"We are going to leave here. Why? Because it tells us to leave. No! I don't go! No, I have to leave now!"

Here is a vast expanse of sand, two creatures with the brain-like blame, running wildly on this piece of sand.

Whether it's saying that you don't leave that, or that you are leaving now, you are all running together, and the speed is getting faster and faster. ‘Words and deeds are good enough to describe them.

"No! I can't leave! It is calling me! No, we must leave!"

The two brain-speaking people said as they rushed to the direction of the tree that was far from the center of the wasteland.

Although they did not discuss the reasons for the escape, the reasons for their escape were very obvious, mainly because they felt that the ‘tree’ was very dangerous.

It is not the tree itself that is dangerous, but the thing that flies to the tree is dangerous.

"They are coming!" A brain-generating brain made a strong brain wave. It looked at the sky at the same time. Only a large number of missiles echoing the thunderous sounds swept from above, and their targets all aimed at the tree...the tree.

"Hurry up and hide! No, I don't hide! I have to defend it with life!"

The two brain-hunting monsters watched the flying missiles while using brain waves to communicate, while also quickly digging the sand, all the limbs were swung rapidly, trying to dig a cave at the fastest speed. Hide yourself.

Although a brain-creating person does say that it does not hide, just as it was just now, its ‘word’ is not related to its actions...

'boom! ’

When the two brains buried their bodies in the sand, there was a burst of sound in the distance. The first missile accurately hit the tree standing in the center of the sand, and the missile behind it. Successively, the brilliance of the explosion suddenly spread on this wasteland.

All the gravel trembled constantly, but it was only just beginning. Soon, more missiles flew through the air and headed straight toward the tree.

The roar of the explosion continued to sound, and the whole piece of the squad continued...


"There are already missiles that have hit targets in succession."

In military buildings, scholars look at the information displayed on the screen. The picture shows that the missiles that have just been shot almost hit the target, and they are quite accurate, with almost no deviation.

"They haven't been blocked or intercepted..." The scholar said: "It seems that the three-legged column has no way for those missiles that fly out..."

"But can this awaken God?" The mechanical dust crocodile seems to have abandoned the previous idea of ​​bombing the three-legged column, but joined the ranks of ‘awakening the gods’.

"It's hard to say." The beginning said: "Because the explosion requested by God does not have an accurate value, it may be..."

The voice of the beginning of the ‘ booming rumbling’ did not fall, they felt the surrounding vibrate suddenly, just like an earthquake.

Although it is a huge pipe rather than the usual tumbling person, it is also an earthquake. There have been countless earthquake records in the history of dust crocodile.

So once this happens, the mechanical dust crocodile immediately responded: "What happened? Earthquake?"

"What happened? Where is this? Where am I?"

With the sound of the mechanical dust crocodile, there are still many questions that sound at the same time.

"This is..." Scholars, mechanical dust crocodile, and the beginnings are all overwhelmed... Surprising emotions, because in their eyes, there are a lot of ... dust crocodile.

They are like being sent over, appearing in the room out of thin air, and most of them are holding their heads or lying on the ground.

After appearing out of thin air, these dust crocodile gradually loosened their hands or climbed from the ground, looking at them with full of doubts, and most of them said to themselves: "What is going on?" "The words like that."

"This is... yes! I woke up, this is... this is the end of solidification! Everyone! The solidification is over... It has been won! We won!"

A voice that didn't doubts sounded. At this moment, all the dust crocodiles who heard this sentence suddenly changed into an awakening expression. They lingered for a while, and then there was a violent explosion in the whole room. Cheers.

"We have won! The solidification is over! We have survived! Thanks for saving our elite and heroes!"

"Coagulation... is it over? They wake up? Why?" Here only scholars and their three creatures did not participate in the cheers, and still looked at it with a puzzled expression.

"We have won! We...who are you?" Suddenly, a dust crocodile who was cheering turned his head. It saw three scholars and suddenly showed a strange expression.

"It seems to be the supervisor here." The first reaction from the beginning, and whispered.

