4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 237: Escape from birth

"What exactly is going on?"

Among the caves, a creature with a scholar's name is screaming.

Just now, it checked all over the body. It found that the whole body was covered with star-like light, which was exactly the same as the Chibbug, and the light emitted by it on it was enough to illuminate a small area around it.

Is this parasitic by fungi?

However, the scholar did not feel any special feeling at all, and there was no feeling of itching on his body, let alone the state of pain in the body.

What exactly is going on? Is it that the strange fungus grows on it?

The scholars have carefully recalled the information about this fungus. They are very different from ordinary fungi. Their hyphae have a muscle-like structure, which means they can move at will, but not like a plague. As fungi continue to grow, their growth capacity is actually poor.

This bacterium is often referred to as a 'live bacterium' because it appears to be moving, and there is not only one, they are many different types, and many different kinds of 'live bacteria' will fight each other with squirming hyphae.

The Chib's worms allow these fungi to grow in the body and reach a symbiotic relationship with them. This fungus not only shines for them, but also does many other things, but nothing seems to have relevant information.

What the scholars find strange is why fungi can parasitize on the virtual people? Although the physical structure of the virtual people is very similar to the usual creatures in this world, it is impossible to have such a thing...

With the idea of ​​incomparable doubts, scholars look around. It found itself in a strange cave. It may be that Chibha worms carried it here.

but. They didn't cause any harm to it, and even scholars didn't know how Chib's worms 'implanted' these fungi.

The scholar carefully looked at his arm. It thought that the fungus should be in a position very close to the skin, so their light could be transmitted through the skin.

Although scholars do not feel it, it believes that these fungi may slowly absorb their own nutrients, and then it will soon feel dizzy and undernourished. Lack of moisture, then...

The scholar did not continue to think about it, it stood up and began to want to do what...

The imaging device is still on its body. This thing was hanged by the scholar on the ‘belt’. It was not taken away by the Chibha, but it seems to be unable to open now. It is estimated that it is completely out of power.

But the light emitted by the scholar's own fungus replaces the function of lighting, and it can still act in the dark.

But where should it go?

Scholars looked at the surrounding environment. It suddenly smelled a strange smell in the air... This smell is...

It immediately ran in the opposite direction of the taste.

I don't know why, the scholar knows that the smell he smells is the smell of Qi Bucha. Is it the relationship of fungal parasitism?

Chibcha worms don't know why they threw it here, but they will definitely come back, so the scholars quickly ran away, and the scholars were finally relieved when they were getting farther away from those smells.

And, at this time, it saw a new view.

It found that it had already ran under the wall of the cave, and there was a narrow cave on the wall, and at the other end of the cave, a ray of light came in...

Is it there...

The scholar immediately accelerated to the front, along with its footsteps, the light in front was getting brighter and brighter, and the emotions of scholars were getting more and more excited!

As soon as you get outside, fix the aircraft, and find a way to return to the jungle where Lin's ‘base’ is located, there should be a way to solve these parasitic fungi, and then go to a new place to explore!

At this moment, the scholar has planned what he will do, and at the same time it has reached the strong light.

However, it did not feel the warmth of the sun. At the moment of running under the light, the scholar saw a huge object covering it from its head.

At this moment, the previous light disappeared, and the faint fluorescence of the scholar illumined the surrounding environment. The scholar found himself in a narrow environment, the surrounding walls were like stone walls, but they were active and one Point to yourself a little bit...

The scholars are pressed by the stone wall when they are completely unable to resist. As the pressure increases, scholars feel that their bodies are almost exploding.

‘Hey! ‘But in the next second, the surrounding stone wall suddenly loosened, and the surrounding environment became spacious.

"that is……"

At the same time, scholars also saw a huge worm-like creature with a head in front of it. The creature looked uncomfortable and writhed and retracted into a large hole in the ground.

"It turned out to be this..."

The scholar realized that the light that was just made was from the worm, and the stone wall that just squeezed it was also the mouth of the worm...

Scholars have heard of this worm, called the 'underground lantern'. Just like the name, it uses lanterns to hunt. Scholars have discovered that each time they encounter a creature, they think of the nature and name of the creature. If it can be discovered in advance, it should be Can avoid many dangers...

I just didn't know why, the worm suddenly thumped back into the hole when he was going to eat it...

No matter how much, it doesn't seem to be the way to go out, but... scholars smelled the smell at this time.

This smell is... this is definitely not wrong, it is the smell outside! The characteristic taste of the salt outside is also smelled before when it was outside.

However, the taste is only smelled when it is close to the ground. Why is it so far? No matter how much, it is important to go outside the cave.

After the scholar came up with this idea, he immediately ran in that direction.

The scenery of the cave is constantly going backwards. In order to stop encountering any dangerous creatures, the scholar has exhausted all his strength to escape. Fortunately, during this period of life, he has completely adapted to the gravitational pull of the pompom, and its speed is not slow.

And it quickly saw the light of the exit.

This time... is the real sunshine!

In the next second, the scholars stepped on the salt ground, feeling the warmth of the sun, feeling the dry breeze, and the scholars almost cheered out loud!

However, when it saw a huge dinosaur at a few tens of meters ahead, the scholar immediately stopped the emotion he wanted to cheer and quickly ran to the opposite direction of the dinosaur...

Anyway, it survived in the cave.

But what about next? (To be continued...)


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