After a scout screams, it seems to have caused a chain reaction. The entire detective swarm began to make this sound together. They continually screamed, heard the scream, and all the nearby observations were observing other things. The worms all gathered, and they screamed as they whirl around the waterfall.

Lynn didn't know what they meant, but Lynn felt their emotions: restless, panic.

why? Why do you want to see the channel inside the waterfall panic? Lin did not leave anything in the waterfall channel. The smell of the insects should be poor, and the smell inside would not be heard. Otherwise, they would not notice the discolored flying.

But they are obviously, what is the abnormality found, is it the relationship that the channel is widened?

The insects screamed for a while. When all the nearby worms were gathered, they began to fly south. They seemed to be returning.

What should we do? Looking at the swarms of animals farther and farther, Lin must decide quickly.

Lin can kill them, but even then, they don't know if their leader will know that the brain worm can control the ethnic group at a very long distance. It can be clearly known about the situation of each infantry.

No matter, let them go back, Lin wants to see what the Inca swarm will do.

The Detectives never observed anything along the way. They left Lin’s territory as quickly as possible. Lin kept the pilots following them. At full speed, the Detectives only returned to the death spikes in the first half of the time. The border.

The wall of death spikes slowly opened, and Lynn watched as all the detectives flew in. It also immediately allowed the pilot to rush into between the spikes that had not been closed. Entered the territory of the Inca group.

Lynn is the first time to reach the edge of the Inca worm community. This and the rocky land are simply two worlds. The air is filled with the smell of plants, the sound of creatures, the dense jungle seems to be boundless, countless creatures running on the ground and in the air, and separated from the death spikes. The ridiculous rocky ground on one side forms a stark contrast.

Why does the Inca insects keep the forest from spreading, but use the death spike to separate the two sides?

The idea of ​​other creatures is really difficult to understand.

The pilot followed the scouts to fly. The top of the border is only about 50 meters away from the ground. It may be because the height is too short. There is no home tree here. As it goes deep into the territory of the Indos, the top of the cave begins to rise slowly and finally returns to three hundred. At the height of the meter, at the same time, there are several home trees in Lin’s vision.

The Detective Swarms all flew into the nearest family trees, all of them all drilled in from the small holes in the bark, and they disappeared without a trace.

Lin's flightman is not good to follow. These tree holes are quite narrow and may be found even if they change color. So Lin intends to create a deformer to explore.

Just when Lin asked the pilot to go to the tree hole and planned to create a deformer, the interior of the home tree suddenly made a strange sound.


This sound is like the sound of a creature with a great voice. After the first home tree makes a sound, several other nearby sounds are also emitted.

The sound was low and loud, and the distance traveled was quite far. Lin could even hear the sound spread slowly, even outside the view of the pilot, and the sound echoed.

It seems that this is a chain of ways to transmit sound. The trees in the home are making sounds one after another, and they continue to spread until the location of Lin’s brain-brainer, and he heard the sound...


Every home tree has a regular voice, and the voice seems to spread throughout the underground world. Even Lin’s base in the rock can hear the resonance of the tree.

As this low and loud sound continued to reverberate, Lin even felt that the entire underground seemed to be a little trembling, and the dust and some stones on the top of the cave fell off.

It is clear that the Inca group is signaling a signal that can be heard throughout the ground.

What is the reason they signal? Ready to attack? Or something else? Anyway, Lynne has to be prepared.

Lin let the troops at the top of the ground begin to enter the water and go underground through the passage, but Lin does not intend to attack, but let the troops wait here to observe and see what the Inca swarm is going to do.

Now, time is slowly approaching the night, and the glowing creatures in the ground begin to stop shining, and everything is in complete darkness.

The sounding home tree slowly stopped, but Lynn heard another voice.

In the underground world directly below the desert, dozens of home trees are monitored by the stalkers and stalkers who have a variety of Inca worms in the trees. They usually stay in that inactivity, so it is the most suspicious. If there is any big activity in the Inca group, these usually not moving bugs will definitely come out.

