4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1564: Growing troubles

The brilliance of the blasting of blasting blooms above the city of Ershi.

The pompoms are flying fast between the buildings, and behind the pompons, there is an armed helicopter.

This thing has been chasing the pompoms from all the ammunition since the beginning. Although no one hit the target, it caused a lot of noise in the city.

The explosion of explosions caused the small creatures and a small amount of rock skin on the street to be frightened. They all hid in places like buildings.

Obviously, Lynn noticed that the cubs didn't particularly hit them when they attacked, so these creatures were just panicked and there was no real danger.

The pompom flew over the street, watching the helicopter that was chased behind him... '嗖' The last mounted missile swept past the pompom, although it did not directly hit the pompom, but it still exploded. .

In the roar of the roar, the pompoms disappeared with the brilliance of the explosion, and the helicopter that almost consumed the ammunition stopped in the air.

Did you make it?

Lynn thinks the pups probably think so. The correct answer is that it did blow up the pompom, but... there are ten pompoms here.

In the next second, the ten pompons flew out of the surrounding buildings, and they instantly surrounded the helicopter and stuck it on the helicopter.

Then, the group of pompons quickly put the fluff into the gaps in the helicopter, starting in these gaps... the ghost pups in the helicopter.

The ghost pups are like the air. They are crowded into the various gaps of the helicopter. Some of them may have been drilled into key parts. For example, at the engine, Lin is still not fully aware of how it controls the machinery, but... Obviously the pups are already full of the entire helicopter.

These pups drilled inside the helicopter are not easy to extract...but the ghost pups can exchange as long as they are pumped, so after absorbing a certain amount of ingredients, Lin’s pompoms fly away, leaving the helicopter There are also some cubs left inside.

The helicopter did not continue to attack, perhaps because Lin’s pompoms contained part of the pups, perhaps because it had no ammunition.

Although the pups are often a whole group together, it can actually be separated, and splitting a cub into two groups has no special effect on it...

The ‘will’ of these two groups is common, so just take a part to communicate.

When thinking about this, Lin also sent some signals of communication to the newly-decided cubs... This signal did not receive a response.

It may not respond so quickly or don't want to respond, so Lin continues to send out a lot of signals to it, including saying something... about the situation of the pups on the side of the virtual people.

After talking about the baby, it quickly responded to Lin.

The main thing is that Lin and it said that a ghost pup is common... can be said to be the same as the ‘cipher’, which is what Lin learned from the last cub.

This 'dark' allows them to quickly identify the same kind, so this cub is sure that Lynn has encountered other cubs.

It seems... this cub is very concerned about the appearance of other cubs, and it also actively asked Lin about the situation of the cub.

At this time, Lynn asked about the things here, such as the original vagrants here, as well as Ershimin and so on.

After communicating, Lin can learn a lot of things, and it turns out that it is doing here... for interesting reasons.


This cub... is smaller in age than the one on the other side, but knows more about it. It and Lin say a lot about them.

As a baby of Midgarth, this kind of gas-like form was originally in the beginning... And as they grow up, they will slowly get the 'body', which is already known.

However, the body is not grown by the cubs themselves, but other creatures help them... shape them.

The transpiration is the creature that was originally responsible for helping Midgart to shape the body in the solidified void. As long as it grows to some point, the transpiration will help the baby to start building the body.

At the end of the day, a cub like a gas will grow into a giant like the current Midgarth, which can be said to be a rather huge project.

It takes a long time to complete the manufacturing process, and only the transpiration can complete this... great project.

However, this cub doesn't know much. It doesn't know what the details of the transcripts help build the body... And, I haven't seen this shaping process, it just knows that when I grow up, I will have it. The transpiration helps it shape it.

However, this is something that is only in the solidification of the void. After it has wandered outside and cannot go back... It has been a long and long time.

The cub thinks that he has grown to the point where he can have a form. If you have a form... you should be able to return to the solidified void without having to wander around in this void.

Therefore, it only thought of using the things here.

It said that it was an accidental thing to enter this hidden project site, and it also found that the vagrants in this void were dangerous, and the cubs said that the transpiration would... ‘kill’ it.

Therefore, it has been hiding here, to avoid being discovered by the transpiration, because the transpiration does not control this place, and the cub has a special hiding ability for the transpiration, so it has not been discovered, but...

It found another transpiration here.

It was the original vagrants that Lynn saw before.

The cubs found that the original transpires were not associated with other dangerous transpirations, and there was little intelligence...so, it thought about using the original transpiration.

It wants the original transpire to help shape it...the body.

It believes that even if it is ‘autumn’ after having a body, then it is no longer afraid of dangerous vagrants and can escape from here.

But... the plan to shape the original transpires has never been successful.

Because the cubs don't know how to get them to start shaping, although they can control these original transpires, they can only give some very simple instructions, which is almost useless.

Therefore, the cubs want to improve the intelligence of these original transpires, and maybe they will help shape the body.

But how do you improve your intelligence?

At this time, the cubs noticed the residents of Ershi who happened to be here.

These residents seem to be able to take advantage of it. (~^~)

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