4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 72: Progress in repair

"Thank you... We seem to be unsafe here, and the monsters... are coming in."

Lynn is in a pothole city.

Not long ago, Lin almost solved all the dangers here, that is, those monsters.

There are dozens of monsters invading the city, and it is actually not a lot.

These monsters are relatively good for Lin, they have no special ability, but the defense is very strong, it is not easy to be injured by the weapons of Ershimin.

After solving the monster, Lin told the leader that they needed to collect materials to repair the damage of the dreamer.

They are very much in agreement with this.

Because they themselves want to fix this place, if not completely repaired, of course, we must work hard to fix.

So, the first step was quickly started.

Lin first asked them to ship some materials to a recent repair point.

Lynn decided to fix this position first and then fix it elsewhere.

At the same time, Lin has to do another thing, that is to strengthen the Ershi people here.

This is why it is difficult for the people of Ershi to kill the monsters... Lin feels that the reason is that their imagination is not enough 'fine'.

What is made by imagining material, its power is not related to its appearance.

Mainly related to their imagination.

Simply put, the more detailed the details are set... the stronger the power.

But these Ershi people... Lin found that they themselves did not understand the detailed structure of weapons such as firearms.

As long as they teach them the details of the construction, they should be able to create a weapon that is much stronger than it is now.

So, Lynn is ready to begin teaching them.

To say that teaching is actually to input the data of the internal details of some weapons into their thinking.

Thinking, Lin also said this thing with the leader.

“Is this true?” the leader was surprised by this performance: “Understanding the weapon... can really increase the power of the weapon?”

"Yes," Lin said.

"... If this is the case, then try it."

After that, the leader called a group of Ershi people, which said that these people are responsible for dealing with the elite of the monster.

Let them be the best when testing.

So, Lin gave them a lot of information about the details of the various weapons, as they did.

Then let the people go and use their imaginary materials to assemble weapons.


'boom! A bullet flew out and instantly hit a thick fog in the jungle.

This thick fog was shaken a few more times and then dissipated.

"This power... is it so different?"

After shooting a tree more than 100 meters away, it was surprised to see the dense fog that dissipated in the distance... and then looked at the firearms in his hand.

"We...we can recapture the surface!" Then the sound of its excitement sounded through the jungle.

Many of the people of Ershi appeared in the surrounding jungle at this time and gathered.

They excitedly discussed the weapons in their hands, the armor on their bodies, etc. These things look exactly the same as before, but the power is completely different.

From the difficulty of piercing monsters to directly killing monsters... The difference between them is mainly the data that Lynn enters for them.

"It seems that the effect is very good."

The leader of Ershimin also appeared next to the group of Ershi people, and Lin's Veronica followed behind it.

"Don't forget our mission... We have to completely repair the world and let Ershi revert to... Ershi!"

"Yes! We know!"

This time it was just out to do some testing. Lin also felt that the power of these weapons was enough.

Next, I am going to fix it.

Soon after, Lin and the group of people wearing new equipment came to the place where there were a lot of termite hills last time.

At the same time they also carry a lot of materials.

These imaginary materials have a considerable reserve here, and Lin let them ship almost ten tons.

Then put these materials on the side of the damage.

Then, Lin is doing data repair.

The main thing is to think about what it is, then carefully set it and then enter the data into the damage point.

This process is still quite easy... There is no difficulty in imagining the data process.

When Lin repairs, the materials will be 'automatically' blended with the ground, letting those strange termite mounds slowly disappear, and at the same time the original look.

There may be monsters coming in this process, but there are people with new equipment around them. There should be no monster danger.

However, Lynn feels that she may have to care about other dangers.

"Do we really have to do it? But it... let it fix it first."

When Lin was repairing a large number of termite mound centers, Lynn could 'listen' to some words.

This is actually the words of the people who are speaking, but they are not using the usual 'sound', but the language of the monster.

Their original way of communication is similar to that of ordinary Ershi people. It can also be said that as long as they understand the thinking of Ershi people, they know what these people are saying.

However, they now use another form of communication.

This is the ‘language’ of some kind of monster, they use something to make this secret communication.

If it is normal, Lin does not feel that they are communicating, but now Lin can perceive them to communicate.

