4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 778: In doubt

"Wow, ah!"

"Don't run! You have been surrounded, don't do unnecessary resistance, surrender quickly!"

The hot sun shone from the blue sky and shone in the dense green jungle. The hot temperature became cool under the neutrality of the jungle water vapor. Many jungle creatures squatted on the ground at this moment. With the sun, enjoy a moment of peace and leisure.

Except for three creatures.

"Oh, oh, wow!" A small black creature is sprinting between the woodlands. It uses both limbs and shows an unusual speed in the complex woodland covered with obstacles. It turns around and looks at it from time to time. There is a big one behind it... the same black creature is chasing it.

"That thing is running really fast!" This large black creature is chasing the small creatures in front, but it is often troubled by the sudden turn or the wonderful movements of the other side, but it still has certain advantages.

Because it is called a scholar, it can rely on intellectual superiority... to operate the armor, as long as the armor is adjusted to the 'high kinetic' state, you can easily catch up with the front gnome.

The third creature involved in chasing is a small robber on the shoulder of a scholar. It has not been smashed in the rush. It is still shouting at the gnome: "Don't run! Hurry up and stop. If you don't stop, I will continue to ask you not to run, do you know? If you don't want to do that, don't run!"

"What do you say about this?" The scholar couldn't help but say to the robbers: "You can't use any tricks to stun it?"

"In that case, you will be stunned first." The robbers said: "I don't always like to say that your ‘movie’ doesn’t like to call the other party during this chase?”

"Those things..." The scholar jumped hard and jumped over a rock in front and said: "It's all fake!"

"Indeed, although they always call that in the movies. But no one really works." The robbers said: "But this occasionally has some effect..."

Said. It looked at the gnome who was getting closer and closer to the front and shouted: "Hurry up and surrender! You are already surrounded. Know? Surrender!"

"Wow, oh!" The gnome suddenly turned around and picked up a mass of excrement and threw it at the scholar.

"Oh!" The scholar was shocked. He quickly rushed to avoid the excrement, and quickly touched the helmet and said: "Fortunately, there is no loss..."

The robbers said: "It’s just the food residue after the decomposition, and it won’t kill you. Why are you so scared?”

"You should know that we hate this kind of thing and actually use such a despicable trick..." The scholar stood up. Then he sighed: "It seems that I have to chase again."

"No," said the robber, "it seems like it has surrendered."

"What?" The scholar discovered at this moment that when he had just shunned on the spot, the gnome did not take the opportunity to escape. Now it is still breathing more than 30 meters away.

It seems that its physical strength has been consumed almost, and the scholar's armor still has quite a lot of energy.

This time, the outcome has been separated...


"Wow, yeah, ah!" The screams of the gnomes are constantly echoing in the jungle. The horrible volume causes the scholars to turn down the external volume of the armor. It now presses the gnome hard. On the ground, then took out a syringe and stabbed the gnome's thigh.

"Oh oh oh oh!" The gnome suddenly made a tragic sorrow. It seems that scholars are cruelly torturing it.

"Is this thing supposed to have no feeling?" The scholar pulled out the acupuncture and looked at the blood channel extracted from it: "Is this all right?"

The robbers said: "Okay. Let it roll and leave."

Listening to the scholar, he let go of his hand, and then the gnome ran away with a roll of climbing.

"The next step is analysis..." The scholar injected the blood from the syringe into a small hole in the leg, and suddenly his helmet slammed and showed a lot of images.

The robbers also climbed into its helmet and said to the scholars; "Do you understand?"

"Of course I understand, I used to study this before?" The scholar looked at the image and said: "This is a very obvious performance..."

The robbers continued: "It shows the motives of not wanting to stop when it flees, and the struggle of inner thoughts. The fear and confusion are tangled in its heart. It must have regretted why you met you."

"...don't learn movies anymore."

"Okay, then raise the serious emotions a little." The robbers poked the picture: "The nuclear information of this dwarf clearly shows that it is different from other gnomes."

"Other gnomes are also somewhat different." Scholars look at the pictures. These pictures represent the nuclear information of different gnomes, and they all have a certain gap.

“All gnomes are different, but so far, all the gnomes we know are very different, which means they can all breed and produce a lot of ‘hybrids’,” said the robber.

“Why is it a whole lot?”

"Because they like to have a lot of people."

“Okay.” The scholar said: “So that is to say that the ‘new gnomes’ we found and the other gnomes’ nuclear information are too different, and we have reached 6%.”

The roaring worm said: "Yes, this not only means that it can't breed hybrids with other gnomes, but it also means a huge gap. You noticed it when you chase it, no matter how fierce it is, actually ......"

“Is there any kind to help it?” The scholar went on to say: “This means that they are living alone. The gnomes have always liked to live in large numbers. The habit of living alone means... they are very abnormal.”

"But..." the scholar questioned: "Why do we want to study this? I am not saying that research is not interesting. I mean, where is the purpose of doing this?"

The robbers said: "You know, something happened recently in the void."

"The biological environment of this world should have evolved on its own, coupled with the influence of the creators, but there have been some doubts recently... There may be other participants in this process, and this gnome may It is the evidence that the participants have left."

"Of course, we can't be completely sure. Besides this gnome, we have to find some other creatures. They are all creatures that may be 'evidence'. By investigating them... we can know if the creatures in this world have been Influenced." (To be continued...)

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