"So, you are here to register... strange? Where did you go? Hey! Go find it!"


Lin’s spy is swaying on the streets where the people come and go, because after the helicopter landed, the spy escaped and was not registered at the orphanage.

After coming to the street, Lin saw a large number of Ershi people. They walked around. Most of them looked down at the one in their hands...the phone, although they didn’t look at the road ahead, they almost I won't touch it together, because Lynn will hear these calls alerting them to obstacles around them, and they won't go to the ... lanes.

Looking around, Lin could see the vehicles on the driveway that came back and forth. They looked very fun. Some vehicles had wheels and smoked behind them. Some had no smoke or even wheels. They floated in the air. of.

Whenever those vehicles without wheels pass through the wheeled vehicles, Lin can feel the driver's feelings of 'satisfied'.

Looking up, you can see the towering buildings and the blue sky. Unexpectedly, there are not many billboards between the buildings, but there are still many. Lin also saw the advertisement of the former resurrection company. They have recently planned to resurrect a species called ... white rhinoceros, so they are propagating.

But what's more remarkable is that there are a lot of plants in the room, they are all in the transparent pipes around the room.

Lin investigated this and found that all of these plants belong to a rootless plant. These pipes are called ‘greening pipes’, which regularly spray a lot of nutrients and water to keep the plants active.

The city... seems quite interesting.

However, it is said that there are many monitoring equipments in the city. Any corner of the city is observed, but Lin seems to run around here.

Maybe the few people who brought Lin to the resurrection company didn't go looking for Lin, or... In short, Lin decided to go to the lab first, just in that place.

Lin could feel the location of the lab from the nervous system of the stellar bus, thinking that Lin quickly ran over.

The surrounding Ershi people have no opinion on Lin, because Lin has changed her clothes to a style they often wear and similar to them, so...

"Be careful!!!" Suddenly, Lynn heard a burst of exclamation, accompanied by this sound, a tall Ershimin quickly approached behind Lin, and grabbed Lin and stopped to the side of the road. The vehicle ran away.

"Don't be honest!" Although the spy did not move, it reminded the spy and opened the door and was ready to go in...

It seems that this developed region also has... like the criminals of Antarctica? Lin listened to them before saying that there is no, but this...

‘Hey! At the moment Lin thought so, Lynn heard a burst of noise coming from the front, only to see a car in the car that the criminal wanted to enter.

It just jumped out of the sky, and the car roof was slid into it. The criminals looked back and followed a few steps: "...you...you are!"

"Yes, it's me! I am here to sanction you like this criminal!" This Ershimin is wearing red clothes all the time. Lin found that this is similar to a comic character she saw before. Is it true here? Are there heroes in comics?

It’s impossible for Lynn to have a comic character. But this guy is indeed a character like a comic character.

"You don't come over! Otherwise I killed it!" The criminal immediately took out a gun at the head of the spy.

This seems to be a common situation in works such as comics.

"Stop it, then you are a real criminal." The 'heroes' standing in the car said: "Now catch you, then you won't be shut down for a long time, but if you kill it, then you will be guilty. Killed..."

"Shut up!" the criminal shouted: "Hurry up and prepare a new car for me... No, I want to be able to fly out of the helicopter here, otherwise I will kill it!"

"What if I can't fight?" the spy asked the criminal.

"I told you not to move... ah?" When the criminal turned to look at the spy, it found that the gun in his hand did not know when he was in the hands of the spy.

"It's now! Ha!" The hero immediately jumped and jumped and kicked the criminal directly, so... this matter was solved satisfactorily.

"Where are you not hurting? Children? No? It would be great! You did a very good job, and you will become a strong person to me in the future!"

After caring about Lin's spy, the hero jumped and climbed the building along the green pipe in the eyes of the public, disappearing.

Are they... so high?

The surrounding Ershi people were surprised to discuss what this is a hero, and Lin felt that it was very interesting, because when the hero was approaching Lin, Lin poked its body and felt that its body skin was not ... Ershimin.

It is the kind of shell of the bus creature.

It's no wonder that it has such a slap in the face, but before Lin was only there to hear that they are experimenting, and here they actually saw that they have created this kind of hero?

And the appearance is exactly the same as that of Ershimin...

This is a very interesting thing, so Lynn intends to follow it and see that it is now moving to where Lin is going... the lab.

But Lynn should also pay attention to the criminal just now, this criminal...not an ordinary criminal, although it looks like a general robber, but in fact... it has a connection with that hero.

In the conversation they had just made, Lin could feel from their emotions. There is a deep relationship between the two, which may be old friends or something.

Soon, the law enforcement officers responsible for handling the scene arrived, and Lynn quickly left the area after investigating the criminals and headed for the lab.

It seems...that is the building.

After walking for a while in the street, Lynn saw a big building. The building looked strange. It was like a stadium. There were a lot of things on the top... the ball was protruding and outside. There are a lot of armed people like the armed people, which makes almost no Ershi people dare to approach, but Lin still ignores them and quickly walked to the entrance of the building, under the surprised eyes of these soldiers... Going over. (To be continued.)

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