4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1385: Temporarily calm

Here is... in the void.

Among the stars, there are two worlds.

The body of a world is covered with dark red cracks, with a diameter of more than 7,000 kilometers. It is filled with high-temperature air. The living creatures also adapt to this sea-like environment and thrive here.

The other world is generally orange, with a diameter of about 10,000 kilometers. The temperature above is suitable. It is said that the ecology is quite rich and it is a wonderful place for cell biology.

The distance between the two worlds has reached an unprecedented state of the past, which has strained the creatures in the orange world.

They believe that their civilization may be completely destroyed, and this wonderful place will disappear completely.

So they started to act.

"Confirm the plan, confirm the target position, Dudu demon fan, authorized, start launching!"

Thousands of missiles are flying at high speed in the sky... They set off from the orange world, crossed the cold void, and flew toward the dark red world.

In the high temperature world of the lava coast, the sky is in a rare sunny state, so the inhabitants here can ... clearly see the missiles from the sky.

"Everything is ready! They are coming soon!"

All members of the coastal base are very nervous. They are the first to launch the plan. They also know that this plan must not fail.

A large number of missiles are getting closer and closer, and their goal is to be in the orange ocean below the boiling...

The sound of the blast was swaying on the ocean of lava, spreading along with the sound... a strong icy cold.

The surrounding air instantly became extremely frozen, and the boiling lava lake became dim at this moment. The orange-red liquid that had been surging suddenly began to solidify, and finally it was completely in a state of immobility.

When the sound of the explosion is over and the diffuse smoke is scattered, you can see it in the landscape area inside the base...

The sea of ​​lava has disappeared, replaced by a rocky wasteland. From the shape of these rocks, it can be seen that they are the former lava.

"We...we succeeded! It was frozen!" Some demons who stayed in the landscape area looking outside were cheering, but not just them, all members of the entire base, even including the basement, were locked. Scholars and elites can all see this situation.

The lava sea outside seems to have been completely frozen, and this does not seem to affect the base.

"Next, release the creature!"

The matter is not over yet. After the base commander issued the order, the top of the base flew out one after another. The aircraft came to the solidified lava sea, opened their warehouses, and placed various kinds of creatures. On the ground.

"It turns out that... you did this..."

Although they are now prisoners, they are treated very well. They can see a lot of situations here, and the demons have explained them.

The lava in the lava sea does not come from the depths of the ground, but is a high-temperature liquid that collects in the basin.

The nature of this liquid is very similar to that of the 'gird melting column', which will solidify very quickly in low temperature environments. The devil just let the missiles in the sky match the frozen bombs that they have placed in the lava sea all the time. Freeze the entire area.

It is said to be a lava sea, but it is not as big as a real sea. Its diameter is only tens of kilometers.

Then put a low temperature creature to keep it cool, then you can keep it frozen here... At this time, the 'hunting team' will be dispatched to kill the giant lava column and produce the basic species of 'melting polymer'. .

In the long-term study, the demon has found that the proximity of the world is related to the number of basic species. The smaller they are, the faster they will approach, but if a large area is frozen, then the basic species will be reduced. The number is feasible.

Because the low-temperature ecology does not need these basic species to maintain, the basic species are no longer needed, and the world will not continue to approach because of the production.

“The Ice Sea Plan is a preliminary success, but it is only the beginning. We will turn any part of the world into a completely low temperature environment. In the process, we will continue to reduce the number of species producing molten polymer. "The devil said to the scholars: "When they disappear completely, the approach of the world should stop completely..."

"You... actually did that..." Elite said: "You dare to change God..."

"We have been doing this plan all the time, but because of a lot of uncertainties, we have to do it slowly, but now it suddenly becomes so close, we only have to do it in advance... quickly." The devil said: "This It is one of the ways to save the entire civilization, and the plan of ashes is also an alternative."

"I definitely don't forgive...you are trying to change the world of God!" said sharply and angryly.

