4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 579: Perfect plan

'boom! ’

The missile, like a raindrop, descends from the sky, riding the brilliance of the explosion, and the huge smoke cluster slowly rises on the ground.

Countless fungus army, in the fire of the battleship, instantly disappeared.

From the point of view of firepower, the virtual people have an absolute advantage. No matter how large the creatures are constructed by the fungi, they can't resist strong artillery.

"Oh! It's so amazing!" The soldiers who were rescued from the battleship continually cheered. They were proud of their generals and warships. They knew that this was a legend... the flagship of the general who participated in the 'brain war' It can be said that it has the most powerful firepower in the world.

At the same time, these soldiers could not help but sigh. The warships are so powerful. If they start to launch warships, there will be no problems.

Only the general, its mood has not yet settled down.

"No..." "Why is this..."

The imaginary people on the ground, their eyes widened in horror, and the ‘God’s who watched them greeted them dissipated in the distance. They could not help but squat on the ground and began to cry.

"They..." The general looked at the people on the ground, and then opened up a communicator around him and said, "Is the people who have been affected by the fungus still recovering?"

"This... is currently being researched." The voice of a researcher sounded in the communicator: "It v, their brains seem to be affected very deeply..."

"Sure enough, the original worry was right." The general said: "But it was a mistake to study the antidote immediately at the time. Now, only..."

The general’s words have not been finished yet. It suddenly heard a voice saying: "General! Those strange messages have appeared again!"

‘Hey! 'at the same time. The stereoscopic picture in front of the general began to show abnormal flicker. All the pictures showing the outside situation are like this.

"They send signals to interfere with us? It's obviously blown up!"

Looking at the burnt fungi outside the flashing picture, the general felt very strange.

"They seem to be communicating with us!" The imaginary person in charge of the briefing said: "This... seems to be sent by them."

‘Hey! ‘Speaking, the picture in front of the general popped up an image, and there was only one line on the image: “surrender.”

“Do they want us to surrender?” The general suddenly angered: “Tell them, we will never surrender, we will burn them clean!”

"Yes! General!" The announcer said: "I have sent the signal out, but I don't know if it will be received."

"General!" The voice of another informant sounded: "Because of the relationship that they were blown up, there may be a lot of dust coming to the surrounding area. We have detected..."

"I know." The general said: "They are not creatures that rely on body and strength to fight. They make so many troops, just want us to blow them up and let them spread farther."

"But... they won't succeed." The general said: "Now the implementation of the No. 1 migration plan."

"What? Is that plan already in place?"


The general's warship did not stay in the city for too long, and it quickly left the city, but more troops came to the city.

The general began to implement its plan, and the general set a plan not long ago, which it believes can be used to defeat the fungus perfectly.

of course. There are also many suggestions from the Master in this plan.

As a result, the plan began to be implemented.

The troops in the city. Beginning to capture a large number of fungal believers, they were caught and shut down. On the surface, they were said to shut them down and wait for the antidote to be made. In fact, they were used for experiments related to fungi.

Of course, because there are too many people, they cannot all be taken away. A considerable part is directly solved as an enemy.

And these believers have indeed become enemy forces, and they are even crazy like fungal creatures at the last minute...

On the other hand, the generals have mobilized a large number of construction teams from many countries, and they have begun to build new cities under the sea.

Many of the large number of power plants they built under the sea could be transformed into homes, while the generals decided to build many 'melt-fired power stations' to solve the problem of electricity.

The city under the sea is designed by many famous virtual architects. They are designed to be comfortable and beautiful, and you can enjoy the scenery of the sea at any time, although there is nothing in the sea.

This is a huge project that requires a lot of civil and material resources, but because of the victory in the 'brain war', the general's prestige is now much higher than before. It can easily mobilize the whole world to assist this. Secondary activities.

At the same time, the general decided to make the world no longer the difference between countries. They should all be combined to form a complete ‘the world of the virtual world’.

