4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Generation

Where the light shines, things change.

For a long time, the 'mentors' have been in huge bodies.

Of course, this is not a corpse. The only figurative image used to have a new name.

It is called ‘conscious figuration’.

Although it seems that the name is similar... In short, the name is given by some creatures around the activity.

The instructor has been using some of the special structures that it has grown to influence the remote environment.

These structures feel like a 'long-range spotlight'.

It can shine very far away.

It is much farther than when you lived before the ‘figuration’... Of course it is not light, but ‘consciousness’.

Something that happens to be irradiated will change abnormally and may change into something completely different from the original.

The instructor has been controlling the effect of this 'consciousness'.

It's hard to say whether the mentor's own thoughts will affect the effect of the illumination, because the things or creatures that are exposed will produce very strange variations.

The effects on the creatures are different from those of the previous ones, just variations.

As the 'consciousness of consciousness' grows larger, the range it can illuminate becomes farther and farther, and the instructor itself seems to find this interesting, and has a special purpose, which has been constantly illuminating everywhere.

This has had a big impact on many creatures.

Some creatures don't even know what's going on, they are mutated into eccentric forms.

There are still some creatures... I am going to understand what is going on here.

Some powerful creatures can notice where this illuminating consciousness comes from, and they come to the figurative position.

The instructor also knows that some powerful creatures are coming, and it is starting to deal with these creatures.

It shapes some parts of the figuration into weapons.

In fact, it is not made by itself, but it gives some signal effects to the imagery, allowing the figurative body to grow weapons.

These weapons... are powerful and powerful enough to allow the instructor to kill many creatures coming here.

Then, it absorbs the bodies of these creatures as nutrients for the imagery, further enhancing the ability to image.

Then... it continues to shine everywhere and attracts some powerful creatures over and over again.

Kill these creatures... absorb these creatures.

As the image becomes more powerful, the creatures it attracts are more powerful.

In the end, it attracted the most powerful opponent... a creature called ‘distant shadow’.

The distant shadow did not actually come directly.

It has the same ability to have something to influence other things from a distance, and it can also illuminate its own consciousness in the figurative.

And the figurine began to slowly collapse under the influence of distant shadows, and it could not fight against distant shadows.

Thus, the instructor began to integrate the entire representation.

The original figurative body only had a small number of organs with the ability to illuminate consciousness, and the instructor began to try to quickly transform the figurative.

It wants to turn the entire figurative into an illuminating organ to counter the distant shadows.

However, the instructor found that the speed of its transformation did not collapse quickly.

Soon the figuration will completely collapse, and it can only transform a small part at that time.

At the time, there was no way, but something wonderful happened.

The shadow of the distant... stopped the attack.

After the other party’s consciousness stopped, the tutor did not change the reason. It quickly transformed the entire body of the figurine into a huge ‘conscious illuminating organ’.

This can also be seen as a weapon with a size of hundreds of kilometers.

The instructor felt that it should be able to solve the opponent.

At this time, the instructor found a problem.

That is when it wants to fight back, suddenly it is discovered... It does not know where the distant shadow is.

The distant shadow itself did not come. Although it was 'illuminated' from a distance, the instructor never knew the other's position.

Therefore, the instructor can only start the search first, but no matter how it is searched, it is difficult to determine exactly where the other party is.

Later, under the search, the instructor found a ‘possible location’.

It found that there was a big reaction at that location, but it was not sure if it was a distant shadow.

When it hesitated, it suddenly appeared to be used by himself...radiation.

For the first time, it was like using self-consciousness without the control of a mentor.

This is also the last time.

After it was used up, the figurative body collapsed. It turned into a pile of broken pieces like a piece of fast decaying meat.

And no more recovery, it seems that the signs of 'life' have been completely lost.

After that, the mentor disappeared.

No one knows where it went, no one knows what it is doing.

Until a long time later.

On the edge of the unpredictable land, there are two creatures, the comet and the scale ball, and no one knows why they pop up.

They don't care about themselves, they only care about the life of the moment.

However, there are still some comets who have begun to study their own history.

This is actually related to the creatures they control, and how much they are affected by some biological emotions when the comet controls the creature.

Like they control some creatures that like to record history, they may also like to study history.

Some of the comets have discovered some past history through research.

In fact, they control some of the older creatures, and along the traces of history, they find the wreckage of ‘figurative’.

After the final illumination of the figurine, it died.

And its wreckage has remained there, and there are few creatures to eat it, leaving it in a fairly complete state.

These comets are wandering around here, but no useful information has been found.

Just as they planned to leave, they found... the 'mentor' came back.

The instructor told these comets that liked to study history...the adventure story.

After the collapse of the figuration, it began its long journey in the void.

It even went to another void...that is, normal void, and solidified void.

In those two voids, it encountered something that was never seen before, but also encountered some familiar things.

It found that some creatures in the normal void may be formed by the last conscious illumination of the ‘figurative’.

After a long journey, it returned to here.

In fact, it did not return to itself. It did not come back after traveling.

It may have died somewhere in the condensed void.

But it still managed to send back its own awareness data.

