4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 254: Refuge test

"What is this place?"

A creature, surprised to see the scenery in front of it.

In front of it, it is a vast cave. The ground is basically composed of gravel. On the top, there are dozens of meters of cave tops. Numerous stone pillars support the top of the cave. The weird gray plants spread on the pillars. The olive-shaped illuminator hangs down from the top of the cave, providing illumination for this cold world.

Although this is a cave, because the whole is too spacious, you can't see the edge of the cave at all, so it is more like a continent...

"This is a world that has just been discovered."

Next to this creature, there is a red ball of fluff, and the ball of fluff says to the creature: "So, I want you to explore the world, presumably in the depths of the place, there may be some useful information hidden. Let's go."

"Here... it's cold."

The creature reaches out and feels the temperature in the cave.

This place has maintained a temperature that will allow the water to freeze, although not too low, but this temperature usually does not appear so many creatures.

This makes it feel a little wonderful.

"This cold will not affect you, the brave." The red pompom said to the creature: "Your outer shell can resist the cold."

"Isn't this armor?" said the creature known as the Brave: "And, I think it is better to call me now, I am the current demon."

"No, the original devil has complete rights." Red pompom said: "And, while exploring the new world... you are not the devil, go. Brave. Explore the world!"

"There are" pompoms: "Don't just attack the creatures here. Only when the creature attacks you, you will counter them. In general, just use that to record them."

“Is this the case?” The scholar took out a square object from behind.

"Yes, you press the button above and record the biological appearance here." Pompon Road: "

The brave hesitated, then asked: "...you also explore together?"

"I will pay attention to you..." After the poetry finished this sentence, it disappeared in front of the brave.

"..." looked at the disappearing pompom. The brave hesitated a little, then went to the world in front of it...

"Wait..." But after two steps, it went back and walked: "Why do I have to explore for myself? Can't I bring more troops?"

Behind the brave is a hole, where there is a door to it, it feels... other demons should be able to come in through this door, not just it.

However, this door is said to be ‘one-way’, meaning that the brave can't go back and call other demons.

"Forget it." After thinking about it, the brave turned around and continued to go to the unknown world.


I finally went.

Look at the actions of the brave. Lin doesn't know what it will encounter now, because this place is also the first time Lynn has come.

Lynn successfully sent it here. I feel that this technology is almost mature.

The way to deliver the brave is mainly to use a technology of information transmission. This technique is very interesting. As long as a special device is built at the transmitted location, the information can be sent to the other side. In fact, this technology is also used by people. However, Lin can only transfer its 'thinking' and the body needs to be reconstructed.

Moreover, this kind of communication communication can't last for a long time. After the transmission, I have to create a brain here, so that after the brave man dies, my thoughts can return to this brain.

There is also a wonderful place here. Lin found that only the 'biological' constructed from the dreams of the brave, can only transmit the "biological" constructed from the dreams of the real world. When the thoughts of the real creatures are transmitted, they will fail, and the other side will not receive any information. Knowing what the reason is, there is still a lot to be studied in this technology.

And what happens here, Lin does not know, here is the underground environment of Atlan World, you can find the entrance under the '109 Refuge', here because there is a lot of creatures here because of the high temperature live.

However, these creatures are not produced by themselves... and seem to have some connection with this shelter.

The pompoms are now in a position in the refuge, a place similar to the 'study' where you can see a lot of things.

There are some things to see here, such as the ‘history’ of the Institute.

They seem to like to use a special thing to record the history of this place. This kind of thing looks like a metal plate. Here Atlan has written a lot of information on it, although most of the information is damaged and blurred.

It is written here that this shelter is not a real refuge, but a 'testing ground'.

In fact, it is a 'biological testing ground', mainly used for biological experiments.

Among these records, it is mentioned that many creatures are raised here, and the original tasks of these creatures are... to restore the ecology of the earth's surface after the war.

Atlan seems to have known that the ground will be completely destroyed, so they have made a lot of preparations, and here they can find a large seed storage room, where they put a huge amount of plant seeds.

But now the seeds are basically damaged and can't be used. After all, it has been hundreds of years...

The real role of this place is to create a group of resistant creatures that can withstand the harsh environment of the ground and rapidly breed to transform the environment.

Because there are very few large creatures like this, special modifications are needed.

But in fact, they don't seem to have transformed any special creatures. Lin looked at the records on the data and found that Atlan tried to make some creatures. In fact, it was to mix other biological nuclear information into another creature, basically Failed.

This kind of creature is prone to problems, some can't breed, some will go wrong after a few generations, but Atlan is still working hard to create useful creatures...

Later, they seem to have succeeded in creating a special creature.

This creature is called '鼹', a creature that is good at living in the ground. Atlan has stumbled upon them in their experiments. This kind of scorpion continues to increase and their intelligence is also high. Then, other creatures around them also had anomalies.

And those researchers are unable to grasp this situation, they do not know what is going on, because according to their plans, these creatures will not change.

Now... the data record is almost finished, and there are only a few scattered records at the end.

In short, the wreckage that Lynn saw here seems to be the bodies of the researchers, who were all killed by the creatures here.

But what happened after that? The creatures here left the institute and then established an environment underground? It looks like it is now.

How big is this place? Those creatures that ran out and then established an environment here would generally not be very big, and they would have difficulty getting energy.

But... it seems that this is not the case.

This place is quite huge...not an environment in which a group of organisms fleeing the Institute can be created in a few hundred years.

There must be something special here.


"This place is really weird."

The brave man is now exploring this place. It faces something full of wonders. Things like eggs are covered with the ground in its eyes. These 'eggs' are about 1 meter high, although they look like eggs, but they look like eggs. It feels more like a certain kind of plant.

"This feels not very good."

The brave touched the surface of the egg by hand, the surface was very rough, and...

'Boom! There is a strange voice inside.

The brave quickly stepped back, picking up the weapon on his back and watching the egg-like thing with all his guard.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, the voice behind the brave sounded, and it quickly looked back and found a red pompom flying over.

"Why... why did it appear again?" The brave was obviously relieved.

"Just here." Pompon said: "I will not be on the same route as you, and soon I will go somewhere else."

"is it……"

'Boom! ’

"There is another voice!" The brave man was shocked and quickly turned back and said: "There is something in this!"

"It's not the sound inside." The pompom floated over and spread the fluff on the egg. "This is a sound. Actually, the sound comes from far away. You can listen to it carefully." ""

"So what you said..."

It seems that the brave man discovered that there is a pipe-like thing under the egg. These pipes connect all the eggs nearby and extend far away.

This pipe will vibrate slightly whenever there is a sound in the egg.

"Going down the pipe, you should be able to see the body of this creature." Pompon said: "You go and record it, I have to go somewhere else."

Said, the pompoms disappeared in front of the brave.

Its character... seems to have changed?

Looking at the brave who walked down the pipe, Lin felt that it was a bit strange. It was not so timid, although it was not biliary.

May be the impact of that? Because Lynn is still transmitting ‘consciousness’ for the first time, it may not be necessary to transmit it with some strange effects.

Anyway, keep watching.

At the same time, Lin is also planning to go to the depths of the world. The deeper the cave is, the more spacious it is. Now I only see plant-like creatures and microbes, but Lynn thinks that large creatures can be seen soon.

No, it seems that it is not just a large creature...

The pompoms suddenly smelled a smell, which should only be felt in the vast wilderness...this is the taste of countless fresh grasses. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ the moon of the **** of the flame ~ ~

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