4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1703: under construction

"This place... is so big."

In the cold air, the spy and Bilu are walking in a large courtyard.

The courtyard is surrounded by a wide variety of plants, occasionally seen between plants... ‘soul’ drifts.

If you wear that glasses.

Bilu, who is not wearing glasses, has been paying attention to the lanterns on both sides of the road. They are neatly arranged on both sides... and sway with the cold wind.

The illuminators in the lanterns are not fires, but a kind of insects that treat the paper lanterns as a nest.

The most striking thing here is the large building in front, which looks like a medieval style, and is entirely woody, much like the ones called ‘Palace’.

Before the spy and Bilu came over, the boatman said that this is the ‘judgment hall’.

Originally it was a very lively place, where various mythical creatures related to the soul...the ghost and the ‘death’ lived here, making it very lively.

However, most of the residents of this place have left, leaving only the boatman and its chief judge.

The presiding judge is said to be a very stubborn character who insists on performing the task of judging the soul here... until the last moment.

The presiding judge also kept the props of the last doomsday space, so Bilu and the spy decided to come here, but the environment is also very interesting.

"I don't know what the presiding judge looks like..." Biro and the spy stepped into the entrance to the dark hall. At the moment of stepping into it, the intense light suddenly came and the whole hall became bright.

This place is very spacious, there are many...the huge statues of mythological creatures under the surrounding walls, and there is a row of wooden high platforms in front of the spy and Bilu, in the middle position, sitting in a... wearing strange clothes, It looks... very young Ershi.

"Wow, it really looks like a court, Veronica, you see that the guy is the presiding judge?"

Bilu pointed to the Ershi people in the middle of the high platform and said to the spy whispered.

"Do you come here for this?" The presiding judge sitting in the high place picked up a mirror and said, "I heard it, but you can come here to surprise me. Very few normal. The creature can get here."

“Hey? Is it?” Bilu wondered: “I don’t have any strange feelings?”

"..." Although it is more unclear than the dew, the spy knows that the various plants encountered along the way, as well as those ‘souls’... are dangerous things for the general Ershi people.

Some of them will release poison gas, some will interfere with the nerves, and some will absorb heat, etc., ordinary Ershi people can not get here.

"Forget it, I don't want to study this either." The presiding judge said: "I am afraid that it will soon be abandoned, ..."

"Yes!" said Bilu: "I heard that they all went to other places to take refuge. Why don't you go?"

"I have my own reasons." The presiding judge said: "But maybe I will leave soon. Speaking of it, this construction plan has stopped very early."

"Building plan?" the spy asked.

"...is the construction plan of the underworld." The presiding judge sighed and said: "Now, it doesn't mean anything to say this, just give it to you."

After that, the presiding judge threw the mirror in his hand and jumped up and caught up immediately after seeing it: "Oh, just throw it over and shatter it?"

"It won't break." The presiding judge said: "That is a mirror that can see through the soul."

"Really yeah!" After the other party said, Bilu had already put on his glasses, and raised his mirror to face some of the souls that were floating next to him.

At the moment of the soul, the mirror shows a lot of ... words, mainly the age of the soul, and some simple life stories.

"This is like a computer!" Bili scratched his finger on the mirror and found that he could display more information.

"...computer? Almost." The presiding judge said: "Since you have got it, let's leave."

"Wait." The spy said: "I still want to ask you some questions."



It turned out that this was originally intended to be a big construction...

The spy asked the presiding judge some things about the place, and the presiding judge answered his face indifferently.

It means that things here are not going to tell ‘normal living things’, but now everything doesn’t matter...

This place, originally a place called 'the underworld', is an area that is connected to this space.

This area is a fairly large area, and the residents here are mainly ‘souls’.

That is, those dream creatures with the memory of the people of Ershi, the inhabitants of the town will become souls after they die, and come here to be judged, regardless of the outcome of the trial, the soul will live in the underworld for a while.

After a while, these souls will return to the town and attach to a newborn to carry out ‘reincarnation’.

In this way, form a ... reincarnation.

Completing this cycle requires a lot of processes, such as collecting memories, producing flowers of the soul, transporting the soul to the boatman of the judgment hall, and the judgment chief and the huge living area of ​​the soul.

It is said that the residential area is an equally small town, but it is only for the soul to live. As for the surrounding is the wilderness, there are many ... wild animals related to the soul, but also the place where the criminal soul is held by hell.

However, these only completed the initial stage, and after the loss of Ershi, the construction behind it stopped.

Now that the judges have no way to let the soul do anything after the trial of the soul, they can only let them float freely around.

It seems that... According to Ershi’s original idea, he might want to build an area that accommodates many mythological religious legends.

Of course, it is not everything. These myths and legends have a long history. Ershi wants to show the legend to...

According to the presiding judge, there are still more areas, such as 'Heaven', which is also under construction. Ershi intends to completely display those legends in this space, not just creatures and buildings, but also intends to' Restore 'the wonderful things in those legends.

However, these constructions were finally abandoned, everything stopped, and Ershi seemed to have suddenly left.

Of course, most mythological creatures are unaware, they still live here as a paradise, until now...

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