4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2825: biological

‘Boom! ’

The entire warship was shaking and slowly rising to the sky.

This is obvious...

The warship has not fully recovered from solidification, and it is currently a 'floating' function.

In this state, it has no way to pose any threat to Ershi.

But Lynn wants to know how it started, because there is no bus creature in the control room... This place is only the Veronica and Bilu.

"Vironica classmates! Let's blow up the whole ship!" said Bilu: "In this case, it can't do anything!"


Lin asked Veronica to walk to the center of the control room and feel it carefully.

There are also bus structures inside Lynn's Veronica, which Lin can use to detect the situation in this control room.

When Lin senses the control system of the control room, she can feel a wonderful... emotion, which makes the creature feel very comfortable, quiet, as if all the troubles have disappeared.

After a while, Lin quickly came to the conclusion that the annihilation ship itself was a creature.

But it is not a bus creature, it should be similar to a smart machine.

The bus creature's control in the control room is mainly to send their ideas to the intelligent center of the battleship... Then, the warship will follow their ideas.

But the warship also has its own ideas... like judgment ability and so on.

The current situation is simply... The smart center of this warship has already believed in 'calm'.

So it flew on its own, and even if it didn't need a bus to give it instructions, it would act on its own.

And any creature that tries to control it here will also be infected with a 'calm faith', which includes Veronica, who tries to connect to it.

This kind of calm faith will give the creature a strong emotion, but Lynn feels that it can be said to be 'permanent faith'.

In short, it will make the creatures eager to pursue the goal of not doing any effort to sustain life, but to live forever.

If there is a creature that achieves this goal... then a collection of beliefs will emerge.

It’s not that you really want to achieve 'permanence,' but a creature that believes that it has reached a state of perpetuity. Even if it is not really achieved, it just feels that it has reached... and there is no doubt, the calm faith collection. The body will come to it.

This is the thinking that it will replace and control this creature.

In general, creatures with a calm mind will continue to work hard to calm down... they will only work in this direction.

But Lynn found that the calm of the battleship's beliefs mixed with some weird information.

It is that after it believes that it has destroyed Ershi, it can achieve true peace.

As for why it didn't think about it, there is no explanation in the ‘energy’ of this belief.

But it is deeply convinced that it is enough to do so.

So it started to start itself and worked hard to destroy Ershi.

That being the case...

"Fill it here." Lin said.

"Okay, Veronica classmate! I have long wanted to do this!"

Said, Bilu took a lot of ... chewing gum from his pocket.

It puts these gums in the designated position of Lin, which is the center of the control room, which happens to be...

The location of the smart hub.

After putting the chewing gum, Veronica and Biro went outside the room...

……boom! ! !

After a violent roar, the floor... was completely unaffected by any damage.

The ground here is still very strong, and it doesn't cause any damage to these bombs, but it will at least cause some impact.

Although Lin’s purpose is not to harm it, it attracts some creatures.

When Lynn tried to connect the warship with Veronica, he could perceive the general situation of the ship through the warship.

I can also feel that there are quite a lot of creatures in it...

Almost all of these creatures wandered aimlessly in warships, and only attacked targets that could be attacked.

After the explosion in the control room, the warship itself will issue an alarm inside the ship, and they will all come here.

Now, Lynn has seen a lot of creatures appear in this single corridor leading to the control room.

"Wow... these explosions are so bad, not only did they not blow up, but they also brought in the guards! Next time I will buy more expensive bombs! Veronica students, let us solve them first!"

When Lulu said, he took out the sword and cut it over to the group of creatures that had gathered.

This group of creatures is almost entirely in the form of the Ershi people, and there are no weapons.

When the sword light of Lulu crossed them, their limbs also splashed around.

Lin followed Bebe and collected the heads of these slashed creatures.

Mainly because they have a small amount of bus nerve structures in their heads, Lin wants to collect all the bus nerves and make a large enough organ.

This should be able to control the warship.

Although the battleship has been calm, it should still follow the bus biological instructions in the control room.

After all, its program is designed like this, unless...


Bilu suddenly screamed and flew in the direction of Veronica.

Veronica extended a hand to catch Bilu, and Lin also looked at the source of the bombing.

This thing... It’s rare that it’s not the shape of the people.

Its form resembles a creature called a rat.

Its body is about three meters long, and it is squeezing all the creatures of the Ershi people to slam into it.

Lin put Bilu aside and then slammed it toward it.

‘Hey! ’

Lin found that its power was similar to that of Veronica, which caused both sides to stop at the moment of impact.

In the next moment, all of Veronica's hair was entangled in an instant, completely wrapped in the 'rat woman' and began to detect the creature.

Lynn found it to be a ... bus creature.

It's not just a small part of the nerves, it's almost all over the body.

'Snapped! ’

When Lin thought about it, the ‘rat woman’ suddenly disappeared and appeared above Veronica in the next second.

The limbs beneath it all looked like sharp spikes, and at the moment it appeared, the limbs all pierced Veronica and penetrated deeply into Veronica's skin.

This feeling is quite wonderful.

Because of this 'rat woman', Lin found that it used a 'special transfer energy' for a short distance transmission.

And the transmission is very stable, at least for the purpose that it wants to attack Lin.

Or is this just accidental?

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