4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1674: Historic building

Here is an ordinary room.

Beds, computer desks, and a kitchen and washroom, through the undamaged windows that illuminate the 'sunshine', can be seen to be covered with a thick layer of dust.

"This place... is really history."

Spy Veronica students walked over to a table and looked at the machine named ‘Computer’.

I don't know how long it hasn't been turned on. This is an older device. It may be used in some places on Ershi, but almost all 'computers' have been replaced by various stereoscopic devices. .

Like such a big city, there is generally no such thing as a 'computer', but why is there?

That is because it is a... historical and cultural building.

When Lynn had seen it on the streets, some buildings that looked old were standing on both sides of the road. These buildings were surrounded by fences, and a ‘reserved’ sign was hung on the entrance door of the fence.

Because I felt very strange, I jumped straight over the fence and jumped in. Then I walked into the building and looked around. Lin found it... they were all very old things.

In every house, there are some electrical appliances and furniture that have been eliminated. These places have not been cleaned for a long time, so there is heavy dust, and of course no Ershi people live here.

However, there is some cell debris left in the dust here. Lin speculates that someone will take care of it for a while, but this interval is very long and long can accumulate a lot of dust.

However, there are no scars on these furniture, they are very complete, and this computer... Lin feels that it can be used.

I don't know why, when I saw these older things, Lin had a special feeling, as if Lin was more familiar with these things than the higher-tech products outside.

In short, let's take a look.

Unlike the current video installation, the main component of a computer is in a square box, and the screen on which the screen is displayed is another.

In addition, the operation is also to poke the button operation in other places instead of operating on the screen. In fact, Ershi people have created something that can be operated on the screen very early, but even then, the computer that does not operate on the screen continues. The ground was used for a long period of time and later slowly eliminated.

Lin remembers that the virtual people also have similar... junk.

However, when I look at the virtual people, I don’t have a familiar feeling. I think this Lin feels a little familiar... In short, I will poke it first.

After finding the button on the box, after a poke, Lin heard the sound of 'Kala Kala' in the computer. It seems that the parts inside are experiencing a fierce collision, and the screen is also lit up. After ten seconds, it seems to be operational.

This is really usable, but after opening it, Lin didn't know what to do.

In short, let's take a look at the information first. There seems to be a lot of things that can be poked here.

Lin knows how the computer operates, that is, controls a small... pointer to poke some of the information inside.

There seems to be nothing special here... Lin has ordered a lot of information in the next period of time, but there is nothing interesting about it, only one... the personal life diary of Ershimin.

This diary is very normal. It is to record what is eaten every day, what has been done, what has been played, and it is seen from the diary that this Ershi is not of this era.

It lives around the Internet, and the era of obsolete appliances that we have seen before, and the vehicles of that era...the wheels are used, and there is no drift.

It can be said that it is a very historical diary, although there is no important content.

After the diary lasted for a while, I didn't write it. Finally, I played a game and didn't continue to record it. I didn't say whether it was moved or not, and it ended so suddenly.

It seems that this game looks like... Lin has poked the game mentioned in the diary on the screen, and the screen is completely black.

And soon showed the picture of the game.

This is also a... very historic game.

The content of the game is to operate a character, while avoiding a large number of flying objects, while knocking down the game of opponent clearance.

Although there is nothing special about this game, Lin still passes it to the customs. There is no story in the game. The dialogue of the characters is very... simple.

But according to that diary, this seems to be a very popular game, it has been played many times.

Because of the wonderful familiarity, Lin also played it again, but then I should go to another room to see...

what is this?

When Lin closed the game, I felt that something suddenly happened... abnormal, as if there was a feeling of light flashing.

"Vironica classmates! How are you here?"

At the same time, Lynn heard a familiar voice, and before seeing the entrance to the room, Bilu was standing there.

As he walked towards the spy, he said: "I just felt dizzy and found myself here. It's weird, and why is Veronica's classmates here?"

It seems that it is no coincidence that it is more than here. Although it is also traveling in this country, it seems to be another reason.

It was sent, but why is it transmitted?

"Vironica students, do you know how to operate this old machine?" Bilu walked over and looked at Lin's computer, but quickly turned his eyes to the outside: "Wow, where is this? ?"


Lynn’s spy also went to the window and saw that it was completely outside... it changed.

The original city has disappeared, replaced by a large piece of sand, there are many buildings in the sand that are flooded by sand, and the sky's sunlight has become... very real.

The previous sunlight was emitted by the lighting device, and this time the light seems to be really a star shining.

It seems that the entire building has been sent to a strange place.

"Vironica classmates, what do we do?" Bilu said very happy to see the outside situation: "Are we just like the movie, is there an unknown doomsday space? It seems very cool! Does this mean? We are... what is the legendary choice?"

"...go out and see."

As he spoke, the spy opened the window and Lin found that part of the building was buried in the sand, so if he jumped out, he would jump into the sand and might step on some... creatures.

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