Normal voids are a dangerous place for many species.

The same is true for flowers.

They are very 'pure' tunnel species.

Although it can leave the tunnel for a short time to enter the normal void, it can not adapt to the environment of the void for a long time.

So long after entering the normal void, returning to the flower found that its kind began to die one after another... death.

But it has nothing to do with it, probably because it has been transformed by the manufacturing device.

It wants to bring the population back into the channel, but finds that the entrance and exit that they came out before has disappeared.

It has no way to return to the tunnel, only to watch the companions' demise.

Slowly, the entire flower species will only have one.

It looked at the same kind of body... in meditation.

To be precise, it is a collapse, watching the entire population dying... It feels quite sad.

It has been spent watching the same kind of corpse for a long time, and these corpses will not rot in the void, so it can also be seen for a long time.

At some point, it suddenly produced an idea.

It started... ate all the dead bodies around.

The creatures of flowers do not have the feeling of 'disgusting' for the same kind of corpses, but they usually do not have the habit of eating corpses.

This kind of move seems to be a sudden thought... It does not know why there is such a sudden thought.

It was only after eating that it found that its body had grown a lot, and it seemed to be able to swallow its companions like a swallow... and grow indefinitely.

However, it did not think about what to grow. It just felt that it was not so much after eating the companion... sad.

So it began to wander around in the normal void and continued to drift.

In the normal void, it met many things that were not in the tunnel, and there were some wonderful encounters.

The most impressive thing is that it met at some point.

The world looks exactly the same, it is flower-like, but it is quite huge, with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

After approaching this place, it also discovered the ‘the truth’ of this place.

In fact, this is made by the manufacturing device.

After it fled, the manufacturing device continued to assemble huge flowers.

When it was close, it saw the manufacturing equipment on the huge flower surface.

In fact, there are more than one manufacturing device at this time, but there are many, it does not know how much material the device got from, and why they are in the normal void.

But this group of manufacturing devices is still constantly building this huge flower world.

It was not close, it was only observed at a distance, and then it continued to drift elsewhere.

Then the flowers drifted for a while... during this time it barely ate anything.

But because of its own... nutrient reserves are very abundant, so it can not eat for a long time.

But it thinks this may be...not so good, so it tries to find food in the void.

It has found some edible substances during the period of floating, but rarely... but constantly looking for it to find a place with a lot of food.

These edible substances float in the void in the form of huge floating rocks, and after discovering this place, it lives here.

During this period, it did not do anything special, just staring at the starry sky.

However, its life has not been stable for a long time.

Because its territory encountered an invasion of a group of creatures.

Accurately speaking, it was the invasion of a bunch of aircraft.

These aircraft are the aircraft from the Nether Empire.

They mainly come here to mine minerals, but after discovering that there are such large creatures, they are ready to attack the flowers immediately.

The flower itself has a very poor combat capability, but fortunately at that time it felt some space gaps nearby.

It raided these Imperial aircraft by entering and exiting the gap and successfully destroyed a lot.

However, the Imperial Aircraft also counterattacked. The last large aircraft ran directly into the flowers. The blast of the aircraft blew up the entire flower.

They are almost the same, but in fact both sides are not so dead.

The Imperial Aircraft has two small ones that escaped during the battle, and although the flowers were blown up, some of its key parts were still there, such as nerve structures.

What's more interesting is that the flower finds it can control the parts of the body that it is shattered.

This made it very the flowers began to practice carefully controlling these parts of the body.

It found that there are ways to make these parts grow new structures, such as moving parts in the void, and also including eating organs.

It doesn't know why it grows out of these organs, as if as long as... imagine it will grow out.

But it is only able to grow some simple basic organs, and there is no way for them to grow more complex structures.

But at least the pieces can all be active on their own.

These scattered pieces of the body slowly grow into ‘biological’ with independent ability under its will, but they are mainly controlled by its nervous system.

And when it was doing various tests... the Void Empire returned to here again.

The flower now thinks that it is scattered and should be able to better deal with the Nether Empire. The original huge body can easily become a target.

But the Nether Empire did not want to fight it this time.

The Nether Empire sent three warships, and one warship tried to continually 'play' various languages.

These languages ​​are all the ways in which the Nether Empire was included in the exchange of vanity.

Most of the flowers don't move, but in the process of continuous playback... the flowers find one that it understands.

The Nether Empire says that they are coming to communicate... these languages ​​contain all kinds of friendly words.

The Nether Empire itself is 'cautualism', that is, encountering any new ones... They define sufficiently wise species, and the Nether Empire does not advocate attack but understands and communicates with each other.

The flower felt that the empire's behavior was wonderful, but it also canceled the idea of ​​attack, but decided to communicate with the empire.

Of course it sent some meat pieces to communicate with the Empire.

In the process of communication, the flower met the huge empire of the Nether Empire.

The empire told it that the private actions of the mining team were not related to the empire itself, they said that the empire was friendly.

The flower also recognizes the ‘friendliness’ of the empire.

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