4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2773: Trying to pass

"Found it... that's it! We found that!"

Here is somewhere in the void.

The two ‘God’ avatars have been flying fast in the void.

They are always flying fast, and every time they continue... they become even more excited.

Because they are close to their goal, that is, they feel the location of the device.

This place seems to fly just off the edge of the abandoned field.

At the same time, you can also see the twisting device that they have always wanted to see.

But this thing doesn't look like a twisting device.

It is a big whirlpool.

It looks like the coagulation vortex that appears in the disaster. It has a diameter of more than 100 meters, and it continues to whirl slowly in the void.

At the moment of seeing this whirlpool, both of these avatars were very excited.

But if you want to say it, the diamond is more excited than the bones. It is like crazy and rushes to the whirlpool.

But when it was almost close to the gravitational range of the vortex, it stopped again.

Generally, a 100-meter-diameter vortex gravity range is tens of kilometers in radius, and the avatar seems to be able to feel its range and stay out of range.

Although I can't see anything here, but in the dream of White Star...Lin 'listen' to the whirlpool of this group is constantly making some 'sounds'.

These 'sounds' have no specific meaning, but they will trigger an emotion of avatar, making them want to enter the whirlpool very much.

"What is there in the end? Why can I feel it is inside?"

After the diamond avatar flew almost here, it restored the rationality to resist the emotion that he wanted to enter.

“There may be things related to 'twisting' there.” The bones are like this: “We can go in and try.”

"But..." Looking at the swirling vortex, the diamonds seemed to hesitate, but they wanted to go in.

So when they hesitated... Lin went ahead and looked at it.

That is to say, some micro-arms that stick to the diamonds fly into the vortex gravity range.

When you enter the range, you will be sucked into the whirlpool more and more quickly, without having to fly by yourself... The mini-arms will soon reach the position where the vortex is.

At the moment of contact with the edge of the vortex, Lynn's mini-arms can feel that everything around it is changing rapidly.

Then I entered a dark place.

This is not a solid void, and the mini-arms can detect many huge objects around it.

Maybe it's the information that these objects send through the vortex... attracting the avatar?

Lynn decided to investigate what they are.

Now the two avatars don't want to go into the whirlpool, although they are full of thoughts, but because the whirlpool and twisting devices don't seem to be directly related, they still stop their actions.

I don't know how long they can last.

Lin has sprinkled more micro-arms into the whirlpool, but investigating the things in the whirlpool...may not be that easy.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, under a violent explosion, I saw a whirlpool... disappeared.

Lin’s miniature arms in the whirlpool also died instantly.

Sure enough... when Lin’s mini-arms detected the huge objects in the whirlpool, Lynn noticed that they all moved.

Lin thinks that they are feeling what Lindin is going to take, and it seems that this action is to blow up the ... vortex.

The mini-arms that blew up at that time also felt hugely squashed and squashed.

Although the vortex blew up, it did not affect the two outside.

After the whirlpool disappeared, the emotions that they always wanted to enter the vortex disappeared.

But very quickly, they felt a similar sentiment in the distance.

Perhaps there is another vortex in the distance that attracts them...

It can be seen now that this whirlpool is something that is specifically created to attract these avatars.

But if there are other things that shouldn't be attracted... For example, if Lin's arms enter, they will blow up the vortex and then open another one.

It seems to be the case now, Lin feels that the next time is... I will go along with the avatar.


At the same time, on the other side.

Here is the location of the travel space.

The travel space has been staying in a position for a long time because of the relationship of the 'break point' that appears in front.

However, Lin has already tested this 'break point' before.

It is a group like a star... thick fog.

Lin had previously fired some flying objects flying around the thick fog, and it was easy to pass without any influence.

But if you launch the flying object into this thick fog, it will break in an instant.

The moment I feel that I am entering, there will be a lot of powerful power to crush the object.

In fact, this is very similar to the feeling in the whirlpool.

However, Ershi said that although normal objects can pass, space cannot bypass the break point.

If you let the space move on, the space will be affected by it.

The better way is to destroy this break point.

Or it's going a little further, but because you don't know how far it can go... plus there are other break points around, so it's better to ruin it.

It is also easier to ruin it.

It is just to use a lot of normal void material, like a stone, to throw it away.

It's just that this star-sized breakpoint may require quite a few stones.

Although Ershi said that he does not need a stone that can be filled with a star, at least he needs an object with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers.

Or it can be a piece that can be stacked into such a large object.

So, Lynn decided to look around to see if there was any mass of matter, if not...

Then I had to transfer it, but Lynn wanted to find some nearby substances to test, not to transfer things from a distance.

When Lin decided to look for it, she suddenly found that there seemed to be such a big object.

As the two avatars continued to move forward, they passed an object that was just 10,000 kilometers in size.

That is probably a tumbling person, this is not their goal.

It’s just that this tumbling person appeared in the ‘real field’ of Lin’s miniature arms.

Looks like a wandering tumbling person, if there is no problem, then use it to destroy the break point.

Although Lynn thinks it looks... there seems to be a lot of complicated things gathering on the surface.

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