"this is……"

Here is a cave filled with sea bream. The Emerald Dragon, known as the Master of Blood Mist, was dragged here by a creature not long ago.

Now, the creature ran away... It seems to be caused by an explosion.

The Master of Blood Fog did not see what the explosion was like, because at that time it just turned to the explosion point, and now, there is no way to turn to see the explosion area.

Because... its body has been frozen again.

"Is that kind of crystal explosion?"

The familiar feeling is transmitted into the mind of the blood fog. Its whole body cannot move. Its eyes are covered with a thin layer of crystal. This situation is exactly the same as before. It also recognizes that it just exploded behind it. The object should be a crystal egg, the blood fog can also see the ground around, and some small creatures wandering around are blown into crystals.

So what should I do? The blood fog can only do the same thing as before... that is, constantly struggling, trying to get out of the crystallization.

As long as nothing happens before that... just like this, the blood fog continues to struggle.

'咔...' Unexpectedly, after the blood spray was a little hard, it heard the cracking of the crystal. This crystal seemed to be much weaker than before, so it swung its body quickly, so it should be as long as ten. More than a second can...

"You are still not dead? Why are you not dead?"

Just as the blood was struggling, it suddenly heard a familiar voice. I saw an ordinary... elder in front of it.

The elders don't know why they are here. And now it is staring at the **** fog and saying: "Do you have to die to know? Otherwise, if you see you, I will feel a little unhappy. If I am not happy, my plan will be disturbed. If my plan is disturbed, then There is a big..."

‘Hey! The words of the elders have not been finished yet, and the crystals of the blood and fog have completely burst open, and the **** fog that is free to move is standing in front of it.

"What will happen a lot?" The blood fog looked at the elders.

"Look, there is a big shark there!" The elder pointed to the blood. The blood fog did not pay attention to it, but slowly raised his hand... and then rushed to the elders: "This time I must kill you this blind man!"

"You stupid! Dare to challenge me here? I will bring you to your death!"

The elder ran wildly on the ground, and it ran straight into the depths of the cave, and the blood fog immediately followed.

This sea-filled cave is very spacious, the ground is moist but not slippery, and the blood fog runs faster than the elders at full speed.

Because there are no obstacles here, the blood fog is catching up with the elders little by little, and the elders are also desperately accelerating to run.

"You can't escape! I want to close your mouth forever!" It seems that it was influenced by the elders, and the blood fog began to mock and scream at the elders. The elders immediately responded: "Attention to you, death is getting closer to you!"

"Do you want me to go back and take the opportunity to do anything?" The **** fog said: "Don't think that there is such a good thing happening, you are going to die now!"

The blood mist suddenly jumped forward, and the whole body rushed out and held down the elders.

Then the blood mist immediately closed his breath, and he held the elder in one hand. One hand touched a stone from the ground next to it. Highly lifted up and prepared to embarrass the elders...


But the blood fog suddenly felt a sharp pain in the waist, it loosened the elders, and the elders took the opportunity to rush to the distance.

"Hey! I said that death is getting closer and closer to you. You can't understand your own language like an idiot, then you have to wait there to die! Hey!" After the elders ran out more than ten meters Then he turned back and shouted, the blood fog is now empty, because it sees his waist...

There is a shark biting there.

To be precise, it is a shark called a land shark. These sharks are more than a meter long and their fins can swing like a limb. And there are a lot of tiny hooks that let them grab the ground so they can run at high speed on the ground.

It seems not uncommon for this kind of land shark, which usually appears in coastal areas, to appear here. The blood fog immediately picks up the stone and slams into the landline shark.

'Snapped! The shark that had been smashed immediately jumped out of his mouth and jumped to the side, but did not go far.

The land-based shark attacked so much blood fog than himself, indicating that it was not a solitary shark battle. The blood fog found that the rocks around the ground were shaking, the stones were pushed open, and one land after another was drilled from the ground. shark.

"Hey! You know? The hunter will one day become a prey!" the elder shouted at him: "I will watch your ridiculous and sad process, when I destroy your stupid green country." I will tell you your story before making each dragon into a dessert. You must be very happy, you will become a stupid fool of Wanlong... ah ah wow wow!"