This is mainly because Lin is in the relationship of repair.

When Lynn enters the repair state, it is actually connected to the entire dream.

Therefore, Lynn can also connect to the database of Dreamland, through which she can get some ‘monster’ thinking information.

It can be known that these people are communicating with the signal transmission of monsters.

They themselves are unable to understand the signals of monsters, so they use something to translate the signals of monsters into signals that they can understand.

It's just that this way is very secretive, and it won't spread after translation, only they can perceive it.

As for the spread outside, there is only the signal of the monster.

They think that Lin doesn't know that they are communicating, so they are now very generous in discussing whether or not to kill Lin. ,

But even if she doesn't feel it now, she knows that they have to do this.

The main reason for killing is that they think that Lynn is a big threat.

It is possible to threaten their lives.

Because most of the people here are not very convinced of Lin, in fact, the leader does not believe.

It was only in the underground cave that I felt the memory of those who had to believe it.

But it doesn't know Lynn either.

It doesn't know where Lin came from, why Lin can fix it here.

Other Ershi people have great doubts about Lin. They don't really believe in the connection between Lin and Ershi. Instead, they think that Lin may be related to monsters.

Although the leader and some of them have said it, they are not very convinced of Lin.

After Lin taught them to make powerful weapons, they even felt that Lynn might be quite dangerous.

When they are given weapon data, they can detect many ideas about Lin from their brains.

In addition to the leader, it can be said that all the people do not trust Lin.

When they see Lin entering the repair state, they have the idea of ​​wanting to attack.

Lin thinks this is quite normal. After all, they believe that Lin is not normal.

Although Lin can hint at them, Lin has not done so yet.

At this time, Lin has almost finished repairing.

The termite mounds on the ground have now disappeared and become trees similar to the surrounding.

These trees are the weapons that this dream is set here. Although they look like the surrounding environment, they are used to kill small dream creatures.

"This has been fixed." At this time, Lynn Veronica said to the leader who was watching: "Go to the next place."

"Okay, go to the next place!" After the lord shouted, the people around him stopped their own whispers... and began to move.

Like last time, they shipped a lot of material to another damaged location, and Lynn continued to repair it here.

This time the process was not as smooth as it was last time. This time when I came over... there were a lot of monsters.

But now even the monsters are not used, and the monsters can be killed directly at a great distance.

So they are also very good at protecting Lin... for the second restoration.

Then there are other places.

Once, twice, three times... Under their protection, Lynn repaired a lot of small places.

Lin also found that this group of Ershi people are constantly making various speculations on Lin along the way.

I initially guessed that Lynn might be a monster or something, and later guessed that Lynn might also be a creature from normal void.

In short, how much is related to Ershi.

Although they can't directly feel the repair status of this place, but after a place is repaired, they will have a kind of ... very comfortable feeling.

That is to say that this place seems normal, a lot of pleasing to the eye.

So their attitude towards Lin has also improved a bit.

But they still have a lot of doubts about what purpose Lin wants to do, and what do they want to do... In short, I don’t think Lin is a friendly creature.

Lin did not manage them as much, but continued to repair here.

Every time I fix a damaged location, Lynn can feel that the dream is getting more complete.

Repairing a place is not just that the damaged location becomes normal, and there are a lot of devices in other places that are started together when they are fixed.

After repairing almost ten damage points, Lin can fully confirm that this dream is indeed... It is Ershi deliberately made.

It has designed a variety of detection devices, weapons and other things used here.

And plan how to move forward here, and even know what creatures will appear here.

Maybe a long time ago, Ershi started to understand this place.

However, this design may be the same as many other designs, and was finally abandoned by the Ershimin.

Or after designing, I have not cared about it.

And a complete data led to the design was created, and then encountered a lot of trouble, which is what Lin sees now.

Lin feels that if all the places are completely repaired, this place should be able to start again to travel in unforeseen places.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Lyn's Veronica jumped to the side, and Veronica had a hole in the ground.

But this is not what Ershi people are playing, or not exactly.

The main reason is a monster in the distance.

This monster looks like a large cloud with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

It remained stable under a lot of firepower and slowly drifted toward it.

A lot of bullets hitting it were reflected and hit the ground or the people of Ershi.

