4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 179: Temporary force

During these few days and nights, more and more Emerald Dragons joined the temporary formation of Susumi, and they all got their own - a lot of small houses that were crowded together in the corner, and a small amount. Weapons and so on.

Lin thinks that this pile of small houses and equipment should be prepared very early. Perhaps it is Susumi’s long-standing idea... to recruit troops from the worst sub-region.

Every added jade dragon can also get some food, usually some things planted, such as some seeds and fruits, although not many, but enough for them to eat, which is a little better than they used to eat in the lower layer. This is quite attractive for these jade dragons.

In this way, a large number of jade dragons have joined, gradually increasing from the first few hundred to thousands, because the report office is overcrowded, Susumumi has opened more reporting offices, and some ordinary layers of jade dragons have joined. The Jade Dragon is in the cult of Susumumi and wants to go to the front because their lives are better.

As for the jade dragons on the upper level... there are only a few, they are not joined by themselves, it is Susumi who let them go to be the commanders of this group of troops...

Lin’s spy is also staying in this pile of huts. There is no order in the jade dragon here. Most of the lower jade dragons live on various kinds of theft. It is true that such a large group of people may gather together. The problem, but they are not doing anything because they have acquired homes and food.

"The progress is very smooth, Wang." In the palace, Mukla and Susumi always stay in the map room to discuss things. Mukla looked at the statue of a pile of small houses in the corner of the city map: "Their number has reached several thousand. Almost all of the lower areas have gathered."

“Very good.” Susumi said with satisfaction: “There are a lot of them. When other positions are full, they will be produced in large numbers. Only by participating in the battle can they find things to do.”

"Yes." Mukla said: "They usually have nothing to do, they can only steal life, and now they can finally use it, but the house will soon be full."

"Then it’s almost time for them to leave." Susumi said: "Liu is a huge threat, and their way of fighting is a mystery. However, this group of temporarily recruited troops can play a very good role... They will go to investigate the way they fight."

"When you fully understand your opponent, let the regular troops go out." Susumi stared at the south side of the map, where there were several giant pyramid statues: "To completely defeat them with new weapons, only to solve this threat. , we can continue to expand our territory."

Mukla agreed: "Wang, this is the perfect way to win the war and clean up the useless people in the lower zone."

"They are not useless, Mukla." Susumi said: "They just because the city has stopped expanding. Other occupations are full, and it becomes like this when it is a last resort."

"But it is necessary for them to participate in the battle. We can't directly attack an opponent that we don't understand." Susumi went to the door of the room: "Go, the war has begun..."

"Yes, Wang." Mukla heard the words immediately.

Sure enough, their ideas are complicated, and Susumi and Mukhla are very good, but their ideas are different.

Lin also has an eyeball in the palace to observe the situation of Susumumi. It seems that Susumi’s goal is very clear, let this temporarily formed unit go to battle, detect the opponent’s fighting style, and then dispatch the formal force.

The regular troops are quite precious, and each member needs to experience considerable exercise and the best equipment, so this can not be lost at will.

But the temporary forces are different, and this can also create an illusion for Lieutenant, that they think that the Emerald Dragon's troops are so weak and look down on them.

The ‘small look’ feeling is a quirky word. Lin thinks that from the original kind of hunting, I want to minimize the consumption of thoughts, so many creatures will know how to judge the strength of the opponent to determine how much power they use.

However, there are often some examples of misjudgment that lead to being killed by opponents. This is the so-called 'small look'. It is a little bit more developed by the jade dragon's complex creatures. The examples of their misjudgment are much more than the average creature. So, Susumi is very clear about this idea...

After this, Susumumi dispatched a small number of troops and two emerald dragons in the upper area to the 'temporary force concentration'. They began to summon all the temporary forces. Now it is not a departure, but some training for them. Tell us about some of the rules of battle.

There is actually only one rule, quite simple: fight bravely and escape if you run away.

The content of the training is mainly to obey the command, and what is the order. At present, this group of emerald dragons performs very well. Although there are many thieves who used to be, they are quite obedient.

