4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 124: On-site command

"All the troops noticed that in the past, those alien creatures have launched a devastating blow against us. We must not sit here and wait for it. We must fight back all the way! All the troops, please follow the following orders!"

These instructions, along with an aircraft called the 'messenger', spread all the troops in the surrounding area.

The commanders who received the orders also began to direct their troops quickly and acted in accordance with the orders of the generals.

The general, who commanded the troops in the nearest place to the front.

"After smashing large cities into flats, they have had no movements, generals."

Above the building, the commander and the general are looking into the distant area with a telescope.

Although the field of vision is full of smoke, but still able to barely see the city of black metal in the distance, those huge squares are still motionless.

"Yes, this is our chance..." The general said: "They should have consumed too much energy, so now it is in the process of recovery."

"Is this certain? General?" the commander at the side asked with some doubts.

"Yes." The general said: "So they interrupted our communication, so that we could not make a counterattack in time... I thought we could not fight back when they were most vulnerable..."

"And according to the previous missile attack test, we have come to the conclusion that they will only intercept the missile at a certain position, and will only intercept objects of a certain speed. We just need to cross them to approach them."

"Now... time is up." The general looked at the scenery outside: "All the troops attack!"


After the general’s command voice fell, all the imaginary people in the base began to act. They entered the chariot, the aircraft, and carried all the weapons of war at the fastest speed.

This force drove to the Black Metal City as quickly as possible.

The general, who was sitting in a chariot as the chief commander of the entire unit, quickly left the urban area and entered the destruction zone...

"This is terrible." The commander sitting with the general looked at the scenery outside through the image. The scenery outside was like a huge plain with numerous potholes, and there was no trace of the original city.

The commander looked at the scenery and said: "If I hadn't seen it burnt to ash before, I suspect that I came to a wasteland near a volcano."

"These alien monsters have to pay for it." The general said: "Before they bomb another place, we must completely destroy them! Speed ​​up, they may have already added energy!"


On the wasteland, the whole army speeded up the operation, but at this moment, the report sounded in the car: "General! Found the enemy! The enemy is attacking us!"

"The enemy?" The general heard the words immediately opened the chariot cover, and squatted in the car with a far-sighted mirror to look into the distance.

In the case of blocked information, the general can only use direct vision to observe each other, and it sees that there are countless black shadows on the plains that are burning in the distance.

Countless black-horned dragons rushed on the plains at a shocking pace. They were like ancient cavalry, rushing to the side with drowning.

"The monsters that attacked the base last time..."

The general immediately drilled back into the car and shouted at the intercom with communication capabilities: "Stop! Go back all the way, free to fire!"

The group of vehicles that were driving stopped at the same place, and they retreated at the same rapid speed. At the same time, they also aimed the muzzle at the distant black-horned dragon group.

'boom! ’

At the moment of the first bombardment, a large number of black horned dragons were also bombarded into the air by shock waves.

‘Boom...Boom...! ’

The sound of the explosion followed the bombardment of the chariot, and the head of the black-horned dragon fell to the ground during the impact. However, this did not stop the advance of the black-horned dragon. They ran at full speed and rushed to the virtual people. force.

However, the chariots are moving faster than the black horned dragons, and they can't catch up anyway.

'boom! Under the successive shootings of the chariots, a large number of black-horned dragons fell to the ground in the roar, becoming obstacles for the companions behind them.

These blocked horned horns raised their spears or bows in their hands and fired all the weapons at the distant chariot.

‘Hey! 'These sharp objects of several meters swept across the sky at a very fast speed. The seemingly primitive weapons passed directly through the solid outer shell of the chariot. Some of the chariots in front were suddenly covered with spears and arrows. .

Because these chariots are all retreating at a very high speed, there are not many chariots that have been hit. Many of the chariots have been shot, but they have not been hit by key parts, so they can still act.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, the general issued another order: "Air Force, shooting!"

The Air Force, which had been retreating along with the chariots, immediately turned to the army of the black-horned dragon. When the black-horned dragons were preparing for the second round of shooting, countless bombs fell on their heads...

‘Boom—’In the sound of the explosion, these large black figures were turned into smoke one by one.

"General! Those iron monsters that will fly are coming!"

Suddenly, the general heard the voice of the report. I saw countless black shadows in the sky. Countless huge iron bats flashed like the wings of iron pieces, flying over and over to this side.

"These things came too late." The general said calmly on the intercom: "All the cannons are fully fired."

At this moment, the fire of the cannon illuminates the sky.

Countless iron bats fell to the ground under the rain of the barrage, and the common shooting of the chariot and the air force on the ground completely prevented the iron bat from approaching the unit.

"After solving them, circumvent those black monsters and then enter the ‘no-intercept zone’ at full speed.” The general, while watching the outside situation, directed.

"General! Communication is restored!"

At this moment, the general received the report again, and the image device that could only display the surrounding image suddenly popped up a lot of information, which is a sign of communication recovery.

But among the messages, the general heard one of the most important messages: "General! The detector detected something in the ground that is approaching us at a very fast speed!"

"Quickly spread!" The general quickly issued instructions to the troops here.

And the next second when it says the command...

'boom! ’

With the roar of the earth bursting, the chariots that the generals took flew into the sky. R1152

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