"Your faith is very deep. It seems that ‘God’ has a great influence on you, but it doesn’t mean much to us.” The devil said, and turned to the scholar: “So what about you? Do you believe in God?”

“No...” the scholar said: “I am just a...traveler.”


In this way, after this period of time, about thirty pompons stayed up late.

Scholars are no longer locked up in the basement at this time, because scholars have persuaded the devil to show that they have no hostility, just to explore.

In the end, the devil believed the scholar and confirmed that it was released without danger. As for the elite, it has been transforming the demon... The environment of this 'God' is very angry, so it was not released at the end.

Scholars can visit everywhere in the base as before. It finds that this group of demons is indeed very good in character. After all, most of the individual creatures are quite suspicious. Generally, they are always locked and will not be placed. Come out and run around.

The devil can not only give it a high degree of freedom, but also explain to the scholar a lot of things that it does not understand...

This kind of race, apart from the appearance, is really not like a ‘devil’.

During this period, scholars mainly focused on the lava sea that was solidified outside. The lava sea now maintains a temperature that almost allows the water to freeze, and it is very strange that this temperature does not really rise.

This is because of the above creatures, the devil placed a lot of creatures on the lava sea. Most of these creatures are... cell creatures, and adapted to the air here.

Although the temperature here is getting lower, but the air has not changed, they have to adapt, but the devil has cultivated many species that can adapt to the air.

These creatures are now rapidly spreading on the lava lake, and scholars have learned from the devil that the world has not continued to approach, but it has not regressed, that is, it has remained in this position.

So the devil began to prepare to bomb other areas and reverse the entire ecology of the world.

In short, it seems that everything is now... calmed down a lot, not as nervous as before.

One place that scholars are still paying attention to is... making brains.

The two brains were locked up at this time... in a room in the exhibition room, the devil created special walls to isolate them... brain waves.

At the same time, they are also trying to give them various tests. Before the devil said that they have dissected them, this kind of thing has not happened, but they are doing some comparison... gentle test.

It is like food for their cell organisms, food for dusty creatures, and the temperature environment in which they are adapted, as well as taking a little dust from them for research.

There is no torture or abuse of brain-creating, at least scholars seem to be like this, but their reactions are not like this... Scholars often look at them together with the demons responsible for experimentation and ask them something.

And every time they come, they are almost like this.

"Ah! Help! I am going to die! They are shooting me with mad ion rays! They are killing my tentacles! The world is going to be destroyed! You all have to die!"

They are now speaking directly, not using brainwaves, and the walls here are isolated from the brainwaves, but they are not soundproof, so their sounds can be heard throughout the landscape.

"Do you want to kill us? Why do you want to treat us like this? Do you want to bite it? Come and kill us!"

The two brain-creating monsters kept on the wall... mourning, their voices were too loud, and the demons who accompanied the classmates were somewhat... unbearably said: "I... there is something, you see them here. Let's go."

After that, it quickly ran away.

"Hey! You, the one over there!" And after the demon walked away, the brain-throwing immediately said to the scholar: "I tell you a secret..."

"Secret?" The scholar asked: "What secret?"

"That is..." The voice of the brains suddenly magnified: "In their world, there is something stupid."

"Stupid... what?"

"Yes, it's stupid!" said the brain-stricken man: "You go find the thing and let it come, maybe the world will be free from destruction!"

"What are you talking about... What is it?" The scholar questioned: "Can you avoid the destruction of this world?"

"Stupid! This world will not be destroyed, I am talking about the world will be destroyed!" The brain-stricken said angrily: "But that thing can not let it destroy, you understand?"

"It doesn't understand." Another brain-killer said: "It's too sad, you look at its mentally retarded look."

"I..." When the scholar is trying to say something, the brain-creating person said: "In short, you go to their world, find that thing! Don't come back if you don't find it!" (~^~)

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