Although Lin felt that they might not be able to play on the battlefield, Emerald Dragon did see some violent giant creatures, but they have never seen a real big scene.

However, another jade dragon is different.

...... Here, it is a desert, the sun is empty, there is no cloud, two green and gray figures stand on the hot sand, their eyes stare straight ahead.

They are an emerald dragon and a dragon, and they hold tight spears that seem to be made of sand, and they seem to face a big scene.

Xiaolong looked at the emerald dragon and whispered: "Fly spear, prepare..."


At the moment when the emerald dragon responded, the ground on the sand 100 meters away from them suddenly swayed. Just like a storm smashed through the sand, countless dusts floated in the sky, and these flying dust quickly gathered. Together, they eventually formed the shape of a dragon, and the gravel gathered on their hands into a spear or a long sword. In a short period of time, a huge 'Shaying Dragon' army was born. Now!

Their number is thousands, and their screams are even more earth-shattering!

"You have to attack, flying spears!" cried the dragon around the flying spear, but the flying spear looked at the huge gravel army and was completely stunned. It was shaking all over the body, and the weapons in his hands were not holding. Steady.

"嘎——!!!" The army composed of gravel and dragons launched a rush to charge here, and their pace was enough to make the desert tremble!

"Prepare, join me..." The dragon clenched his spear in his hand and looked very excited, but then the flying spear suddenly screamed and pulled the dragon's hand and fled in the opposite direction.

Xiaolong looked at the horror of the flying spear, and immediately said: "Don't be afraid, we can..."

The words of it have not been finished yet, and the surrounding world suddenly became like a shard of smashed slabs, and there are countless pieces, an endless desert, a huge army of sand scorpion dragons, everything is dissipated at this moment...

The surrounding scenery turned into an ordinary tree house, where you can see the spear and a dragon are inserting the head into a large stone placed on the ground.

"...hoo sauce, that, in the end, what is it..." The spear pulled its head out of the stone. It is now the language of the dragon, but it is not very skilled...

"The opportunity was wasted." The other dragon also pulled out his head at this time: "If you want to go in again, you may have to wait for ten days and nights..."

Hoo sauce is the name of this dragon, and it doesn't have any special meaning. The name of the dragon is quite casual, but the difference between the dragon and the dragon is that the baby of the dragon has a chance to give himself a name instead of jade. The dragon is completely named by the adult, so when the cubs give themselves their own names, the names are usually more strange, and each name is recognized and will be recorded.

"Go in... Go in? Deal with those, weird, terrible, creatures?" The flying spear is obviously a little scared of the situation. It is impossible to imagine why Hoo sauce can deal with so many monsters without fear.

"Right, flying spears are the first time to see this." Huo Sai said: "This is another world, inside, you don't have to worry about death or injury."

"..." The spear seems to be completely incomprehensible to the meaning of these words.

"This is the world that 'sugar ball' has given us." Huo sauce seems to ignore the expression of flying spears and continues to say: "There is a lot of things that are completely different from the outside. It is said that our soldiers are fighting." After death, their souls will go to the world and finally become eggs and be born again."

"And we can enter the world through the 'stone of pompoms' in peacetime." Huo Sai said: "Here, you can train or rest, but we can only stay inside for a while, if you want to extend Then you need to hunt some special creatures inside... just like the kind of sand we just encountered."

"This is... pompom?" The spear was slightly stunned after hearing it. It has been learning anything about pompoms recently. The current living environment of the dragon is closely related to the pompoms. They are almost every dragon house. In front, or on the bridge, there is a pompon on the bark. There is also a huge pompom statue in the woods. The dragons worship the pompoms. The word pompom also means very lofty meaning. .

Now, the flying spear actually found an incredible thing... the pompom actually allowed them to enter another 'world'!

The spear does not yet understand the meaning of the word 'world', but it does come to a completely different place.

For the flying spear, this is the most wonderful thing it has encountered in the dragon.

But for Lin, there are some problems, and the dream world needs some...updates. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Yangguan ancient people 123~wsxr~15984567854~ monthly ticket~

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