The mentor that the comets see now is a new individual created here, but its consciousness is the same as the previous one.

Moreover, it decided to start a new journey again.

This time it does not go to other voids, but intends to enter the depths of unforeseen places.

It didn't say anything, and all the comets supported it very much.

These comets seem to want to follow the mentor.

The instructor then told them that they needed to occupy a 'vehicle' to start the journey.

Of course, this means of transportation is a dream.

At that time, the dreams of Ershi were almost just made out... They had some data interference with the dreams.

Their goal is not to let the dreams collapse, but to make it a vehicle suitable for travel.

In this, their eternal ally, the scale ball, also participates.

Later, because of the help of some signals from a distance, their data interference did not succeed, but the dreams were kept in a damaged state.

At that time, the instructor said that it would have been in this state for a while, and an abnormality would occur after a while.

Only this state has been maintained for quite some time.

But the mentor and the comets didn't care so much, they seemed to be waiting patiently.

Until they encounter something special.

That is the arrival of Lin... now.

Lin began to repair Ershi's damage and they were perceived by them, and they suddenly responded to it and came to stop it.

Because they are scattered in their own lives, they did not come to a large number of troops at once, but came in batches.

The comet that Lynn has seized is a relatively strong one.

Lynn knows that so much information is not all known from it, and some are... this dream database.

Dreamland Ershi has recorded these creatures, and the information in this database is not obtained by Ershi himself, but obtained from certain creatures.

With Lin's repair progress, Minis said it remembered more and more information.

It feels like a situation of Ershi amnesia.

It seems that this tutor should be very interesting, and Lin wants to see it.

But the next step is to do some correspondence, because... if you want to continue repairing, they should be attacked again.


"That is... they are like capturing our world?"

Lin told the generals of Ershimin in general.

Mainly to say that the 'menter' is ready to attack the news here.

"They are hard to deal with, but we can't help but repair this world..." The leader is obviously very persistent in repairing the world.

"That's it." The leader said: "We will suspend the repair first... We must unite all the people in the pit to form a huge defense army to be able to fight these creatures."

"Yes," Lin said.

Next, they started to act quickly.

As long as they are not repaired, it seems that they will not be able to detect the situation here.

Lin feels that there should be some signal in the process of continuous repair, and the creatures that receive the signal, such as comets or scale balls, will come immediately.

However, there are many other creatures besides these two.

There may be other creatures joining the mentor's camp.

In short, they will only come over themselves when they perceive it, they will not inform their companions, and they will not seem to inform the tutor.

As long as Lin does not repair, there will be no new ones.

The leader of Ershimin went to several other huge potholes, and the process of going was quite easy.

Although there are many monsters on the road, new weapons can easily solve them.

After arriving, the leader also said some general situations with other pothole leaders.

Lin found that other cave leaders are most interested in things about the power of weapons.

So it was like before... Lin asked their elite troops to enter detailed data for Lin.

The other caves of the Ershi people are obviously very strange to the team's Veronica.

However, they are still accepting data input.

At the same time they also said ... to join the defense battle.

In this dreamy Ershi, there are a total of ten large potholes suitable for living.

The Ershi people in every pothole have sent hundreds of people. When they gather together, this unit looks very large.

Of course, they are not only using individual weapons, but also some weapons like vehicles.

They used a lot of time and nights to gather them. When all of them were done, this huge Ershi people protected Lin's Veronica to repair a lot of small damage points.

When repairing small damage points, there are indeed a lot of monsters gathered here.

However, they were all solved very easily, some of them fell from the sky, but they were broken by ... without landing.

It seems that there is no small use for gathering their troops.

Soon, Lynn came to a new large damage point.

This damage point is actually larger than those pits, but it is not suitable for living.

It looks like a desert.

This desert almost occupies a range of more than ten kilometers in diameter. Because it is surrounded by jungle, the desert in the center of the jungle is very strange.

This point is also a huge amount of vacancy data.

And it's hard to guess what this is missing.

When Lin is detecting the situation here... the sky has changed again.

"Be careful! Those things are coming out again!"

Most of the Ershi people on the ground pointed their weapons at the sky.

This time there is not a thick fog, but a star...

It is actually a big light ball that looks like a star. It radiates a dazzling light and slowly descends in the sky.

"From the creatures in the distance." The light ball spoke.

Lin found that it used the language of Ershimin.

It then begins to flash continuously and becomes a star shape in the blinking.

It has a diameter of more than 30 meters and there are many small stars next to it.

"It...should be the mentor." Veronica, who has been holding Veronica, said a word.

Is this... a mentor?

Lynn thinks it shouldn't appear so soon, but since it appears... then Lin wants to talk to it.

“Why are you traveling with this place?” Lin asked.

“This is the last place.” The large star said: “It belongs to ‘figurative’ and it belongs to us.”

"Destroy them."

At the moment it finished, Lin found that all the stars in the sky began to flash.

Along with their flickering, a stream of air was blown around.

It seems that there is nothing around these stars, but now they are surrounded by a rotating fog.

