4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1772: Did you make it?

"I am a partner of justice. For justice, I will defeat you... this freak!"

In the surveillance screen, fierce battles are going on.

One party is a group of bus knights, and the other is a mythical creature dominated by vampires.

It used to be a bus squad, but other vampire companions and vampires quickly rushed to support, so now a situation of group warfare has formed.

Although the number is relatively small, but the creatures on the vampire side have a lot of strange ability ... so it can be said that it can be difficult to solve with the bus man, and slowly took the upper hand.

The spies were watching the battles while dissecting the two busmen they had just sent.

Now the spy has extracted some of the organs from a bus man, mainly by absorbing these organs and synthesizing them in the body...

According to the giant structure, Lin can combine a similar but very small transfer organ, which can store a small amount of energy and deliver multiple Ershi-sized creatures.

"Ah!" There was a scream from the surveillance screen. I saw that there was a busman who was caught by the vampire's guard. The head fainted.

"Wow!" At the same time, there was another busman who was hit by a vampire. After the two busmen fell, the remaining five busmen became a little scared.

It seems that the outcome has been decided.

"Not good! The situation is not good, we must carry out a proper retreat!" There was a busman who suddenly turned to the direction of the exit, and the remaining bus-goers followed and ran to the exit.

"Ha ha ha ha! Don't want to run!" And the vampire side... especially the sister seems to be particularly happy to chase, in an instant it knocked down a running busman, but the remaining four fled to the exit At the end, they immediately locked the door after going out.

"Hahaha, don't want to escape!" The vampire's sister slammed on the door, causing the metal door of the entrance to sink.

It seems that this vampire sister is very powerful, but it is also a mythical creature of Ershi...

"Okay, don't chase it!"

Although the younger sister still wants to continue to knock on the door to catch up, but the vampire stopped: "The material is enough now."

"Hey? No, I want to continue killing them!" The vampire's sister is continually... expressing her emotions, but still obedient and not continuing to attack.

It’s really enough now, they have knocked down five bus knights, plus the original ones... Xie Texia, now there are six bus man.

Before Lin went to take the body of Shetman back, now just wait for the vampires to drag the three busmen who just knocked down here.

... just like this, for a short time...

"Okay, no, are you making it?"

In the surveillance room, the vampire and its companions, as well as the dew, were a little bored, while the spy was sitting in the center of the surveillance room.

Around the spy, there are six...Busman, they all lie on the ground, seemingly sleeping, but if you look closely, you can see that each of them has some hair attached to it and received The body of the spy.


The spy did not answer the vampire's words, but continued to make the ... mini transmitter.

By extracting ingredients from these bus knights, spies have already made almost everything, but some of the more complicated places have not been completed.

This kind of organ is actually not very difficult to make, but I don't know if it has any real effect. I have to test it here after it is made.

At the same time, the spy is also watching the situation on the monitor screen...

The previous bus racers who had been beaten have now reached the rooftop, and they have found some sticks... and use these sticks to continue painting the previous painting on the ground floor.

They seem to be able to call the creatures as long as they draw such things, their previous actions are interrupted, and now they still want to continue...

I don't know what they will call out? This time they should not be bothered.

As these bus-goers are getting bigger and bigger on the ground, spies can feel a strange feeling.

This is different from before. What the spy felt before was the reaction of transmitting energy, indicating that some kind of creature was to be delivered.

But now I feel another feeling, this feeling... very special, it is mainly composed of a special component that permeates the air.

After the paintings of the bus man paintings were getting bigger and bigger, the smell began to spread in the air...

Although the smell in the monitoring room is small, it still smells a bit, and Lin estimates that the entire college has it.

"...all? Veronica classmates?" Bilu was a bit uneasy, as did the vampire companions.

Except for that sister, most of them don't have a good expression, but the vampire still calms on the surface: "Yeah, it's been a long time, I think what will happen next, so can you get it done soon? ?"

"So, sister, we should kill them just now!" Compared to the worried vampire, my sister did not care.

"No, if you just catch up, then what will happen in advance." The vampire said: "Hurry up!"

The vampire has some degree of predictive power. It has also been told by spies before, although Lin does not see this ability very much.

"All right."

The spy stood up, then extended his right hand and dropped an egg-shaped object on the ground.

"This is the mini conveyor?" The vampire looked at the egg-shaped object in amazement.

"Vironica classmates, can this really take us out?" Bilu was also surprised.

"Should be, now I have to test." The spy said: "Who is going to test?"

"..." The creatures present looked at each other. Finally, the vampire looked at its guard: "Come on."

"Hey? Me? But this... okay..."

The guard looked unwilling, but it stood still and closed his eyes.

It's a **** expression... but it's really possible to die. After all, Lin is also using it for the first time.

I don't know what will happen... but it still has to be tested.

So the spy sent some signals to the egg.

'Snapped! At this moment, the guard disappeared on the ground.

"Well..." the vampire looked puzzled: "Is this successful?"

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