"Is this caused by the plants themselves...?"

Under the blue sky, the scholar's journey is still going on. Now, it has reached a wonderful place.

Although the sky is blue, the ground is covered with orange flames.

In front of scholars, it is a forest that is burning. Although it cannot enter, it can still look at this scene outside the woodland...

It is said that this is caused by a plant called ‘flame flower.’

The plant produces a fat at a certain temperature that can be burned in conjunction with sunlight, and they use this special ability to burn off other plants.

Of course, this move will burn itself, but their seeds will survive and thrive again on the land filled with fertilizer.

In fact, the mother ball of the virtual people also has this kind of creature...

However, scholars only heard about it, and it seems to have been extinct hundreds of years ago. I did not expect to see this creature here.

In order to deal with this kind of plant that is self-igniting, some plants around it have also undergone special evolution. Scholars have found that some trees are still standing in the flame, and its special bark can isolate the damage of the flame.

At the same time, scholars have also seen another kind of plant that even uses the burning characteristics of ‘flame flower.’

Scholars have discovered that a burning tree is constantly screaming, because their fruit is called 'popcorn', and only the temperature of the flame can make its shell burst. The seeds inside are shot out so that the seedlings can also enjoy the ground that has been burnt and filled with fertilizer.

The wonderful phenomena of the plants interacting in the flames make the scholars feel incredible. It took out the imaging device and recorded the things here.

In addition to recording and observation, scholars still have to do an important thing, that is...

The scholar took down a piece of meat hanging from the waist, and the burning fire near the burning began to burn.

This piece of meat was picked up by the scholar before he flew to the jungle. To be precise, it was scraped from a body. The scholar saw a huge dragon dome body while flying, and the body was almost completely eaten. But there is still a lot of minced meat on the skeleton, and a lot of pterosaurs are eating the leftover meat.

The scholar ran away some pterosaurs, and the knife made of stone scraped some meat down and then brought it to the burning jungle.

"I don't know what it tastes like this meat..."

The scholar put the meat on a small branch. As the flames tumbling, the flesh also burst into a scent, which made the scholar swallow it in one bite.

However, scholars know that they must be familiar. After all, they don't know what kind of parasites or fungi are in this place. But in general, the meat of vegetarians is relatively 'clean'.

"It seems almost the same."

Staring at the color change of the meat, when the scholar feels that he can eat, he eats the meat in one bite...

"Hey! What is this smell!"

But in the next moment it spit it out. Scholars feel that a very disgusting taste spreads out in its mouth...

"Why is this taste? It smells so delicious..." The scholar once again smelled the flesh of the remaining branches, which really smelled very delicious.

But when you get to your mouth...

"good to eat!"

The scholar smelled and took another bite, this time it didn't feel the disgusting taste before. It is very delicious.

“Even if there is no seasoning, it’s perfect!” The scholar eats and holds more meat to burn it, but it still feels very strange. What happened to the disgusting taste?

"Is it..."

The scholar carefully recalled it. It suddenly noticed that the piece of meat that it had just eaten was actually not disgusting. But it feels disgusting.

It is the idea that it produces nausea, so it feels disgusting.

Then say something. Maybe it is something that affects it, does it feel sick? Is it... making a brain?

Scholars can only think of this ability to make brains, and scholars immediately look around, but they have not found anything.

Brain-creating is still a very dangerous thing, although scholars believe that it may not attack it before it is rescued, but there are certainly more than one creature.

The scholar who felt dangerous quickly ate the meat in his hand, and then it climbed onto the aircraft and operated the aircraft to fly into the sky.

It’s always safer in the sky, because there aren’t many hunters in the sky...but, it’s so sweet...

Flying over the burning woodland, scholars can smell the scent coming from the jungle, most of which is charred, but some are just a good smell of burning.

Because I didn't eat enough, scholars still want to eat something.

However, it is impossible to go now, so scholars have to fly through this fragrant woodland and come to another place.

“Here is...” After the burning woodland, the scholars saw the wide river, the water seemed to be very calm, many creatures fled to the riverbank because of the burning of the woodland, and a huge shark was waiting for a creature to approach the river. River water, in the sky, scholars can clearly see the huge figure of sharks in the water.

