is again an old case. Chu Yu asked Wang Tong, the head teacher of the deceased, and her parents. He had a better understanding of the situation at the time.

"But this case did not happen to Da Chu's side, and it doesn't look like a murder."

Therefore, in the end, the case was dealt with as an accident, and it was not included in the unsettled case series.

"Yes," Wang Dechuan nodded, "but the deceased at the time was in Su Xun Primary School, and the daughter of Section Chief Mu was in the same primary school, and although it was finally classified as an accident, there are still many strange things and doubts. The explanation is not clear, and there are similarities with the previous series of murders-for example, they all look like suicide, but the deceased itself cannot commit suicide.

So I feel that Chief Mu may be scared because of this, because the deceased reminded him of his daughter, and he was worried that she would encounter an accident one day, so he was a little bit psychologically repulsive to the decayed place. Avoid seeing. "

Hearing this inference, Chu Yu couldn't help squinting his eyes. It stands to reason that this kind of student accident case must be handled by the Public Security Bureau alone, and it will not be able to disturb Superman. Wang Dechuan understands it in such detail and also knows Mu Shangqing's daughter. , Attending the same school as the deceased, seems to have done enough homework after class.

"Uncle Wang, after the disappearance of Chief Mu, you have paid special attention to his family situation, right?"

Wang Dechuan looked directly at her, his eyeballs were a bit cloudy because of the eyelid fissures on the conjunctiva, but the projected eyes were exceptionally clear. He exhaled a long breath, as if he had dug out a fishbone stuck in his throat for many years. , There is a kind of relief, and the pain is caused by the piercing too deep.

"Yes, I found out that after the accident at Su Xun Elementary School, Section Chief Mu moved his daughter to her aunt's house. From that time on, he began to avoid Da Chu."

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