This bus anemone... is growing very fast.

The underground environment of the ball **** is very cold and full of solidified matter, but Lynn finds that it can be found inside... a lot of edible food.

This allowed this little 'sea anemone' to grow constantly, and while it was growing, Lin also recorded its growth process.

Bus anemones can use some coagulated substances as their body structure, which is why it grows very fast.

It should be able to grow into a bus much faster than other buses, and because the bus anemones have a lot of bus information... so the result of its full growth should be very interesting.

During the period of observing its growth, Lynn also paid attention to the dynamics of those dead warships.

They didn't want it at all...the way they found it, still the activity is solidifying in the void.

It seems that they may not have any special action for a long time, so Lin noticed the situation in another place.

Here is the ... workspace, which is precisely the space that was used to play history.


Under the blue sky, you can see a large group of Ershi people are moving, they are wearing a lot of weapons and equipment, this group of Ershimin surrounded by a ... Phoenix.

This phoenix is ​​like the real phoenix in the legend of Ershimin. It can open a dazzling giant wing that is 30 meters wide. When the wings are unfolded, the feathers burning with raging fire will go to the rain. Splash around the blast.

Its pace can make the earth burn, its sound can shock the air, even in the face of siege, it calms its own promise, looking down at the surrounding Ershi people with shining eyes, and they shot...

"Frozen bomb launch!"

A large number of missiles were shot from the long tube that was held in the hands of the Ershi people. The Phoenix suddenly spread its wings and flew into the air with a roar.

Its speed is comparable to that of the fastest bird on the Bill, so it was hit by a missile. The missiles blasted on its body one after another. The air-explosion of the explosion made it slow, and it also fell from the sky. Go back to the ground.

"Great, this should be the last one!"

When they saw the falling phoenix, the people of Ershi cheered, because... their battle was successful.

In fact, this battle started long ago.

When Lin pays attention to the situation of comets, the people in these spaces are constantly fighting.

Their main target of attack is the various solidified creatures in the phoenix and space. In fact, they did not dare to be as bold as they are now.

They were initially besieging a small number of phoenixes. The main purpose was to know from the phoenix what would happen next in the space.

At that time, space was still providing water and food to the people infinitely.

Later, Ershi people dared to attack and deal with all the phoenix.

That's because... the space suddenly does not provide them with water and food.

It was just a simple break of the water, but Ershimin was very happy.

A few people were initially frightened by the water cut off, but they soon discovered that it was something to celebrate.

Because at the time, there was a... rumors spread in the people of Ershi.

Ershmin has always believed that there is some very powerful creature, or that the civilized forces are controlling all the space and predominating everything here.

Now, this creature or civilization has left, and it intends to leave these spaces away from them.

Stopping the supply of water is the best proof. It has abandoned everything here, leaving only the ‘missing soldiers’ that used to manage it, like the phoenix and some solidified creatures.

The main thing about rumors is that.

The Ershi people here... slowly believe this message.

Although the water food has been stopped, there are actually many reserves, and many spaces are full of warmth, light... and air, and the people can grow on the spot.

Some Ershi people have also found ways to travel to and from various spaces.

So they started... comprehensive ‘rebellion’.

Ershimin assembled all kinds of weapons and equipment that were originally in the space, and then fully engaged in dealing with phoenix and solidified creatures.

These creatures are not very powerful, at least there is no way to deal with the siege of a large number of people.

They began to retreat under the attack of the Ershi people, and many solidified creatures left the space and returned to the solidified void.

Only those phoenixes will succumb to this space, but for the attack of Ershi people, they have fallen one by one.

Ershimin's idea is simple. They think that since the original dominators left, they can completely take up space and then look for ways to leave.

Mainly still water cut off fast to make them a lot of peace of mind.

Although it is said that the people of Ershi have doubted that ... the light and the air are not 'natural', but who provides it, but they finally did not manage so much, and began a plan to fully occupy the space.

In the end, these Ershi people pursued and solved every phoenix they found, this one...

It seems to be the last one.

The Ershi people here... slowly believe this message.

Although the water food has been stopped, there are actually many reserves, and many spaces are full of warmth, light... and air, and the people can grow on the spot.

Some Ershi people have also found ways to travel to and from various spaces.

So they started... comprehensive ‘rebellion’.

Ershimin assembled all kinds of weapons and equipment that were originally in the space, and then fully engaged in dealing with phoenix and solidified creatures.

These creatures are not very powerful, at least there is no way to deal with the siege of a large number of people.

They began to retreat under the attack of the Ershi people, and many solidified creatures left the space and returned to the solidified void.

Only those phoenixes will succumb to this space, but for the attack of Ershi people, they have fallen one by one.

Ershimin's idea is simple. They think that since the original dominators left, they can completely take up space and then look for ways to leave.

Mainly still water cut off fast to make them a lot of peace of mind.

Although it is said that the people of Ershi have doubted that ... the light and the air are not 'natural', but who provides it, but they finally did not manage so much, and began a plan to fully occupy the space.

In the end, these Ershi people pursued and solved every phoenix they found, this one...

It seems to be the last one.

Although it is said that the people of Ershi have doubted that ... the light and the air are not 'natural', but who provides it, but they finally did not manage so much, and began a plan to fully occupy the space.

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