Just one of them just hit Lin.

"No, you must recognize it!"

At this time, an Ershi people threw out a 'cognitive bomb.'

It was a grenade-like thing. When it was thrown into the clouds and exploded, Lynn could see that the whole cloud became a very special creature.

It looks like a whole body full of blood red scales, but no other organ creatures.

It looks like the ‘fish scales’ that Lin had encountered before, although it is different in color.

"what is this?"

All Ershimins were a little surprised after seeing it.

Because before they were cognitive, the monsters became creatures they knew, whether they were in movies or real creatures.

And this does not seem to belong to any movie.

Just as they were surprised, Lin found that the blood-red scaly ball began to spin.

The **** scales also flew out like raindrops. They can easily cut the armor of the Ershi people. After a moment, several Ershi people fell down with blood.

At the same time, the body of the bloodscale ball blasted openly, because other Ershi people used explosive weapons to hit the bloodscale ball.

And there is such an Ershi... It is the leader, and Lin sees it jumping directly from the ground.

It jumped to the blood scales floating above a height of more than ten meters, and then took out the long knife at the waist and plunged into the gap between the scales.

After an instant, the entire blood scale ball seemed to have lost its strength and fell to the ground.

The leader also jumped from the bloodscale ball and said to Lin: "Do you know they will appear?"

Lynn replied: "...I don't know."

"Yes... then let's move on!"

After that, it took the group of people to move.

It just seems to think that Lynn should know why a monster like a scaly ball appears.

Lynn is very surprised why it feels that Lin knows.

But Lynn also thinks... the appearance of this monster may be related to the repair.

A similar situation occurred in the following roads... There were many creatures that were very strange after the cognition.

However, they are not as strong as the bloodscale ball, and the solution is quite smooth.

This time, Lynn wants to fix a bigger place.

It is also a pothole... it is more than 100 meters in diameter and 30 meters in depth.

It looks like a small pothole from the outside, and the land has not been damaged before.

But in fact, the data damaged here is much more than anywhere else.

Therefore, these Ershi people also need to continue to transport a large amount of materials to come here.

These Ershi people have actually been reluctant, after all, they have been killed before.

However, they still did not show up, but continued to carry the materials.

When the materials were stacked next to the potholes, Lin also walked into the depths of the potholes... and began to detect the damage inside.

The damage in this place is hard to say what it is.

If Lynn just puts some data into it, it may cause more damage.

Many of the previous damage points were small weapon devices.

These are similar to plant shapes, and monsters approaching them will attack the target with the roots.

Because there are many similar weapons on the surface that are still working properly... So Lynn can also figure out the general structure of the damaged weapon.

The people of Ershi here do not know that there are these weapons devices on Ershi.

Because in fact these weapons are not yet started... even if the location has been fixed, they will not start.

In addition to weapons, many things on the surface that look like trees have special functions.

But most of them will not move.

Some things need to be fixed to get them active.

In this direction, Lin believes that... these pits may be something critical, such as the controller of the weapon.

Or an energy bank is possible.

If this is the case, then experiment it.

Thinking, Lin began to test some data design.

When Lin was ready to start, Lynn suddenly found an abnormality in the sky.

Some large objects flew down from high altitude like meteorites.

However, they are not burning like a meteorite, but they are flying a lot of fog while flying.

These mists spread and soon covered the entire sky.

Although there is no star in this place, the sky has always been bright.

After being covered by fog, the place became dim.

"There is something to come over..."

The surrounding Ershi people became very nervous, and Lin stopped at this time to fix the sky.

But when Lin found that Lynn had stopped, the fog of the sky dissipated, and everything around it became bright again.

It seems that... it does matter.

Because Lin tried to start repairing again, the dense fog of the sky once again spread.

It feels like Lin will fix something that will attract something.

This time, Lynn did not stop, so the thick fog became more and more thick, making it darker and darker.

Finally, Lynn saw a huge thing appearing in the thick fog.

This thing can't be seen, but Lyne can feel it is 'talking'.

In fact, its words are the same as the monster language that the group of people used to quietly use.

However, this creature does not whisper, but broadcasts to the entire ground. Lin and all the people of Ershi can clearly listen.

"This place... must be completely destroyed."

This is the general content it says.

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