The mechanical dust crocodile is the second opening, and it immediately said to the supervisor: "We...we are desolidating!"

“Is it you?” The supervisor was amazed. He looked at the scholars and the origins, and finally focused on the mechanical dust crocodile: “Remember that there was no mechanical participation in the revitalization of the event...”

"Yes!" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "A lot of things have happened, I can tell you slowly...and all the crocodiles, what happened during this period!"

The voice of the mechanical dust crocodile allowed all the dust crocodilees to focus on the scene. The supervisor took out a piece of something like a remote control from the waist and pointed it at the mechanical dust crocodile.

‘Drip’s it sounded like this, and the supervisor immediately said, “Let us cheer and celebrate for our heroes!”

"Oh oh oh oh!" In the room, cheers broke out again.

“And you!” The supervisor looked at the beginning and the scholar said: “You are heroes from other countries! We will celebrate for you! But now we still have a lot of things to confirm and deal with, please wait a little. Soon there will be... 'Elite Arrangement Group' to meet you, hurry up!"

Under the voice of the supervisor, the dust crocodile here immediately moved. Some of them opened the mechanical equipment check here, and some of them went to the house quickly. They all seemed to be detecting the speed at the fastest speed. Happening.

"They are adapting really fast..." The scholar looked at the scene and said: "It may be ready soon."

“Yes, they should have done ‘Ideological Preparation’ before they set.” The beginning said: “As long as you wake up and find yourself alive, you think the war has won.”

"It should be like this. It seems that the disappearance after solidification has been confirmed, but where are they missing? And, why do you say it to it?" The scholar then asked the mechanical dust crocodile: "We I don't know how to cure it."

"It doesn't matter!" The voice of the mechanical dust crocodile trembled a bit. It seemed very... excited: "I have been looking forward to this time... Our population is saved, everyone wakes up! We have... Victory!"

"Wait..." The scholar suddenly said: "Isn't that intruders woke up?"

The mechanical dust crocodile heard the scholar's words suddenly, and immediately ran out and the scholars immediately followed.

Running along the corridor along the way, scholars found that there are dust crocodiles everywhere, most of them are checking mechanical equipment, and some are confirming the time, and some are watching the mechanical dust crocodile and scholars with amazing eyes.

It seems that the dust crocodile really wakes up from the solidification... Why? Is it because they bombed the tree with a missile?

At this time, the scholars have chased the mechanical dust crocodile and ran to the exit of the building. The mechanical dust crocodile quickly opened the door and ran to the outside street.

Scholars also followed, and when the scholar stood on the street, it saw a lively scene.

The streets were full of dust crocodiles, and they almost looked around with astonishment. On the buildings on both sides, there were also many dust crocodilees that opened the windows and poked their heads. The noisy sound rang through the streets. The ruined and dimly-like appearance of the past was replaced by a noisy city.

"There is no enemy...no aggressor..." Looking at the sight, the mechanical dust crocodile raised his hands with excitement and shouted: "We...we triumphed! We won!"

As it shouted, the residents on the streets became excited. They shouted together with the mechanical dust crocodile: "Oh oh! We won!"

When the cheers rang through the city, every dust crocodile was very excited, and the scholar's thoughts contained doubts.

why? Why are those aggressors not lifted? Why are the dust crocodile waking up? What is the reason……

But this does not seem to be the thing that these dust crocodiles are going to think about now. They just need to enjoy the joy of victory... the joy of victory.

The cheers lasted for a long time, and every dust crocodile had the excitement of the rest of the life... so they stopped for a long time before they stopped, and then continued to pay attention to the things around them.

At this time, some complaints sounded. After all, because of the long time, many things were rusted or damaged, and some buildings had traces left by explosions. Some street shops were blown up.

The situation here is fine. Maybe the three-legged column has been fighting here before. As for the dust crocodile on the side of the square... Scholars think that they may not want to cheer, because they found themselves standing in the ruins.

"It seems that this is a very weird thing." The beginning appeared next to the scholar and said to it: "The aggressor did not wake up, but the inhabitants here lived..."

"This may be an accidental event, or it is... a conspiracy."

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