4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 724: space station

"They are very close."

Here is the world of the imaginary people. The generals pay attention to the situation on the battlefield, paying attention to the progress of the movement of the gates of the astral, and at the same time paying attention to the dense points in the picture.

The fungus creatures are quite fast, especially those infected with the virtual people, just like flying cars, they can jump along the walls of the building to accelerate.

If necessary, the general decided to launch those bombs to blow them up.

This must have a certain distance, that distance can make it just not affected, if it is too close, it can not be blown up.

The general is ready to open the launching program for the launch...

‘Hey! Suddenly, the general saw the letter in the picture showing that he had received a letter from a distance. This letter came from...

“Sigma Beach? Why is there a sudden signal coming over... What? Is this a signal for help?”

When the general was wondering, there was also panic at the same time.


"11 District is damaged! Zone 12 is damaged! There is air leakage in Zone 5! Fire in District 15! People in District 5 are arguing! Everything in Zone 7 is normal! Other districts are probably normal!"

"Damn! Hurry up and close the connection gates in those areas!"

This is the main control area in the Sigma Beach Space Station. From the beginning, the controllers here have been busy and can be said to be overwhelmed.

Originally, the work here was very leisurely. The virtual people working here mainly sleep and play all day, but that was a hundred seconds ago.

Just after, various alarms were ringing there. They saw multiple bombardments on the surface of the space station. So I hurriedly shut down all areas with air leaks.

But the air leaked off. The hearing of the people here could not be stopped. At this time, a lot of call information was heard here, and many people kept on contacting them to ask what was going on.

"I also want to know what is going on!" The main controller here looked at a huge image in the middle of the hall, showing the outside situation, only seeing a hockey puck and a box flying around the space station, hockey Sometimes attack the block.

After the block is evaded, its attack is likely to hit the space station...

'boom! ! ! Suddenly, the virtual people felt the place slam. The alarm sounds at the same time: "There are two areas damaged!"

"Ah, what the **** is that!" It immediately closed the passage in that area, although this would make the loss small, but it would not work.

"Give it to me here." Suddenly, the door to the control room opened, and an old virtual man appeared there.

"You are...!" A imaginary person here said with surprise: "The famous commander!"

"Yes, I am the famous commander." Old virtual people said that they came to the image of the control image: "Now, I am in charge of the command."

There are many people in Sigma Beach who are retired people. They come here to ‘retirement’, and this is also the commander.

"It seems that the two strange things are outside?" The commander looked at the picture and said, "Where did they come from?"

"I don't know! suddenly appeared!" A false man replied: "Do we want to attack? They seem to be fighting each other, and we are affected by it..."

"Well..." the commander thought for a moment: "The basics are all things like ice hockey. The square is just hiding. It may mean no fighting. Or waiting for a chance to fight back, so we have to attack. That ice hockey."

"But..." another virtual person said: "The square looks like it used to invade us..."

"Shut up! I am the commander!" said the old man, "attack the ice hockey!"


At the same time, outside.

'boom! ’

After another attack, the hockey attack stopped and it floated in the distance, seemingly staring at the square.

The motion of the block did not stop, it kept swaying around the space station, as if tempting it to attack.

But the ice hockey did not continue to attack, but did not move in place, as if waiting for something, so the action of the block also stopped.

But its position has not changed, it is still motionless in the location close to the space station.

At this point, the space station changed, and a lot of openings were suddenly opened on the side of the space station, and a dazzling fire was illuminated from the inside. A large number of missiles flew out of it and turned to the ice hockey.

The ice hockey immediately flew up, and all the missiles followed their actions and chased them. They followed the ice hockey and chased after them.

Therefore, the ice hockey swayed slightly, and a missile appeared in front of the missile group that pursued it. The two sides collided with each other and fired again in the void.

Almost at the same time, the square seems to have spotted the opportunity. Its whole body is shining instantly, and a light group is directly directed at the ice hockey at a speed several times faster than before.

The ice hockey didn't avoid it. It was directly hit by the light group. Its ice-like shell suddenly began to crack and collapse. After the shining light passed, the iceball was left with some pieces like ice.

"We helped it destroy the puck!" the commander in the control room said: "The square should know and thank us, although I don't know where they came from, but..."

‘Boom! ’

“The 11th district is damaged again! There is a foreign object intrusion, repeating once, and there is a foreign object intrusion!”

"It...what is it doing!" The commander and the imaginary people here stared at the picture with astonishment, only to see the square sticking to the space station, and extending the 'arm' of several metal from its surface. These arms plunged directly into the position that was bombed by the missile and crashed into the emergency closed gate.

However, this arm blocked the passage by itself, so no air leaked out, but its end was sprayed with a lot of dust and fog in the passage.

These dust mists quickly plunged into the space station, and they stuck to a virtual person, and suddenly the imaginary people made a very screaming scream.

"It's putting a virus in the space station!" A virtual singer said: "Hurry up and attack it! Attack it!"

Just as they panicked, a flash of light flashed through the void outside, and a missile with a special sign suddenly appeared there.

The missile flew past the block and space station at a very fast speed... (to be continued...)

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