4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 213: Nether garbage dump

A warship... two warships... three hundred warships.

It seems that everything is ready.

In the void, countless flying objects are filled with Lin's vision, and large and small warships are piled up in the void.

Although they are numerous in number, they have not been discovered. They have not been discovered by distant people... The virtual warships have found that now Lin’s troops and the imaginary forces are in the transmission zone of the virtual people.

And, ready to attack the black metal...

The general seems to have dispatched its troops according to Lin's message. It is actually really willing to go to the area that has not been explored. It seems that the velvet ball saying that 'you decide not to go' is a threat to them.

In fact, Lin didn't think too much, just wanted to see the general's reaction.

Now, they have already traveled to an unknown place, where the coordinates of the transmission were detected by the detector made by Atlan.

There are a lot of transmission traces here and they lead to different places.

Lynn feels that the nearest place should be found and sent to see.

Now, a pompom is exploring the unknown area with the imaginary people. A new spy is located on a virtual aircraft called the 'captain'. Of course, the imaginary people themselves do not know that there is a pompon to follow them. .

They are now only looking at the sights in front of them... they are dumbfounded.

............ On the other side, the transfer point of black metal.

Ten aircraft were slowly advancing in the void, and the aircraft was named 'Monster Hunter Type 10'. The 1-22 models are almost all used for combat. Only the 10 models are used for exploration. Of course, these warships also have combat functions. But other features are also complete, so it is the biggest of all models.

With a total length of more than 50 meters, the shape is similar to the ‘fighting machine’ commonly used by the virtual people in the atmospheric environment. Ten such aircraft are flying in the void...

"What is here... what happened?"

In the void, there is an environment that makes the captains in the aircraft very surprised.

A large number of floating objects, all over the surrounding environment, are also filled with images of the operating room inside the aircraft. The top, bottom, left, and right of the aircraft are all these things.

But these things are not meteorites. It's more like some strange metal scraps are solidified together. They are only a few meters in diameter and a few hundred meters in size.

All the debris here is surrounded by a huge ball of light in the distance - the cyan stars are slowly floating.

“Don't those alien monsters use this place as a junkyard? It’s so hard to search...”

The pompoms are in a single aircraft and can clearly hear the dialogue of the virtual people here. The captain and the operator are now operating the room, carefully controlling the advancing of the aircraft.

"Captain, the general has just issued an order, let us continue to explore." An operator operated the aircraft to escape the largest group of metal in front, and said to the captain.

"I know, you should be careful not to hit it." The captain stared at the image of the metal ball in front of him: "At the same time, keep in touch with other teams."


Ten aircraft slowly advanced in the empty garbage dump, and the captain stared closely at the surrounding environment, while also staring at the scanning instrument shown below the image.

The virtual people have recently invented a scanner that reacts to the metal of the black metal shells. And now the scanner is flashing with the flash of metal around it, without seeing anything suspicious.

But... this place is very suspicious in itself.

"Captain!" Suddenly, the image on the front yelled. The operator immediately reported: "We found a big anomaly... garbage! About 300 kilometers away!"

"What?" The captain found that there was a huge mass in the image. This thing is different from the others. It is ten kilometers wide, like a small tumbling person.

"Captain! Something strange is also found elsewhere!" Another operator reported that an image was displayed on the image. The thing on the image looks like a huge metal tube, as if it weren't screwed into a ball.

"Go there and see. Tell other captains, let us spread out to explore, the second machine to explore the pipe, the other machine continues to fly, and we go to the big garbage!"

Under the captain's instructions, the aircraft accelerated slightly and flew to the target they found.

In the image, various masses of different sizes swept swiftly. When the virtual people flew there, Lin's spy also acted as an operator and looked at the metal clusters in the surrounding images in the operating room.

The appearance of these metal clusters is quite strange, it seems that it is not formed by the metals commonly used in black metals, and what is even more strange is why they are widely distributed in this place.

Is it because of war? Or is the black metal deliberately piled them up here to block Lin and the virtual people?

But these things will also hinder the light group attacks commonly used in black metals. What are the reasons for the existence of these things...

"Captain, we are here!"

When Lin was observing, the aircraft had reached the target just mentioned.

"This thing is really big, it doesn't matter, how did they come from?"

It seems that the captain is also very strange. In front of the aircraft, there is a huge metal cluster like an island. It looks like countless metal parts and pieces are twisted into a ball by huge pressure, floating slowly. In the void.

"Out of the detector!"

The aircraft threw out a few small remote-controlled machines that flew at high speed on huge metal garbage dumps. Soon, they circled the metal cluster.

"Reporting the captain, the remote control did not find anything."

"I saw it." The captain said: "Only the surface does not seem to see anything, but there are a lot of gaps on it, and there may be something hidden in the depths... It seems necessary to conduct landing exploration."

“Do you have to do this?” one operator asked. “The captain, exploring in this unknown place is very...”

"I know it's dangerous." The captain said: "But if you don't look at it, you won't be able to get detailed information. It's hard to fly into the gaps, and it's difficult for smaller reconnaissance planes to control."

"So, I will go with you to explore." The captain looked to the surrounding operators and said, "You, you, and you and you, ready to log in with me, the rest is responsible for keeping in touch here!"


The ‘‘you’ that the captain just said also includes spies. To be continued


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