Now the situation of these swarms is as Lin thought.

Each of the monitored pilots has the latest echo exploration structure, and they can instantly analyze all the things in the surrounding environment by simply emitting a '嗒嗒' sound.

Under the echo, Lin's thoughts showed images that the explorer had explored. In a moment, Lin could color and realize all the objects in the image, which would produce almost the same effect as vision.

The ‘嗒嗒’ voice was instantly spread across the vast area around each of the pilots, showing the image in Lin’s thoughts.

In the echo image, Lin saw a lot of Inca insects, most of which were hidden inside the tree in the garden, but now they have all come out, most of them crawl on the bark, and still A considerable amount has entered the jungle.

The pilots released their voices again, and Lin found that the worms began to walk down the tree and gathered in the jungle.

There are thousands of these Inca worms. In every tree in the home, there are insects coming out and joining them. They form a huge army and start to move north!

Are they thinking about war?

how is this possible? Just because I saw a passage below the widened waterfall? Or... they want to invade the ground through that passage? How do they know which channel is connected to the ground? Isn't it necessary to have such a huge force?

Lin let the followers follow this army and see every step of their activities. Although the number is huge, they are acting very fast. Although these creatures are multi-cell, the degree of cooperation with each other is the same as that of a living organism. Nothing like, they don't slow down because of crowding and darkness.

Obviously, the Inca population is much more evolved than the Aztec worm, and it is true that Lynn initially felt that these creatures were threatening.

Under Lin’s observation, it was found that there were a total of thirty trees in the home of the dispatched troops. Nothing else was moving. The Inca group’s troops have been moving north. Although they are moving quickly, they are in the jungle. The speed is no longer fast. When they approach the border, the surrounding area is once again restored to a bright, dark night has passed, and the day has come again.

When the light of the daylight was shining, Lin found that these Inca swarms made a strange move. They gathered in the army and they suddenly dispersed. Each of the branches went to the nearby home trees, and they got into them. In the tree hole on the bark or under the tree, it was not long before the troops all entered the home tree and disappeared without a trace.

……What does it mean?

Lin was puzzled by their actions. The Inca worms could not be afraid of light. Was the previous sound just to let them live in a home tree near the border? They don't want war at all?

Lin let the planes spread out and observe each home tree they had drilled in. These home trees should have been inhabited by Inca, but they may be just black bees, so they can accommodate many troops. .

It’s weird... It seems to have become quiet. Is this like a ‘false alarm?’

No, there is an abnormal situation.

Lin suddenly saw that one of the home trees that the Inca army had drilled in had just drilled a bug. This time it was not a combination of various forces like the one before. There was only one. This is often seen by Lin. The abdomen has a red glow, a beetle with a body length of about two meters.

The beetles have a high abdomen temperature, they have never been moved, and Lin doesn't know what they are used for, so it is especially easy to notice when it moves, now the beetle suddenly drills out of the tree and Zhang Open your wings and fly north.

Lin immediately let a flying man catch up. These beetles are quite fast. It seems to be flying with a jet system, and the pilot needs to fly at full speed to barely follow.

The jungle below quickly receded in high-speed flight, and the red beetle was near the border, and the wall of death spikes opened the passage for a long distance.

The beetle seemed to want to fly in the direction of the rock. It rushed across the border at a very fast speed. At this time, the speed of the beetle increased a lot, and Lin's flight crew could not catch up.

But the base of Lin, located in the rocky land, soon saw the fast-flying beetle. The beetle was flying at a high speed that Lin had never seen before. It rushed across the rift, flew over the base of the rocky ground, and occupied it through Lin. A few home trees, eventually, it crashed into the direction of the waterfall.


The high-speed beetle ran into the waterfall, and a violent roar sounded. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to ~oceophylla~ 1888~!

Thanks ~415~~ Have a monthly ticket~

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