These stars wrapped in airflow slammed down, they fell into the group of the Ershi people, and swallowed many people directly.

Just like the situation before Lin, the flesh and blood of the whole body of Ershi people who entered the thick fog were instantly peeled off and crushed.

The whole people collapsed in a matter of seconds.

This scared a lot of Ershi people, but it also made them more fiercely open fire.

Most of the barrage will be swayed by thick fog to fly out, but some of the barrage shot into the thick fog.

But if you don't hit the comet that is more than ten centimeters in size, the bullet will be worn directly from the other side... without any damage.

However, there are still many comets that have been killed.

Because, Lynn's Veronica also held ten small pistols at this time... with hair.

This is of course a weapon that Lynn created for herself with imaginary materials.

The main reason is to make precise settings in the imagination, and to create a powerful weapon.

Although it looks like a pistol, Lin can accurately hit the comet in the swirling fog every time he fires.

But if it is Lin, it is not easy to kill them. The number of bullets that the comet's thick fog can bounce is limited.

When these people continue to attack them and put their defense mechanisms to the upper limit, Lin can take the opportunity to break the comet directly.

When the comet is broken down, the dense fog around it will quickly dissipate.

Moreover, the ground is also cracked at this time.

A large number of large plant roots slammed into the air, and they adopted a new tactic... This time, because of the dream of Ershi's weapon, it will evolve.

After the last failure of the winding method, they used the method of directly stabbing the past... They can pierce the rotating dense fog in an instant.

The dense fog that is pierced will temporarily stop spinning. At this time, with the barrage of Ershimin, the comet will easily be hit.

After killing multiple comets in succession, Lynn found that the biggest one in the sky had a reaction.

It hasn't been moving before, and now Lin sees it finally moved.

It is not attacking down, but flying to the sky at a very fast speed.

"Don't let that big run, hit it down!"

At this time, all the people who held heavy weapons opened fire on the sky.

The successive explosions blew around the giant star, and Lin found some shimmering debris splashing out of the explosion.

Has it been injured? If that's the case... it may not be a mentor.

When the smog of the explosion dissipated, Lin found that the glittering giant star was cracked all over the body, and there were many shimmering shards in these cracks that were constantly falling down.

It seems to have been seriously injured.

"Continue to hit it!"

After another round of volleys in Ershimin, it has become a fragment of the sky.

"Are we killing it?" "We have succeeded! We have kept the world!"

Ershi people are beginning to be happy, but some Ershi people look confused.

Lin’s feelings are very close to those doubts, because Lynn also thinks that this star should not be so good to deal with.

"That is... what is that!"

Suddenly, an Ershi people screamed.

I saw a lot of ... objects in the sky.

These objects all look like pieces of meat, but each piece is at least 100 meters in size.

They appeared in the air thousands of times and flew toward the ground like a meteorite rain.

This is the wreckage of ‘conscious figuration’.

"Get away!".

Seeing these huge objects, they have lost the idea of ​​fighting, and all the people of Ershi are quickly scattered around.

A huge piece of meat smashed into the jungle hundreds of meters away. Under a roar, the entire surface began to shake.

Lin feels that this is the most unpredictable side of the normal void.

That is a huge object... it will always be powerful.

‘Boom—’ is another piece of meat falling on the ground.

At the same time, a lot of trees were crushed, and almost all the people of Ershi were shaken to the ground.

Both of them fell farther away, but now there is a piece of meat with a diameter of more than 300 meters, which is to be smashed on the heads of the people.

This time, these Ershi people did not escape.

They all raised their weapons and madly fired at the sky.

The flying barrage continually hits the surface of the piece of meat and bursts it into smaller pieces.

And those pieces are further broken down into smaller parts in a roar.

After a burst of fire, after the piece, some scattered parts were scattered on the ground.

It seems that these wrecked bodies are very fragile.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The vibrations came one after another, and a large number of pieces of meat lingered in the jungle next to them. Although they were very numerous, they were a minority on the heads of the group.

As long as there is a fly, Ershimin will smash it into **** for the first time.

After the fall was hard to stop, these Ershi people could not relax.

Because they found that they were already full of these large pieces of meat.

And the original forests were all squashed...

"What the **** is this! Is it theirs... troops?"

Ershi people are now crowded in the desert of the damaged area, they are negotiating to go out, or wait and see for a while.

But when they discussed it, Lynn found that many of the creatures climbed out of the meat.

These creatures look a lot like... a creature called the stick insect.

It can also be said to be a bamboo pole with many legs.

They are more than three meters long, and at the same time, the head and tail are constantly emitting the same white smoke as steam.

These creatures know that they are one of the living things in the wreckage...wild animals.

They are themselves creatures that feed on crumbs and are harmless.

Perhaps these wild animals have been caught and used as weapons.

At this time, these bamboo-like creatures suddenly rushed over here.

Ershimin also immediately raised their weapons to counterattack.

They are still...very fragile.

Ershimin's weapons can easily penetrate their outer shells and break them or break them.

Lin did not participate in the battle.

Because I saw these creatures appear, Lin suddenly thought of what this damage point should be.

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