4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2871: Dream creation

I fell asleep and woke up and found that I was filled with things I saw in my dreams.

This is a very interesting thing.


They did not wake up again.

Dreams of dreamers seem to have no rules, and things in their dreams are randomly generated.

Some creatures believe that this is the kind of thing that the dreamer has encountered in the past in his life.

Some creatures think that... these are the things that dreamers imagined. They have always been dreaming in space, but they are imagining.

In any case, their behavior produces a lot of debris.

The creatures that these fragments have become, have been working hard to pursue the dream of the dreamer.

In order to pursue dreams... and perish.

Violent wars continue throughout the space, and debris creatures assemble various weapons with...

However, they did not assemble weapons that were too powerful, although the debris could create explosives, but it would not be very strong.

The biggest harm to the dreamers is the continuous excavation due to insufficient resources.

However, this war did not last long, it was because of the transformation of the dreamer's dream.

At that time, many dreamers were doing dreams about war... but these dreams slowly stopped.

The new dream is very ‘good’, this is a dream about the development of a biological civilization.

These creatures ended a long-standing dispute, united together...and even solved all the crimes in the population.

The fiercely fragmented creatures that were still playing before also stopped the dispute. Not long ago they were still desperate... but suddenly they completely ignored the previous things and became united and loving.

This is the case with this group of fragmented creatures.

They only regard the content of dreams as 'truth' and fully imitate the content inside.

However, this unity did not stop them from harming the dreamer.

Because in order to build a civilized building developed by the united creatures in the dream, they continue to dig into the dreams of the people to obtain resources.

They don't seem to feel any problem with their behavior.

These creatures began to build civilization with dreams. Throughout the process, these fragments of creatures have already dug up some dream makers.

The dreamers were completely dismantled to build a variety of things, but even if they were dug up, these dreamers would not wake up.

Because most of these dream artists will do similar dreams, even if they dig a few, the debris creatures will develop according to the original way.

Slowly, the civilization of the dreamer's dream has developed to the 'peak'.

The dream civilization of this peak ranks that he has got rid of any pain in his life, that is, he feels that he has become a god.

They have no criminals in the entire civilization, and each individual in the entire population does not have a little discomfort.

And the debris creatures outside, also learned to start this dream...the life of God.

This is a very stable period.

It is said that during the period of stability, those dreamers who were excavated a lot began to slowly recover the structure of the damage.

Maybe they have resources from outside.

But the debris creatures never knew that they only knew that they would dig from the dream sculpt in the absence of resources.

In the dream, the civilization that developed to the peak has been boring after a period of stability.

They think that it doesn't make much sense to be light, so they start doing a lot of things that God will do.

...create life.

These dream civilizations began to try to make a variety of creatures and watch them develop and fight for pleasure.

And the debris creatures outside, also learn them... began to make a variety of creatures.

Although it is generally easier to manufacture outside than in a dream, they have succeeded in creating some creatures.

Because they mainly make creatures by studying ... their own methods of formation.

They are born from the fragments of the dreamer. Only a few pieces become creatures, and most of them are ordinary pieces that do not move.

In order to achieve the same effect as the dream, the debris creature began to study why some debris would become a creature... some would not.

This is wonderful, that is, they don't care about the process, for example, the process of researching and making creatures... it doesn't have to be exactly the same as in a dream, just the result is the same.

In order to achieve the same result, they will do everything.

Finally, the debris creatures have succeeded in developing some species.

They found that by using a few methods to affect ordinary debris, they can be turned into fragmented creatures like themselves.

But initially they found that the species they created were just like themselves, and they liked the dream of the most dreamer.

This is seriously...not in line with the dream.

The creatures that are created in the dream are completely different from the thinking of the ‘God’ that makes them.

Simply put, they are not qualified to have the same level of intelligence and knowledge as God. They must be much weaker than God in order to observe their struggle and entertainment.

As a result, the debris creatures began to make new creatures.

They have to make new creatures very different from themselves. First of all, they cannot have the same thinking as God.

That is to say, they cannot pursue the content of dream dreamers like them.

Then intelligence needs to be lower, so that you can manipulate them easily.

Slowly, they created a whole new class of species.

Although these creatures are also composed of fragments of dream-makers, they are not the same as the fragments of the past.

They do not pursue the content of dreams, but rather the biological groups that are purely ‘survival’.

Of course, they are also weaker than the debris creatures, and that's the way they are.

Then the debris creatures learn the content of the dream and watch them play for each other in order to survive.

However, they found these artifacts...somewhat unusual.

Although these creatures are weak when they are made, they can grow quickly by swallowing food.

These creatures will only eliminate the threatening targets around them because they will not pursue the content of dreams.

Soon they noticed the debris creatures that made them.

Fragmented creatures learn the content of dreams to deal with the current situation...

There are also some creatures in the dream that are more powerful and have noticed the ‘God’.

But whenever they challenge the ‘God’, they will be swept away in an instant.

So the debris creatures also want to clean up the creations that dare to challenge them.

But they found out... they couldn’t beat it.

These creations are not much weaker than themselves... and they are even stronger when they experience competition and battle growth.

Powerful to... destroy debris creatures.

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