This decision has received a lot of approval. At the same time, in the cities near the fungal area, many people have begun to live in the new homes of the sea under the command of the troops.

However, many people cannot leave the city because of various reasons such as work, so the general promised that the cities in the sea will soon run, they will get the same new jobs, and there are still many compensations.

Coupled with the threat of fungi, these people also began to agree to retreat to the sea, because it is a coastal area, and it is not difficult for people in these cities to evacuate now.

The engineering forces under the sea are also stepping up their work. They have transformed many power stations into habitable areas. Of course, they can only live in them. The comfort level is not considered.

Many imaginary people think that they can live under the transparent undersea tunnel while enjoying the beauty of the sea floor, but they find that they are staying in the narrow, sultry and narrow places, and often need to go to the sea. Crowded with other people...

Ignoring their complaints, the general quickly evacuated a large number of people. If there were infected people on the way, the troops would burn it immediately, and it would be easier in the sea to throw it directly into the sea.

The evacuation of the surrounding cities is almost complete, and the next step of the plan begins.

"Come on! Open the 'sail'!"

In the 'empty city' after the evacuation, a large number of troops were working constantly, and an aircraft was flying between towering buildings, and they all hung some huge, cloth-like things.

These fabrics were placed on both sides of the building under the action of the 'Mechanical Engineering Team' on the building, and they were stretched out. After completion, a huge building looked like the sail of a sailboat.

This is one of the general's plans to install these 'sail' on some buildings in the city around the fungal area. These sails will connect together and form a huge semicircle in the surrounding area, enveloping the fungus. The semicircle of the area.

Using these tall buildings, the general believes that this will prevent a lot of dust from spreading out.

This is also a huge project, but with the hard work of a large number of troops, they have quickly completed the work.

Even if this is the case, there will be dust coming out, but it should be able to limit it.

And when these things are made, the next step begins...


'boom! ’

On a vast expanse of sea, a high-speed square-shaped aircraft swept the sky at an extremely fast speed, but it also stopped at a very fast speed.

Because the aircraft can see the coast on the front... there are many huge fungi, and the carpet of the fungus is spread to the edge of the coast.

"This is the location."

After the pilot looked at his position on the map, he turned his head and flew back to fly farther away, where he could barely see the fungus on the far shore.

As a result, the aircraft opened the cabin and slowly dropped a ... huge object from the cabin.

This thing was thrown into the sea by the aircraft and slowly sank into the sea floor.

“Very good, in the right position.” The pilot confirmed the sinking position of the object in the cockpit. This position needs to be very accurate. If it is not possible, it may cause some deviation.

This is called the 'tsunami launching device' and is actually a bomb. This new type of bomb can cause a huge tsunami and attack the fungus on the shore as long as it is thrown to a certain position.

In the waters around the fungal territory, there are many similar aircraft that have placed explosives in suitable locations. This is also the final step of the general's plan. At some point, these bombs will start together to create a huge tsunami attack fungus. In the area, the troops on the ground will also cooperate with the bombing, which will completely destroy the fungus.

However, because of the large-scale bombing, the fungus will certainly spread a huge amount of dust. The general hopes that most of the dust that is scattered in the bomb will be caught in the sea, and most of those that are floating around will be The 'sail' that was made before was blocked.

Only a few will drift farther, so that only a small number of infected people should be solved.

That's right, this is a perfect tactic.

And all the preparations for this tactic are slowly approaching the end...

"General! All things are ready!"

Within the battleship, the general received the news of the informant.

"All the bombs have been resettled, all the people have moved to the bottom of the sea to live, and the land forces have been prepared, just a command!"

"Very good..." The general looked at his army in the command room. Now that a large number of troops have gathered in the fungal area, it is aligned with the communicator and shouted: "So... start!" (To be continued... ...)

Ps: Thanks ~ Hughuka ~ book worm ~ free cloud letter ~ monthly ticket ~


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