Black spots...

They feel like sparkling sparks, but they are black. ☆→

The rock spider is now in the world of dreams.

However, this dream world... is a coincidence with the real world, not a different world.

Therefore, the changes seen here will also be directly reflected in the real world...

The tarantula has entered the rugby town that was once slaughtered from the gap of the wall. The corpse in the town seems to be a hustle and bustle in the dream, with a faint smog.

It seems that after these creatures die, they will not show their true appearance in the dream, but they will show another appearance.

However, most of the creatures will not appear in the dream.

Now Lin has discovered that in the dream and the reality, there are only most of the buildings, the ground, the stones, the trees, etc., and the other living things in the real world are not light and shadow in the dream, or they are not revealed at all.

Of course, there are some strange things like a cockroach that is a piece of meat in a dream, but in any case, they are different from the reality.

In the case of trees, Lin estimates that only the bark will be displayed, and the inside is empty.

These stones and buildings look awkward. It seems that there are a lot of ghosts dangling in it. Lin feels that if a creature like a virtual person enters this dream, I am afraid it will soon faint.

Lin is now looking at the pile of cockroaches. In reality, they should have already emitted a lot of smell, and they can't smell anything in the dream.

However, you can see a lot of small black spots.

These black spots exude light. It is estimated that this phenomenon can only be seen in dreams. They fly like giant worms onto the corpse heap. Then landed on it.

Where did they come from?

Lin is not clear, because when the rock spider came here, she saw these black spots, but Lynn felt that their identity was the same as the real rug on the body... a group of youngsters.

These are the cubs of the rugby shadow, that is, the energy creatures that are symbiotic with those rugby balls. Lin had thought about it before. When did the shadow of the rugby ball begin to symbiosis with them?

It seems quite early, not long after the baby was born. They will appear.

However, it should indeed appear earlier, because rugby pups may be able to rely on the broken brain to make simple actions such as swallowing the surrounding corpses, but unable to make complex movements.

Before the corpse smells more scavengers, the shadows must be symbiotic with them, so that the rugball gains complete intelligence and can fully control the body so that they can escape in time.

It seems that this breeding process has also evolved for a long time, and there will be such cooperation. Perhaps this breeding method is the main breeding method of rugby.

These shadows were also large at the beginning of the day, and they were a little black spot that would float, but Lin couldn't confirm where they came from.

Simultaneously. Lin also wants to know if there is any way for an adult rugby to leave the shadow. Continue to live with another shadow symbiosis?

This may not be possible, otherwise they will not be so afraid of death.

Whether it is because the shadow does not want to symbiosis with the adult rugby, or there is no way to symbiosis, in short, the adult rugby is deprived of the shadow of the dream, they may almost all die.

Now, Lynn saw the little black spots of the shadows flying onto the corpse heap, and then began to creep slowly on it.

These black spots that begin to creep slowly should have been successfully symbiotic with the cubs, and their movements begin to synchronize with the rugby cubs.

The speed of movement of the rugby cubs in reality, the location, etc. can also be seen from the black spots here.

The initial black spots are basically moving at a creeping speed, but some speeds are starting to get faster.

Lin felt that they were floating. It seems that after the symbiosis, the rugby quickly gained the ability to fully control the body, but even if they flew up, they did not intend to leave.

These rugby **** are still on the corpse heap, and may still be a lot of food...

Just when Lin thought so, she suddenly found a black spot flying down the body pile at a very fast speed, and then flew far away...

This action also seems to affect other black spots, then all the black spots are scattered at the same time, and there is no black spot on the corpse heap after an instant.


Then, Lynn heard the sound, and the group symbolized that the dense fog of the corpse suddenly scatters around and looks as if it has been smashed by something.

It seems that what happened in reality, but I can't see it here... Right, as long as I move to reality, I just think about it. I think, Lin wakes up.

At the moment I woke up, everything around me became clear again, and the sun in the sky was filled with the earth, feeling as if I had just come from the depths of a dark crypt to the ground, if it was another creature. I should feel very comfortable at this moment.

