“Welcome to Base One, you can enjoy the underground scenery here.”

The helicopter was parked in the square inside the base, and Lin was in the largest building in the base.

The general manager of the base said that he wanted to see Lin, and talked to Lin, but Lin did not see it, but came to the bottom of the base, which has a large basement.

Here is where the gravitational system is placed.

However, the entrance to the gravitational room is still tightly closed, as if they do not want Lin to touch this thing.

"You should come up and see the underside of the base manager!" The voice of the brighter people was uploaded on the phone held by the spy, but Lin just said to it: "Open the door here."

"..." There was no sound in the phone. After a few seconds, a more loud voice sounded: "Listen! You are this... I don’t care if you are an alien creature or something, come to me. The base will obey my orders! The basement is forbidden to enter! Please come up to me!"

This should be the base manager, it looks very character... hot look.

However, when it was talking, Lin also heard a small persuasion from the phone. It was the bright people who persuaded the general manager not to use this attitude.

"Why are you so respectful to this weird alien creature?" And the director was very unconvinced, and they began to argue there.

Indeed, their attitude also makes Lin feel a bit strange, although they conceal this concealed, but the overall attitude is very good, just simply feel that... is Lin is an alien creature that may threaten them? still is……

‘咔...’ When Lin thought so, the door suddenly opened slowly. Lynn also heard the general manager yelling angrily: “Hey! Why are you opening the door without authorization!”

After it shouted, the phone hangs, but Lin can now go in.

After entering the gravitational chamber, Lin first saw a large number of ... balls, which were more than three meters in diameter... and all placed in a circular pit on the ground.

The main thing is that these spheres are not metallic, but rather soft and elastic, like jelly, which may be...gravitational organs.

After touching it, Lin found out that the composition of the sphere was the same as that of the bus. Then Lin looked around and quickly found an imaging device in the corner of the gravitational chamber.

In the past, I touched it, and there was a ‘no permission’ pop-up on the device, so Lin picked up the phone and said to the bright Ershimin to give this permission to Lin.

After a while, ‘no permission’ became ‘starting...starting successfully’.

Lin looked at it. This is... ‘planting materials’, these spheres.

Because they are not made, but are planted, these spheres are not connected to the gravitational organs of Ershi itself... they are small, independent gravitational organs.

It is estimated that Ershi is given to Ershimin. It seems that Ershimin has been studying this organ here and has learned the method of mass production of the sphere. Here is the record of mass production.

After growing to a large enough volume, the sphere can be used to control gravity. Controlling gravity requires a set of equipment to start, and the ... connector is used to apply the control state to the target.

To put it simply, these spheres can make things in the distance in a state of gravitational failure.

The connector is an egg-shaped object. I have seen it before at the research station. As long as the connector is installed, the ball can make the object invalid.

In this way, Ershi people not only let the research station float, but also created a lot of weapons or something.

There is also a thing called ... nano shield is also made with this, Lin's machine spy is still on the mechanical island to listen to the class, where ... the teacher said this kind of thing, Lin feels quite like the protective shield of the beginning of.

However, because of technical and material difficulties, the responsiveness technology has not yet been fully popularized.

The base here seems to be... one of the planting points of the gravitational ball, in addition to many planting points, it seems to be deep underground in the world.

This is quite interesting, but there seems to be nothing about Ershi except for the material of the sphere.

Maybe you have to go somewhere else to check it out.


Suddenly, Lynn heard the sound of the back, and saw a tall and tall Ershi people with many guards coming to the entrance of the Gravitation Room.

This tall Ershi people seems to be the head of the general manager, and the bright people are behind him, as if to stop it.

"I said... you can't..." The brighter people were somewhat breathless. They put their hands on the shoulder of the main pipe, but the next second general pushed it away, then turned and said to the spy: "You are giving I am coming out! I said that it is forbidden to enter here!"

The spy turned and asked him: "Where is all the information about the base? Where is the record of communication with Ershi?"

"You..." The general manager seems to be very angry: "Do you think that you are an alien creature that you can come here? Do you think we are bullying? Is it fast? Get it!"

"Don't arrest it!" The bright Ershi people suddenly shouted: "It must be protected, and none of you are qualified!"

The soldiers were suddenly in a state of doubt, and they did not seem to know who to listen to.

"Why are you so protective?" The general manager said: "What is strange about this alien creature?"

"This is the order above!" said the bright people.

"What order? I haven't heard of it!" The general manager said: "I have the same level as you, you know I should know!"

"I just upgraded, so you don't have the right to know what I know!"

Just as they were arguing, the spy quickly walked out between the soldiers. Lin felt that there was a room like the data room, but where?

'boom! ’

When Lin walked to the corridor above, Lynn heard a loud noise.

Turning around and looking at the window in the corridor, I saw it outside the wall of the base... There was a big thing.

That thing looks black all over, it seems that there is no specific shape, and its appearance has caused the fear of this base...

"Alarm!" The loud noise echoed in the base. Lin saw that all the soldiers outside had rushed out of the building and gathered in the square below. The soldiers on the towers were all raised. I have a weapon.

What kind of creatures make them so... nervous? (~^~)

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