The river leads to the sea, and there are many creatures in the sea that can enter the fresh water. On the water, scholars can also see many floating jellyfish moving in the air.

Most of these creatures and scholars have read the information. As long as they follow the river, they may be able to reach the next ‘spot’ that the scholar wants to go.

Because the fuel of the aircraft was supplemented before, scholars now think that it should be enough to fly to that place.

Blowing the breeze on the river, scholars enjoy the journey while watching the surrounding scenery...

However, it seems that there is no way to enjoy it for too long, because scholars have seen large clouds in the sky ahead...shadows.

"These are... pterosaurs?"

A large number of pterosaurs flew in the sky, and in order to avoid them, scholars lowered the height of the aircraft to avoid hitting those creatures.

"嘎-嘎-" The screaming of the pterosaurs along with their figures kept on the top of the scholar's head, because they feared that they would hit the propeller, and the scholars adjusted the aircraft a little lower, only a few meters from the surface of the water. The distance is gone.

“Why are there so many pterosaurs?” The scholars flew while looking up. These pterosaurs are all of the same species. The wingspan is more than five meters. It is a relatively large pterosaur species. Scholars are very surprised. Why do you look very flustered?

However, scholars should also pay attention to the water surface...

'boom--! ! ’

Just when the scholar thought so, the river in front of it blasted open, a huge crocodile rushed out of the water, biting the lower one of the flying pterosaurs and dragging it into the water.

The large number of pterosaurs attracted other predators, and scholars saw creatures in the distance jumping out to hunt pterosaurs, but there were some creatures... they did not target pterosaurs.

Scholars have noticed that there is a dorsal fin on the water behind it that is swimming towards it at a very fast speed.

"It was just..."

Scholars quickly accelerated the speed of the aircraft. When the aircraft flew forward, the dorsal fin also accelerated its speed. It is obvious that it is aimed at scholars. It knows that scholars have more meat than pterosaurs.

Scholars quickly turned to the shore, and the dorsal fins in the water also turned to swim, which was even faster than the scholar's aircraft.

"It's coming!" The scholar slammed the lever and the whole plane leaned forward. At the moment of approaching the shore, the sound of the water wave burst behind the scholar. It turned and saw the shark. The huge mouth is about to bite into the tail of its aircraft...

'Boom! ’

The shark's teeth were together, and when they were only about half a meter away from the aircraft, it lost the force that leaped from the water, and the shark fell from the air on the beach.

The scholar, who was finally safe, looked back again and found that the shark moved the thick forelimb back into the water.

"It seems that this fish is not afraid of being stranded..."

The scholar breathed a sigh of relief and flew forward, bidding farewell to the huge pterosaurs and dangerous rivers, and the scholars once again flew over a vast plain.

On the plains, you can see a lot of feathered creatures looking for food on the ground. When the scholars fly through the air, the creatures all look to the scholars.

Scholars remember that this creature is called 'jumping bird'. It is a creature that evolved from dinosaurs. They have long tails and are covered with feathers. Especially the feathers of the forelimbs are quite large. This kind of creature can be short-lived. Flying, but generally looking for food on the ground.

The scholars read that the birds are vegetarian, but they seem to want to jump to catch up with scholars...

Although it seems that only a one-meter long hop bird looks threatened,

"Oh!" Suddenly, a screaming bird screamed, and all the leaping birds suddenly jumped up on the ground and threw their forelegs into the air.

“Hey!” Scholars quickly pulled the joystick to avoid them, but it seems that because the limit operation is too frequent, the aircraft that was originally made up of bones and wood is now not listening, the joystick is stuck there, and the scholars are not pulling hard. move.

However, the hopping birds did not pay attention to the scholars. They all flew past the scholars and flew to higher places.

"Strange, aren't they going to..."

‘Hey! ’

Just as the scholar was wondering, a sharp voice was introduced into his ear. It turned around and saw an arrow in the fuel tank of the aircraft.

The scholar looked down and saw that a creature was aiming at it with a bow and arrow. This creature exudes a shining light, just like crystallizing... (to be continued)

Ps: Thank you ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ rewards~

Thanks ~ super good luck ~ pants tix ~ ☆ soul の ode ☆ ~ monthly ticket ~



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