However, if you see the creatures in front of you, you may feel safe in your dreams.

The corpse in front of me is no longer dense fog. Lin can now accurately smell the smell. This smell is stinking for creatures whose immune cells can't fight the carrion. It is nothing special for Lin, but for the scavenging organism. It is sweet and delicious.

Lin saw a large creature lying on the pile of corpses. It had four wings like a pterosaur, and the mouth was a sharp, spear-like structure.

Its wingspan should be more than ten meters. It was apparent that it swooped down from the air and slammed into the corpse. It smashed the rugby bodies and shook them away.

Looking around, Lin can see a lot of rugby cubs, they are floating around the pile of corpses, it seems that they still want to eat, but they dare not approach.

Lin looked at this creature with a 'spear mouth'. Its mouth is obviously not suitable for catching these youngsters. Lin thinks it should be suitable for flying at high speed in the air to pierce other creatures, so Lin intends to call it a flying needle. '.

Lin just didn't see it in her dreams. It should be a creature without symbiosis. This kind of creature has a complete brain. It is obvious that the creatures of this world have many evolutionary directions, and they do not necessarily need to coexist with energy creatures.

Energy creatures do not necessarily need to be symbiotic with living organisms. They are because the two worlds are 'overlapping' together and there is such a mutual influence.

The ‘flying needle’ was beating the rug of the rug with a sharp mouth. Lin found that it seemed to secrete a dissolved substance, melted the corpse into a paste, and then sucked it in.

It seems that even with this mouth it can rot...

However, compared to this, Lin also found another strange thing.

When Lin wakes up from her dreams, the perspective that Lynn sees is not the perspective of the rock spider in the dream, but another rock spider perspective beside the corpse.

Because there is a rock spider here.

And the rock spider in the dream, Lin can see it here, but if Lin wants to focus on this rock spider, he will immediately enter the dream and see the world before him.

That is to say... When Lin’s rock spider touched the statue in a distant town, it was not just a “consciousness” to enter a dream. When Lin moved it in a dream, its real body also Move and run to this position.

This is the first time I have seen this phenomenon. When I entered the dream, the real body could not do anything synchronously, and it was generally in a state of slumber.

This feeling... very interesting.

Then you must keep the rock spider hidden until you enter the dream, otherwise it will run around here and you may be attacked by real creatures without knowing it.

So how do you wake up this rock spider?

It seems that I can't wake up directly. The only way Lin knows now is to go back to the original place to get in touch with the statue. Only through the statue can I go back and forth to the dream world.

It should be said that the round-trip ‘dream perspective’.

But this way, Lin can always let multiple rock spiders act in both dreams and reality.

Now, Lin plans to go back and look at the big town. There are still a lot of things left there, such as the one, and some of the things that Lynn had confirmed before.

Of course, it is not here that the rock spiders go back. They still have to stay here to observe the corpse heap and the rugby cubs. In addition, the rock spider has already ran into the big town.

There is still a lot of information available there.

Lynn found that the rugby **** that survived always kept going to the statues in the center of the town. The cockroaches did not bother to pass them over and over again. Now Lin knows that the tree-shaped statue should be a Something like a **** of worship.

These rugby **** will 'pray' the statue.

Their prayers include their feelings of being able to survive, and the sadness of those who died.

These rugby **** are primitive. They seem to have no full understanding of their own deaths, as well as their symbiotic companions. They think that death is their own 'soul'. In short, their words can be translated into similar meanings.

They believe that their souls are 'taken away' and that they are also clear that they can rely on the act of building clay walls to protect themselves.

What special characteristics of clay have, it seems to be a giant wall in a dream, but because ‘砗磲’ has eaten a part, the wall does not fully protect them.

At the same time, they mentioned some important situations in the process of prayer.

Mentioned a more important thing.

After the rugby thinks they are dead, the ‘soul’ will fly somewhere.

That place has a huge creature that will receive all the 'souls'. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~clannad^潮鸣~ 588~

Thanks ~ Night Eagle Changming ~ One Leaf 8 Zhiqiu ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ Guanshu Zhixing~'s monthly ticket~

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