4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1003: Fear of the waves

Lin’s pompom is flying on the edge of the floating rock. Looking at the dark void, there seems to be nothing here, but if you feel it a little, you will find...

A lot of things that can't be seen directly are coming here, just like a tsunami and a storm.

In this storm, there is a huge ... fear, the pompon can feel it very clearly, there is no need for a small guardian reminder.

Micromachines...or the sea of ​​fear seems to be fully operational.

Lynn wants to know...why do they decide to attack at this time, why the attack is so sudden, without any omen.

Their actions in connecting the world have failed. What else can they do in this place? Pompoms are able to feel a little bit... ‘answer’ in the surging fear.

They... want to go back.

This sea of ​​fear was brought here by the water polo from the unpredictable land. This is the answer that Lin had known before. It seems that this sea of ​​fear has its own thoughts...

It's not that it has complex thoughts like ordinary creatures, but that there is a very simple and very strong idea, that is, to return to the unpredictable land. In fear, Lin can feel what he wants to express. This kind of thinking, it is quite eager to... go back from here.

But why must it go back? This is a question. Maybe it is just a rehearsal of the hometown? Lynn thinks... this should be unlikely.

However, fear energy itself cannot do anything directly, so it requires the help of micromachines to reach the idea of ​​return.

Lin also found out... It seems that its offense is related to what happened on the gravitational sphere. In this fear, some related ‘intelligence’ can be felt.

However, it is still not completely confirmed what the situation is... Lin feels that it needs to be closer to the launching ground of fear energy, but... Lin should also pay attention to another thing.

Because the fear energy is close to the floating rock... This fearful tsunami instantly floods the rocks that float on the edge of the rock and floods into the interior.

Most of the stones that were flooded by fear energy did not seem to change, but some of them... began to move.

Although there is only a small part, it is only relative. They are much more than the previous ones. At the moment, Lin thought that there were thousands of stones that started to move, and they all flew in one direction.

The base of micro-machines... is really much.

No matter how many stones there are. The gel creatures react immediately, and countless gel creatures appear between the surrounding rocks. They fly to the moving stones and attack the stones.

The brilliance of the explosion began to shine in succession.

Lin did not do anything. Just watch the battles with the 'eyes' scattered throughout the floating rock...

The rapid action of the gel creature caused many stones to be destroyed without flying far. After more than ten seconds, thousands of stones were crushed by the gel creatures.

But... some stones stayed.

Lin noticed three stones, and they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all giants with more than 500 meters.

Other stones will not fight back when the gel creature's troops approach. They will only fly forward, but these three are different. These stones... have the ability to fight back.

'boom! ’

A ray of light emerged from the surface of a six hundred-meter stone that passed through countless rocks and hit a gel battleship approaching 3,000 kilometers.

This battleship was like a piece of torn meat. In the radiance of the explosion, it turns into countless minced meat and scatters around.

The stone that hit the battleship continued to accelerate. Lin found that its surface changed rapidly. The outer shell of the rock suddenly burst and detached, showing the internal structure of metal, and the metal was covered with countless The small hole seems to have turned this stone into a metal-made flying object.

There is a big hole in its head, which is much larger than the diameter of the body that is only one meter long. It is 30 meters in diameter. It feels like a... main gun and the like.

At the same time, Lin also saw that the other two stones had completed similar deformations. They turned into a huge metal object and accelerated to fly in the same direction.

The army of gel creatures. They are surrounded again, and a large number of gel forces appear around each metal object.

They consist of a large number of small gels of more than ten meters and dozens of large gel warships of more than one hundred meters. The troops flew at high speed to metal objects and fired them.

The attack of the gel creature looks amazing, with a lot of finely divided matter separated from their body like a piece of meat and then shot like a missile at the target.

Their attack process. It looks like it's constantly breaking down itself, or turning a part of your body into a bomb.

These subtle and explosive energy things look like small pieces of meat, but they have extremely fast speeds. The goal of thousands of kilometers is instantaneous, and countless pieces of meat continually hit the huge metal made of micro-mechanical.

The huge metal did not counterattack. Under the continuous roar of Lin, the body of hundreds of meters began to fall apart and turned into pieces.

This piece of micro-mechanical metal was destroyed, but...the other two did not.

The other two also suffered the same attack. Unlike the one that was destroyed, they launched a counterattack. Countless subtle things flew out of the holes around their bodies. These tiny things were like tiny insects. As usual, it is densely covered with metal.

When the minced meat of the gel is close to them, it will explode immediately. After a continuous explosion, the fines around the metal block are small, but the metal blocks themselves are not affected, they are still in their The target flies.

Their goals... Where is it?

Lynn has already reached the front of their flight route and has conducted an investigation there.

However, Lynn is not sure where their target is, or which stone, so Lin let the troops release a large number of detection pompoms on the road, let them go to each stone to check.

It would be nice if anything could be discovered before the arrival of the micromachined forces.

At the same time, on the other side... those metal blocks continue to suffer from the constant attack of gel creatures, and the protection they release does not always protect them.

Those protections should be made up of a large number of micro-mechanics, but they are becoming less and less after being continuously attacked... the pieces of meat that will explode are finally close to the metal block, and then... ‘Boom! ’

The second piece of metal was also wiped out by the attack of the gel creature, leaving only the last piece. This piece seems to be doing something... different actions, it stopped in place.

Around it, the continuous explosion is eroding the tiny shield around it. When the explosion is about to spread to it, Lin notices that the head of the head has a diameter of 30 meters... Shining light.

'boom! ’

A flash of light shot from inside, it crossed thousands of kilometers, flew into the gel army of the distant, and lit up with a shining star like a star.

It drowned the gel creatures in that position, which was a ... very strong explosion.

More powerful than all the previous micro-machine attacks, a large number of gel forces disappeared into the explosion, which may include thousands of small gel creatures and two large gel battleships.

But this is not the whole of the gel creatures. The gel forces that have not been affected elsewhere continue to attack, and the miniature shield of the metal block is finally crushed together with its body.

This is indeed a normal result. It is impossible for these three hundred-meter-meter metals to survive under the attack of gel creatures.

But... this seems to be just the beginning.

The pompons at the edge of the floating rock felt again... the tsunami-like fear energy.

It's hard to describe how big this energy is, because it's a very...thinking thing, but Lynn can figure out how many tiny mechanical rock bases will start.

If you calculate according to the previous start number, this time there may be...


Lin once again saw the light of the explosion.

The gel creatures had not had time to rest after the battle ended because the stones around them moved again, and the stones did not move immediately to the target, nor were they attacked, they all immediately attacked the nearby gel troops. The attack was launched.

After the gel creatures were flooded with a burst of fire, they flew to the target.

This explosion occurred continuously in multiple areas of Lin's observation, and all the activated stones attacked the gel creatures in the first place, and their reaction was much more intense than before.

They have more than 10,000 this time...

These stones all fly in one direction after destroying the nearby gel creatures, no matter how far they are, it seems that there is only one target.

This goal is not the center of the floating rock, but in another location.

At this position, Lin felt that it was almost certain. Because there is something special, they attract micromachines.

The forces of the gel creatures also reacted. Although they were destroyed a lot, their numbers have spread all over the floating rock, and more troops have flown to the micro-mechanical stones.

However, more fear energy is coming to this side. Lin feels that when these fear energy reaches completely, the number of stones started here will be around 100,000. (~^~)

Ps: Thank you ~ the special ticket for the beasts~

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