4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 763: King's thoughts

"Now our country is going to be destroyed... This destruction looks like a 'natural disaster', but I know... all this is what they get! Those 'God' deliberately! They want to destroy us... ..."

"But I can't stop it..."

The king of Atlan said in front of Lynn that the emotions contained helplessness and fear. It did not believe in gods that might be micromachines. If you have already read this chapter, please go to: Chinese. Read the latest chapter

Lin asked the king: "You can't stop the king?"

"Actually, the power of those sects is bigger than my king..." The king said: "And that **** has a very powerful force, I can't fight it..."

The king said: "It wants to destroy us, then gather the rest of us and transport them to other places... Although we don't know where they are going, it is said that they will not have a smooth life in the future. ......"

"How do you know so much?" Lin asked in confusion.

"Oh, my child... I...have never told you, actually I believe in a true god, it has predicted that this happened." The king said with a sad mood: "But I am powerless." To stop this, in the entire palace, most of Atlan is in the right way to deceive the false gods who are now deceiving us. Now standing here...including you, a minority can still trust."

So, is this role played by the king's children? Although Lin had almost guessed it before, Lin felt a bit strange now. Since this character is a child of the king, what did Atlan come in with Lin?

"Now, the predictions of destruction are expected to spread throughout the city soon, and then those churches will start convening all the citizens without permission. Before that, we must act first." King said: "Children, although you have a lot Question, but because of the time... I can only answer a few of your questions, what are you going to ask?"

In this case……

Lin asked the king some questions.

Sure enough, the ‘child’ played by Lynn seems to have grown up in a state of no knowledge. It was only now that I was exposed to this information, so the king would say to answer Lynn’s question.

It is said that the 'false gods' began to affect the city hundreds of years ago. They were originally small groups and then quickly developed.

And Lin is here to see the crystallization of energy everywhere. It was also used because of the influence of the Order. The King acknowledged that this energy is indeed a very useful thing, but these churches have become more and more powerful.

Finally, as it is now, the king’s own commands have not had their orders effective. Most people believe in that sect.

However, the kings of the dynasties and the members of the royal family believed in a ... true **** before the church.

This belief has never been shaken, mainly because this ‘true God’ has always happened after the prophecy, and it has predicted all the things of the entire church and the things of the false gods.

But it is known only to a few members of the royal family, so there is not much influence...

Of course, it is also because this ‘true god’ asks not to promote it.

Therefore, the king can only prepare in secret.

"We have prepared this thing now, this is what God has given me." After describing the general situation of the whole body, the king took out a disc-shaped thing.

This... is the piece of crystal that is found in the void in the sky.

"Most residents may leave here. But according to the predictions of the true God, they will come back again in a long time... At that time, they will know the true colors of the false gods, they will no longer follow it, then they will Learn about our history through this disc and learn everything about the past..."

"What exactly is this thing?" Lin asked.

"The true God told me that this is to let them know the things of the past, but I don't know how to use this, and there are still some things to prepare..." said. The king called the corner of the hall: "You are ready!"

"Okay!" Lin found the sound coming from the corner of the hall, a group of very small Atlan... came over.

Of course, they are not Atlan, looking at their size and size... obviously they are 'illusions'.

"We are ready. King." Each of these illusions carries a backpack-like thing, and they all make a very nervous expression: "We can start at any time."

Although they don't have a skeleton, their muscles are strong enough to stand up like Atlan, and they can make various expressions from the head that is not actually head.

"Okay, let's go." After the king finished. All the illusions quickly ran away, and they seemed to be familiar with the king.

"They are now injecting a special thing into most people." The king explained to Lin: "In this way, their descendants will come back here and feel that they are their hometown..."

Lin questioned: "Can this effect continue to future generations?"

"Yes, this is what the true God has given us..." The King also said a little confused: "You are a little strange today... Why are you... not curious about what the ‘mini Atlan’ was just now?”

"Because there are too many things happening," Lin said calmly.

"... is it? Well, we have no time. After the destruction, our entire race may disappear in this world... at least for a long time, I don't want this to happen..." The king walked up to Lin and said very seriously: "Child! You are the only one who can inherit me! So I want you to live! You have to lead some of the 'followers' to live!"


"Yes, I will let you take the fastest boat and leave the kingdom tonight! You have to sail to the distant sea, board other continents, and then live elsewhere and rebuild our kingdom." : "Although the false church said that the whole world will be destroyed, my true God told me that only the island will be destroyed."

"So... other places are safe, live! Let's take our future!"

It seems very interesting, Lin feels that the content of this memory is really rich.

"So, don't you want to live?" Lin asked.

"All the kings must die in this city of Poseidon. This is our destiny." The king said: "And I am old, it is not convenient to act with you... you!"

The king suddenly shouted to the entrance, and Lynn saw a group of heavily armed Atlan walked up.

"You... protect Marsh from Pula."

"Yes, we will swear to protect you!" This group of Atlantis said in front of Lin, in a very respectful tone, and the ‘Mahi Yu Pula’ seems to be the name of Lin’s character.

"They will start with you, and they will protect your safety during the trip." The king said: "I will not know what you will encounter in the future... Unfortunately, I have no way to give you any protection. This palace is too gorgeous. And useless jewelry."

"But, I can still give you something, child." The king said that he took out something and handed it to Lin. Lin found that this is a shell of a snail.

"This is the 'Poseidon Horn' that we have passed down from generation to generation." The King said: "If there is any danger at sea, blow it, the **** of the ocean will protect you."

Lin picked up the shell and looked at it carefully. Although it was like a snail on a pom-pom, there was actually no such thing.

But no matter what, the ecology of Ershi and Pompom seems quite similar...

In this way, after the king said something like sigh, let Lin return to the room.

The next situation is like the 'prophecy'. The church has spread the news of the destruction throughout the city, and the whole city has fallen into panic.

But they quickly said that they had enough time to prepare for the disaster, so the city quickly quieted down.

The king has always been very nervous. At the end of the night, when Lin’s character ate a dinner made almost entirely by sea creatures, the king hurriedly announced that he would leave soon.

If you drag it too long, it may cause doubts from the Order, so you must be rushed tonight.

There are a total of thirty Atlan, including the role of Lin, male and female, and the difference between the general and the general Ershi residents, Atlan's male and female physique is almost no difference.

So almost all of them are called "Royal Elite" fighters, which can protect the safety of this journey.

Although Lin feels that such a small amount may be difficult to revert to a huge kingdom, it is a memory after all, even if Lin gives advice on them, there will be no change, even if there is change... but it does not make sense to change the content of the memories.

In addition to these elite guards, they also prepared a ship, as well as a pile of dry food, fresh water and so on, and of course many weapons.

Atlan will use weapons such as smashing arrows, but there is nothing like a bomb. They don't seem to think about using those crystals as a bomb.

Then, after the residents in the city fell asleep, Lin and this group of elites quietly slipped from the palace to the dock. This pier is not the same as the time when Lin came. There is no Atlan, and there is no The other ship parked the only one.

The exterior looks like a wooden boat that uses wind to move forward, but the king said that the vessel is mainly driven by crystallization and can move forward at sea quickly.

"They are there!"

When Lin and the elite wanted to board the ship, there was a sudden sound behind them. At the same time, Lin felt that the head of her own was penetrated. (To be continued.)

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