4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 233: Alloy heart

"It turns out that this is the whole process..."

Lin is now assembling her own troops using new energy, while listening to the history of the crystal larvae in the ‘record hall’ of the Crystals Capital.

From the beginning of the development, to the present life, they all remembered, before they found these recordable discs, they basically recorded things by generation after generation.

It can be said that the crystal larvae value history very much.

And their history is special... they have no history of war.

Lin has seen the history of many species. They have many different places, but one thing in common is war. They always have wars for various reasons.

Individual creatures usually fight with their own races, while other species fight war with non-similars.

However, crystal larks have never had a record of war. Although they often fight with other creatures, they are only about the same thing as hunting, and they have not risen to the level of war.

It seems that their resource development has never been a conflict.

If it is a imaginary people, a group of imaginary people are sailing to a new continent, where they meet a group of new imaginary people. They must be initially shown, and then they will soon be alerting each other, mutual suspicion, and mutual military strength. Then the war.

This is a situation of similar strength. If it is much worse, it is a weak enslaved party. The history of the imaginary people records countless similar events.

When the crystallizer went to the distant metal group and met other crystallizers, they quickly shared the technology and developed together. It seems that I never thought about it.

Lynn thinks they are a very interesting individual creature. No wonder black metal will like them.

Maybe. Lin also used them to bring some of the crystal larvae out of the place and then useful in many places.

In the era after the discovery of energy, the crystal owls were also the era when they had the most 'glory'.

In this era, the crystal scorpion built many cities in the metal group and created a huge power plant to maintain the city.

But after that, something happened...

Crystals slowly lost contact with the metal groups they often traveled to.

The metal clusters themselves are in close proximity and the crystallizer flies past a vehicle. But then I don't know why, the distance between these metal clusters is getting farther and farther, and the crystals are hard to get to another metal group.

Later, slowly they did not communicate...

However, they are still waiting for possible exchanges and continue to live here until now.

This is their approximate history, but there are still many things in it.

Lin only saw that they have a legend about the core. Crystals has been studying the core things all the time, not knowing when to start. There are a lot of legends about the core.

This legend makes the crystal cage believe that the core will wake up sooner or later. The core of waking will pose a huge threat to them.

But in fact, this is not the case. After seeing the materials studied here, Lin can confirm that everything here is derived from this creature.

This creature is temporarily called the 'alloy heart'.

These creatures are creatures living in the void. They don't know when they started to appear in the void, and they were a small thing at first.

It may have been a creature attached to a piece of debris, but it will slowly grow up and transform the surrounding environment...

It has a weird way to grow, and this creature will transform the surrounding environment, especially the metal.

The initial growth is estimated to be attractive.

It uses some method, perhaps magnetic or magnetic-like, to attract the surrounding metal fragments around itself, forming a cluster of metal fragments.

And its attraction is selective, not all metal is sucking, but it is still growing anyway.

At this time, the surrounding creatures will also be attracted by its metal clusters, because each creature prefers a larger habitat and moves to the metal cluster. The migrated creatures form a metal cluster formed in the 'alloy heart'. A small ecology and quickly expands.

However, Lin found that the 'alloy heart' does not seem to care about the creatures living on its metal, it is still increasing the scope of the metal group.

At this time, some 'alloy hearts' have not grown to a certain extent, but some have grown up until the tens of kilometers behind.

After such a huge degree, they will also begin to change the internal changes.

The 'alloy heart' seems to change the shape and structure of the metal. When the crystallizer becomes more and more difficult to contact other metal clusters, the crystallizer also finds that the blockade inside the metal cluster has changed.

The initial blockade only blocked the air with a large accumulation of dense metal fragments, but later the crystal larva found that the fragments of the metal turned into a complete wall.

Moreover, although it seems completely blocked, there are a variety of entrances that allow crystal stag or larger creatures to enter.

Seeing this, Lin felt that the 'alloy heart' is the main creature that controls this metal group, and everything here has something to do with it.

But it seems that there is no special action on the creatures here. The 'alloy heart' does not seem to prey on other creatures, nor does it know where its energy comes from.

In general, they are not dangerous, and it seems that they will not eat all the creatures after creating them to a certain extent, like the creators.

But they will transform the surrounding environment step by step, and they don't know what it means to make this transformation.

Because of their non-hazardous nature, crystal larks have the opportunity to study them and record their life information in this disc...

Crystals believes that this creature has been in a stage of sleep, and will wake up sooner or later. This idea seems to have no special basis, that is, they suddenly produce something like a legend.

In fact, Lynn believes that this creature has been awake all the time, and they continue to grow, and will attack other creatures entering the metal group... such as the virtual people.

But for the aborigines in the metal group, it is completely hostile, they have always been in peace with each other...

It's hard to say how the intelligence of this creature is, but Lynn feels that they may continue to grow and will continue to transform the environment within the metal group.

This creature is also the producer of the main 'crystallizer energy'.

They should have nothing to do with black metal, but there are many uses. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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