'boom--! ! ’

Along with the roar of the ocean, a huge square rises up on the sea. =

That is... the true face of a power station hidden in the sea? Sure enough, it is also a square warship.

And it should be very esoteric now, because the brain spirit inside finds that they have no way to escape.

Before the brain spirit did not care about the damage of their warships, mainly for this reason, because the brain spirit riding inside can escape to the dream at any time.

However, what will happen if the path to go back disappears?

Now, Lynn went back to the dream and looked at it.

In the dream, countless brain spirits are flying around the road, they look quite nervous, because in the past, Lin’s pompoms have thrown stones from the land of fear, making the nearby area become The environment of fear.

It became the building that connected to the power station, and it disappeared instantly, becoming the environment in the land of fear.

However, there is no environment of fear now, because the surrounding brains quickly rushed over and cleared the pollution of the land of fear.

However, the building used to connect the power station did not respond.

This is also the reason why Lin chose to use the land of fear to pollute the brains of dreams. It is easy for the brain to deal with the pollution. Just destroy the contaminated object, but after the destruction, the surrounding will not recover, but become a piece. Nothing darkness.

Even if the pollution is removed, the things that were originally replaced by pollution will disappear, and there is no way to return to the original state.

They may re-create this area after the pollution has been removed, but it is estimated to be very troublesome. So the brain spirit will be afraid of the land of fear.

And in the real world. The box that is hidden into a power station. Now there is no way for the brain spirit to return to the dream. In this case, they only have to find a way to find the nearest dream connection point, and then go back to the dream through it.

Lin believes that they should return to the nearest black metal base.

Thinking, Lin woke up again.

... Where is it going?

After waking up, Lin found that the box was no longer on the sea, but Lin had glued it to a lot of tracking units before. So it can be known no matter where it goes.

However, it does not seem to be flying to find the base, if it should be transmitted immediately or fly to the void, but it flew in the other direction.

What does it want to do?

The arms sticking to the square looked at the surrounding environment and quickly receded. The square had already flown over the ocean and approached the city of the virtual people. At the moment when the square was close to the city, Lin heard the sound of whistling...

'boom! A missile came straight from a distance. It didn't hit the square, but blew it on one side. But the impact didn't hurt the square, and the square had already flown over the city.

Obviously. The imaginary ‘the Coastal Defense Department’ has discovered this strange square, because there have been battles here, so the surrounding cities have strengthened their defense against the sea, and they quickly fired missiles as the square approached.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. The cube swiftly flew over the city and flew to the depths of the land.

Is this box going to...Where to go?

As the square flew over the city, a large number of virtual aircraft for travel and transportation suddenly spread out and landed in the nearest place. At the same time, Lin saw some objects appearing around, and the five roadblockers of the virtual people The aircraft appeared in all directions and surrounded the square.

The reaction of the imaginary people is really fast. Maybe the previous battles made them a lot more sensitive, and the speed of the squares is actually not as fast as these aircraft called ‘warplanes, so they can easily catch up.

When they saw the square, they did not hesitate. With the sound of whistling, all the ‘blockers’ shot the missiles mounted under the wing, and the target pointed to the square...

'boom! ! ! ’

One second before being hit by the missile, the square suddenly jerked up and all the missiles blasted underneath it. The bursting impact caused the square to fly to a higher position, but the square was not injured.

Most of the missiles of the imaginary people do not need to hit the target, only the target will explode within the 'kill range', but this range of damage does not seem to be used to define the black metal square.

'boom! Another missile exploded near the square, and the square just shook a little, and it suddenly increased its speed. The fighters slowly began to keep up and were left behind.

And the goal of the box, Lin has been able to see... not far from the front.

There are towering walls in front, and behind the walls is a green world, where the 'Oasis' has arrived, which is where the Institute is located.

‘砰砰砰——! ! ! When the square approached, the machine gun on the wall suddenly poured out the ammunition rain. The block evaded with a rapid rise. When it was not hit by any barrage, it flew over the oasis.

It turned out to be the case, and sure enough, its goal is... the bus pups in the institute?

In this case, Nalin needs action.

"Get ready! There is something to come!"

In the institute, it is already a tense atmosphere, because the virtual people here know that the square will reach this position.

However, in the institute, not only these imaginary people, but also some spies who are exactly the same as the imaginary people, as well as some pompoms.

One spy has been sitting in the ‘defense setting’ position. In the previous operation screen, the spy has seen the light spot in the far distance of the sky.


At the same time, in the sky above the oasis, the speed of the square is getting faster and faster. Even if it is the area where the virtual people focus on defense, Lin finds that there is nothing that can catch up with the square, whether it is a fighter or a missile, it is left behind. In the sky, you can already see the research institute in the distance.

At the moment I saw the institute, the speed of the square slowed down, and its whole body began to shine.

But before the light burst, several missiles flew in front of the square, and the squares used the height-lifting method to avoid them, but...

'boom! ’

An explosion exploded directly on the square...


After the explosion of smoke, the shaking square made a strange sound, and it was crumbling in the sky. Its surface was covered with cracks and it looked like it was not badly damaged.

Hit it.

The missiles were just launched by spies. Although they are missiles of the virtual people, as long as they know the mode of action of the block, it is very easy to hit it.

'Snapped! Suddenly, the square disappeared under a flash of light. To be continued. .


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