"How?" The blood fog saw a screaming elder, and it found that the elder was no longer in that position, and there was a hole in the position of the original elder, it seems... fell into the hole?

"Oh..." At this time, a land-based shark made a strange sound. Suddenly, all the land-based sharks around it called, and they swayed and swung their bodies toward the blood.

The blood mist immediately turned and fled, but it turned around and found that it was also a landline shark behind it. They rushed out from the surrounding area and completely surrounded the blood.

The only way out is the cave where the elders just fell in. There seems to be no other choice.

"Oh!" Suddenly, all the land-walking sharks climbed to the **** fog, and the blood-salted fog did not think much about it. It immediately ran forward and jumped into the cave on the ground.

At the moment of entering the cave, the blood fog felt like sitting on a very smooth ground, and it slid to the depths of the cave at a very fast speed...

The cave was tilted down, and the blood fog continued to slide down the cave. Occasionally there were some turns or circles, and after a few dozen seconds of continuous sliding, the blood fog stopped.

"It's really interesting." The **** fog turned to look at the cave that he had slipped down. The land sharks didn't catch up, but where is it now?

The front of the blood fog is a narrow space with a diameter of more than ten meters. The walls here are completely crystalline. It looks like a rock cave, but it is covered with crystals.

Because the crystallization has seen too much recently, the blood fog is not strange. It pays more attention to a creature in front of it... that is the elder.

The elder now motionless on the ground six meters in front of the blood fog, facing away from it as if he were thinking about something.

When the blood fog saw it, he immediately went to the elders. When the blood fog came out, the elder suddenly shouted: "Don't move around, if you move, you will be discovered! We will be exposed!"

"Exposure?" Although the blood fog is doubtful, it is still approaching step by step.

"I told you not to do anything..."

‘Booming! 'The elders’ words have not been finished yet. This place has violently shaken. The blood fog stopped the action immediately because of surprise. It saw a lot of cracks in the front wall... With the increase of cracks, the last wall Also completely broken.

And after the broken wall, there was a huge space.

"Oh... this... what is this?"

The **** fog has already surprised the mood to replace the hatred of the elders, except in the dream, it has never seen such a large ... underground space.

There are probably more than a hundred meters in diameter. The walls and the ground of this space are completely composed of crystals, and in the space, they are criss-crossed everywhere, like the structure of a bridge.

Countless caterpillars crawled on the bridge and on the ground, most of them pushing or carrying something.

Most of them are crystalline eggs, some are crystalline organisms, and some have crystals of various shapes that are not known for any purpose.

These caterpillars promote the crystallization in a neat and orderly manner like workers, classify them, and throw them into several large objects in the center of the underground space.

These huge objects are also composed of crystals. They are more than 30 meters in length and look like a honeycomb. Because there are countless holes in their surface, caterpillars throw their crystals into the holes along the bridge. Or remove the crystal from the hole.

The blood fog noticed that almost all of the crystals were taken out of the hole, and most of them were crystallized.

"They seem to have not found it here. I was almost killed by your stupidity. Do you know? If I die, it is the loss of this world! You can never afford it!"

The elder was yelling with a rather loud voice, and it said that the content did not match its behavior completely, and it not only sounded loud, but also ran to the edge of the cracked wall of the cave to look at the huge space outside.

The narrow cave where the blood fog and elders are located is at the top of the west side wall of the huge underground space, so they can see everything in the space in a bird's eye view.

“What exactly are these?” The blood fog has not fully reacted: “They are here... carry so much...”

"I don't know if you read it? Clumsy dragons! They are carrying a lot of bombs here. They may continue to produce these bombs here. All the recent crystal explosions are caused by them. You Thought I came here to find your rotten corpse? I came to investigate them! These things... they may be trying to blow up the entire canyon! I have to act, I have to They collapsed!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ the river crab can't eat ~112211211212~5857443~ six forced ~o day 1994~ the monthly ticket~

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