4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 124: Cracked earth

'咔...' The body of the deep sand bus produced a large number of cracks under great pressure. These cracks spread quickly. At this time, the huge pair of scorpions once again exerted strength, the entire body of the deep sand bus. Suddenly it was clipped into two pieces from the middle!

The upper part of the deep sand bus is still in the mud, but it is unable to drill down...

As the ultimate arm of the Maya ethnic group of the brains, the crackers have a powerful pressure system that can crush almost all the solid objects. Their enormous strength can not only lively sandwich the deep sand bus into two sections. Can make the earth crack and crush!

'boom! ’

The number of crackers opened the raft to the ground, and then merged the scorpion with a rush. The ground that was hit hard shook violently, and numerous cracks spread toward the black army. The army was like a broken sand dune. The cracked land was cut into several pieces, and some even fell into the abyss of the earth.

"Aztec, you will be ended by me!"

The crackers started the charge under the scream of the robbers. They swept the enemy in huge size, almost as if all attacks were in vain under their heavy shells, and countless gas storage insects were in the stomata of the crackers. Active, let a steady stream of oxygen become their driving force, in the world where giant arthropods almost disappear, they can still pass unimpeded.

The deep-sand buses that knew that the power was lost had already sneaked into the ground. They felt the shock of the earth. When they heard the footsteps approaching, they began to swing their limbs quickly and dig the dirt and rushed to the ground.

'boom! A deep-sand bus rushed out from the side of a cracker, opening its mouth to the position of the most vulnerable limb of the cracker. But the crackers turned around at a faster rate. The swept slammed slammed on the side of the deep sand bus. Accompanied by the cracking of the carapace, this head was swept away by the giant force and crashed into the ground.

When the deep sand bus tried to drill the ground again, the **** had already rushed up and forced the body of the deep sand bus.

‘咔...’ followed by a broken sound, the body of this behemoth was cut directly into two!

"My brain waves, no delay!"

The worms represent the sounds of the brain worms, which can replace the sound sacs that the brain worms cannot make a loud sound. At the same time, special sonic explosions can be used, so this unit has a huge mouth and sound sac, and under its roar, the ripper continues to move forward.

The deep sand bus is hardly worth mentioning in front of the crackers. Regardless of the shell, speed or strength, under the attack of the powerful crackers, Aztec’s army is retreating, and the brainworm’s troops slowly occupy. The battlefield of the wilderness,

But it didn't stop. Instead, it continues to approach the depths of the island, where the depths of the island are densely covered. The crackers' cockroaches could easily knock down the trees, and a large army rushed into the jungle. The crackers used the giant python to push down the towering trees and open the way for their troops.

The black swarms scattered into the jungle, they fled to the depths of the jungle, and disappeared quickly without a trace, while the crackers and other troops did not pursue, but slowly put the trees one by one. The tree was pushed down, and among the trees that fell to the ground, many of them burst into large bark at the moment of falling, and the inside was hollow.

"Stupid Aztec, fragile and fragile lair, you can't escape the destruction I gave!"

The sound of the roar made the entire jungle tremble slightly, but there was no sound to respond to it.

The crackers continued to move forward. They knocked down a large number of trees. Most of these trees were hollow, but there were no Aztec insects in them. They had already retreated.

However, the size of the island... is limited.

With the shocking pace of the crackers, the entire jungle began to be eradicated little by little. Finally, there was a large number of fallen Aztec worms in the fallen trees, the moment they escaped. The crackers and infantry were smashed and torn.

"Hidden, ignorant choices, crushing your teeth will completely crush your body and shovel your nest!"

In the thoughts of the robbers, there are no words of fatigue and shutting up. Its Mayan sound echoes throughout the island, stimulating the brain nerves of Monte II...

But it has no activity, it has to wait, as long as the time is ripe, that voice will become the one in its own mouth... the crushed creature...

A towering tree collapsed under the giant clam, and a piece of insect tide was smashed under the sickle. The battle of the Twin Island has actually lasted for a long time. It seems to have come to an end in this day and night. The day...

