4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2822: prevent

... everything here is slowly desolidating.

Although this solidification state is very influential, it lasts for a short time.

So all the substances will get rid of solidification.

The process is small to large, first of all small creatures, then Ershimin, vehicles, and then larger objects.

As the world itself, Ershi is obviously the largest object, so it must be deconsolidated in the end.

The distorted manager will definitely do something that will cause serious harm to Ershi before Ershi itself is fully awake.

But because the solidification completely closed the travel space, it obviously could not send troops from outside.

Otherwise, Ershi or Lin can also transfer some reinforcements from the outside.

The manager did not send troops to the travel space to ambush before the coagulation occurred, if any, Ershi would notice.

So Ersh now believes that it wants to use something that Ershi had originally had to cause damage to Ershi during the recovery process.

Although the mad Lord is not able to cause harm to Ershi.

But the mad annihilator driver...may cause some damage.

Say, Novo's movement speed is getting faster and faster.

It is already a wilderness outside the city, and there are some solidified animals running everywhere in the wild.

Some have already lifted the solidification, but they will not attack.

There must be a very complex logical thinking ability to be mad by special energy... The usual wild animals are okay.

However, some primate creatures with complex thinking skills, as well as some cetacean creatures, may go crazy.

Although I will not see those creatures here.

All that can be seen here are low plants and small rodents, and...

A high wall that stands not far from the front.

The high wall has a height of more than 60 meters, and there are many automatic cannons standing on the top of the wall.

This place is a ‘annihilation ship factory’, but it was not established by Ershi people, but... it was made by Ershi himself.

Ershimin’s own warship factories are generally located in the void space station, and those annihilation ships actually have no threat.

They can't directly hurt Ershi, and it can only hurt Ershi.

This Ershi annihilation ship can directly penetrate the turret's stratum and detonate in a deep place.

Although its explosion does not destroy the entire Ershi, it will not cause harm to Ershi. If the manager wants to use this to attack Ershi, it is still a little dangerous.

And its driver is not Ershimin, it is some... bus creatures.

Ersh came here mainly to see if these drivers are going crazy.

‘砰砰砰砰砰——! ’

The answer seems obvious.

As it approached the wall, the top cannon suddenly turned around and aimed at it. Hundreds of metal bullets per second poured into the storm like this.

The small clusters of plants around them, together with the ground, were instantly smeared under the storm of the barrage, but there was no wound in the case.

Of course, it also includes Veronica and Bilu who are standing next to No.

All the curtains that were close to Novo slammed into the ground next to them, and no bullet could hurt No.

"It seems that there is no way to be optimistic." Novo looked at the cannons on the wall... If these things attack, it can only prove one thing.

That is the creature inside the control base is probably already... abnormal.

It’s okay to be crazy, and it’s even more troublesome if you get control.

Although those special energies did not allow Ershimin to believe in anything, Ershi was not sure whether he would let the creatures guarded here believe in anything.

If they believe in anything, they may unite to deal with Ershi.


The upper cannon slowly stopped working, and it seems that there are no bullets.

Although they have an automatic filling system... but they are not filled.

Connaught quickly walked under the high wall and gently placed his hand on the wall.

'boom--! ’

After a roar, a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters appeared, and you can see inside the wall... There are a lot of things coming over here.

These things are all a large group... machinery, they are shaped like the cubs of Ershimin.

They all have silvery metal skin and they are armed with weapons such as firearms. They all rushed over while shooting crazy on this side.

As before, their bullets can't hurt Novo, and Nuo only needs to wave a hand gently, and a huge force will fly all the machines out.

It seems that Lin doesn't need to do anything, and promise can easily solve these things... But Ershi said before that its power is only in the scope of Nobel's body.

And its power is limited... it can't handle everything.

So Lin will follow it to see what needs help.

After all, Lin did not want to destroy the travel space.

"The rest will be handed over to me!" Suddenly, Lin found that Bilu rushed out... because there are many machines in front.

These small machines kept shooting in contrast, and Lulu pulled out a sword that he had been wearing from his waist, and smashed the bullets toward the target.

This time, the dew did not open the bullets, but used the sword to open them.

Before the small machine rushed to the front of the dew, the sword fell, directly let a mechanical head roll to the ground.

These machines look very fragile, but why are there so many fragile machines?

While watching the slashing machine, Lin's Veronica and Novo walked into the high wall.

Here is a large square with a battleship of more than 300 meters in the center of the square.

The shape of this warship is very similar to a ship and there are small machines around the battleship.

There are thousands of them, but many of them are not equipped with weapons. Even so, they all rushed over here.

"These are made on a temporary basis."

Connaught as he spoke, he ran all the small machines and ran towards the battleship.

“There are some mechanical factories underground here.” Novo said: “Obviously some of the creatures here are controlled. It started the underground machinery factory, perhaps because of the lack of time... it temporarily created this group of mechanical units. Come to be the defender."

“Is there no other defender here? Need temporary manufacturing?” Lin asked.

"There are a lot, but they shouldn't wake up." Nono said: "Except for the machine guns on the wall, there are only these temporary..."

'boom--! ’

When the words of Novo had not been finished, Lin heard a loud noise.

I saw No.'s head, and all of them were in front of Lin’s eyes... blasted.

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