4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 567: Dream of achievement

When there are various things happening in the world of the imaginary people, some things have happened on the other side...

Here, it is the land of the protector.

A huge and dazzling ball of light slowly rotates in front of Lin. This thing is like a star. Its surface is a constant hot energy. Although it is said, there is no hot feeling.

In the continuous process of the core changes, the stones, the fog and the light balls, which were originally numerous, have been continuously colliding and combined, and finally combined into this huge sphere, exactly the same as the real dream core. .

Except for some different places, this can be said to be a new core...

Now, there is one day and night left before the core is completed.

"This is impossible! Will this world collapse like this?"

Outside the creator's body, researchers and a group of nucleators surround the creator's body, and their current emotions... are in a state of considerable despair.

"Because you don't tell us where the thing is, it will lead to this!"

One nucleator angered the researchers, and the researchers said, "Did you not find the thing yourself? You can't protect yourself and get rid of it!"

Lin feels that they are now becoming like the creatures of the imaginary people, doing some blameless responsibilities, which means that they really have no way.

"Let's leave."

However, there is a nucleus who thinks differently than other companions, and it flies high. Say to all the protectors: "We have been guarding the core for too long... I should give it up now."

"What are you talking about?" "Are you a different kind?". "Why do you think so?"

And it's said. It seems that it is impossible to obtain the approval of other protectors.

"We don't want to stay here again..." The nucleus continued: "We can do our own thing... We can live with that dream energy reserve. We don't need to continue to guard the core!" ”

"It's a different kind!" At the moment it was finished, the surrounding protectors suddenly became extremely angry, and they all rushed over to this unusual nucleus.

The protector immediately fled to the distance, and Lin looked at the group of protectors who all flew out of the cave where the creator and the dream food were.

"Those sad invaders..." The researcher looked at the defensive keeper who flew away, and it showed an emotion of seeing the ‘fool’.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Lynn asked a jumping spider to issue a question to the researcher.

"Just here, waiting for the world to collapse..." The researcher said: "But it kills the dream. The dream will wake up again, and then solve the 'creator' of this collapsed world, and my life. ... has arrived at the end."

"But actually you won't reach the end." Lin said: "Because the world won't collapse."

“What?” The researchers suddenly showed a very surprised mood, and it seemed that they did not notice the situation at all.

"You didn't notice it? Here..."

'boom--! ! ! ’

When Lin had not finished, she suddenly heard a roar around her. It seemed that something had exploded, and this ‘sound’ appeared in the dream.

If you say so, it should be...

"I finished!"

Suddenly, a very strong emotion erupted out of the creator, and it was like a huge wave. Instantly filled the entire cave space and spread out to the outside of the mountain...

seem. The completion time is earlier than expected, and this sentiment means that the creator is now awake and in a state of extreme excitement.

The creator should now think that he has completed his own dream, and the core of the body has reached the completion state.

Lin turned her attention to the creator's body, where there is a star-like brilliance, and the surface of the ball, the lava-like energy seems to be more intense than before.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that a 'lava' swelled rapidly, and it exploded when it reached its limit. At the same time, a huge tree grew out of it, accompanied by countless roots of the tree. They stretched at an extremely fast speed, and after a few seconds they wrapped the entire ball of light.

"I have succeeded! This core belongs to me!"

The strong emotion of the creator broke out again, and this time Lin could clearly feel the meaning expressed in this emotion.

It seems that the creator has completely woken up, and the process is perfect, without any interference or interruption.

"Fleece, I can feel you are here."

The creator seems to be able to see things in the core of the body now. It lifts a tentacle and extends to the direction of Lin: "You look at the foundation of my world. This is just the beginning. I will take it. Shaped more perfect, more..."

"What are you!" "Get out of here!" "This is the place we guard!"

And before the creators finished, hundreds of light spots suddenly appeared around them, and they flew to the creators who wrapped the core and kept yelling.

"You'll get out of here!" "Yes! You can't be here!" "We must guard this place and always guard this place." These 'mini guardians' really look like Lin thinks, even the creator Finished the core, they did not grow any, or still 'mini'.

And when they were screaming, suddenly a nucleus said: "It is something we want to guard!"

"What?" "This is impossible!" "It is indeed something we want to guard!" "Yes!"

Soon, these nucleators seem to have changed their minds, and they are beginning to think that the creators are things to guard...

"What are these creatures...?"

Until now, the creator has expressed his opinion that it seems that its original excitement has also been interrupted by these mini guardians.

"You don't know them?". Lynn asked with some doubts.

"They...no, where did they come from?"

"You are the thing we want to guard!" "Yes, we have to guard you, you want to let us guard, know?". "Yes, don't run around, don't do things that we can't guard!"

These protectors interrupted the creator's words and spoke there, and Lynn said something to the creator about what it did in the body when they said it.

"What? Fluff... You have been watching it all the time? And these things... are the core creatures?"

"They are 'protectors'." Lynn said to the creator: "It's just like those outside, but their intelligence... there are some problems with strength."

"you guys."

The creators signaled to those mini nucleators that they had been talking about them for a long time.

The creators questioned them: "What is your role?"

"What? Our role is to guard you!" "Yes, that's the role."

‘Hey! At the moment of the end, the creators’ tentacles swelled out and swarmed a group of mini nucleators and slammed into the dark walls behind them.

This place is a bright area around the core light ball and the light ball. Those mini nucleators usually move in this place, while the outside is the dark area, which seems to be the edge of this dream world.

"Why do you want to do this!" "The things we guard can't be moved casually! Otherwise we will be angry!"

Several nucleators kept screaming, and the creators' tentacles did not stop. They slammed on the hunters who were being shot, pressed them against the dark walls and pressed them hard.

Those who have been suppressed have issued very painful emotions. They are now about one meter tall, but they are much smaller than the tentacles.

"You pollute my world." The creator said: "You should all disappear."

"We can't disappear!" "We won't disappear, we want to protect you!" "If you let us disappear, then you will disappear together, just like us."

‘Hey! The creators did not answer, but continued to fly these creatures out, and the few that had been shot before were dissipated under the squeeze of tentacles.

At the moment they dissipated, Lynn suddenly saw a darker area around the core.

Could it be that……

The darkness around the original is more than 40 meters away from the core light ball, and now it has become more than 30 meters. In this case, it seems that killing these mini nucleators will increase the darkness.

In fact, the size of the core of this dream has shrunk. If so, they are not lying.

The creator seems to have seen the situation at hand, so he stopped.

"Do you know? You can't move around! Otherwise it will disappear!"

Seeing the creators' tentacles stop, it seems that the nucleus has become smug, but in fact Lynn feels that their emotions have hardly changed much, except when the creators are killed.

"There should be a way to clean up these things, fluff, you should think so." The creators ignored their words and said to Lin: "You tell me the details of their generation."

"They suddenly appeared." Lin said: "There is no generation process."

"Maybe they represent something... I will figure it out very quickly." The creator said: "If this is the case... then ignore them first, I have to deal with things outside." (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks~橴恽~13 months of flying snow~ the monthly ticket~

The 567th chapter of the dream is achieved:


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