Aztec was almost forced to a desperate situation. In front of the army headed by the crackers, there was a particularly tall tree. The tree had a height of nearly one hundred meters, but there were no leaves or branches, but only a single one. A straight trunk that was not straight, the crackers stood at a distance of thirty meters from the tree.

At this point, a robber worm climbed over the head of a **** and shouted at the tree: "Tumble it out from the inside! Montezuma, I know you are inside, I can feel it! You The head full of fear and despair is shaking! You will pay for your stupidity!"


The roar of the robbers responded this time. At the highest point of the tree, a bark slowly opened, and the long worm-like figure of Monte II appeared before the green army...

"You said that I am stupid? You said that I am shaking? I let you know what is the sadness of the ignorant, what is the real vibration!"

Monte II responded to the roar of the roaring worm with more vocabulary than ever before. Under its words, the whole earth began to tremble, and the cracks of the cracks spread everywhere, and a towering tree collapsed. In this crazy explosion, even the surrounding sea began to sway...

"The island is no longer necessary to remain, it will be with your army, in the abyss of the cold sea! My ethnic group will be born again in destruction!"

The crackers fell into the disintegrated land, and a large number of infantry and other arms also continually fell into the cracks of the earth. Monte II looked at the scene, and his thoughts could not help raise a 'satisfied' mood. .

It is quite easy for the deep-sand bus to collapse this not-too-large island. Moreover, it has been prepared very early, and it is waiting for the enemy to attack.

Because there are few flight combat units among the brain worms, this type of attack is fatal to them.

The trees where Monte II is located are also about to collapse, but it can easily flap the wings and fly to the sky, continuing to observe the continued collapse of the ground.

"Stupidity will be your price, and the offense will be your end!" Monte II looked at the roaring worm that had fallen from the cracker's back and said loudly: "It's sad, it's just a long way." It is a pity that you and your troops cannot move the obese body into the air."

"Yes... like that?"

The underground robbers did not speak. This voice came from the sky. Monte II was shocked. He looked up and saw a pair of black wings rushing toward it!

Monte II immediately flapped his wings and escaped the rushing monster, which quickly circled in the air and formed a situation of confrontation with Monte II.

At this time, Monte II also saw the true face of the other side. This huge creature is covered with black scales. The wingspan is as wide as 12 meters, and it is covered with meat in its open mouth. The big teeth of the fangs and broken bones seem to crush the opponent at any time.

Monte II also noticed its back, carrying a robber and a fat and round creature.

Monte II looked at the fat creature on the back of the creature and took a word from its voice: "Maya..."

"You will be an uncooked coke, Montezuma."

'Roar! 'Under the words of the brainworm, the creatures under it suddenly made a loud roar, and a high-temperature fire sprang from its mouth. Monte II was shocked. It immediately slid away, but at its tail. There was still a trace of burnt black on it.

Monte II knew that the situation was unfavorable. It immediately turned and flew. The dragon of the brainworm immediately caught up with a wing and flew up. The two sides flew over the jungle of the collapsed island. Monte II flew in the direction of the ocean. Trying to seek shelter from the ocean.

"Is this your last struggle? You are a sad creature that you can't even roll!"

The screaming of the worm spurred the hearing organ of Montene II, making its flight somewhat unstable. At this time, another raging fire came from it, and it immediately climbed to the heights.

In this way, it will become 'uncooked coke' before reaching the ocean, and Monte II has no time to consider how the unripe thing is coke, it releases its thoughts, in the jungle that collapses below. Suddenly a large black insect swarmed, and they immediately surrounded the dragon and brainworms.

"哔-!!" But before they attacked, a very sharp voice sounded, and the flying insects suddenly slammed into the air like a madman. Then, a fire surrounded the layer to burn. Out of a big hole, the dragon's giant shadow appeared again, chasing it from behind Monte II...

When Monte II saw it, he immediately flew down. Unfortunately, most of the trees collapsed due to the collapse. It could not use the jungle to cover their actions.

Looking at the dragon's teeth, getting closer and closer, Monte II simply made an adventurous move and rushed into the cracks of the earth! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Nothing to be ~ A gas ~ monthly ticket ~

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