
The surface was hit by an 'air wall'.

These huge ‘walls’ fell heavily on the surface and made successive roars.

But in fact, it did not cause any harm to the surface... no traces left.

When they hit the ground, they disappear instantly, no matter how big the wall is.

Of course, they didn't affect any part of this dream. It seems that these walls have disappeared.

They did not have an impact.

And Lin did not do any protection.

Because Lynn discovered it not long ago, after the dream of Ershi was completely repaired, it could not be damaged anymore.

Because... When the dream is completely completed, the data that was originally used for construction is useless.

Although this part of the data is still stored in the dream of Ershili, how to modify it will not affect this.

So Lynn can detect that the data of the air wall does affect the data that is stored in this part... but it will not cause any change to this.

The tutor... does not seem to know about this.

Otherwise it will not use these air walls containing data to attack.

Or, its purpose is to affect the stored data, although this data is no longer useful, but it may have something to restart it.

In short, Lin has not found this situation.

And the current mentor has also suffered a lot.

Because when the air wall hit the surface... Lin also controlled the detector and the shape of the building to blow up the instructor.

During the approach, the detector was almost destroyed, but the building successfully hit the mentor.

In the end, Lin did not use all the detectors, and there was a detector to observe the situation in the distance.

Now you can see that a large piece of tutor like a huge scale ball is missing. This is the effect of the building.

This effect is better than Lin believes. The weapon itself is almost the same as the ordinary bullet effect. It can make the dream energy gathered together to spread out at a high speed to achieve the impact.

Lin originally thought that the ordinary weapon... should not be very effective, but it seems to be very good now.

What makes Lin pay more attention is that there are many small things flying out of the wound part of the instructor.

These tiny things are actually all comets...they are very numerous, rushing out from the wound and gathering on the edge of the wound, seemingly repairing it.

Lynn is very curious about what kind of structure is inside the instructor, but now it is no longer close to it.

At the time of Lin’s observation, the Ershi people also began to control the dreams of Ershi to flee in the other direction.

Just a lot of air walls scared them a lot in the siege. Although nothing special happened in the end, they didn’t want to encounter similar things... So they turned the dreams into directions and flew back. .

Because they all agree that ... only the direction is not dangerous.

Lin did not stop them, but continued to observe the state of the mentor.

Although a large number of comets fly around the wound, the progress of the repair is very slow.

Lin has been observing their repair process, and the dreamer Ershi also began to follow the original route to the original direction.


"Here... there seems to be no such thing before?"

In the process of flying back, Ershimin discovered that there were many floating objects in the void around him that had not been seen before.

Most of the previous floats were semi-transparent objects, and now returning to the floats seen... most of them are like 'physical matter'.

Simply put, the color is full and looks like a fixed shape.

Although I have seen some before, all of the things I saw when I returned this time were all kinds of objects.

This is a bit strange, because all the floats are not moving, and now it seems that they have all been replaced, so that Ershimin... and Lin also feels wonderful.

Was it replaced, or did not return along the original road... Lin felt that it should be the latter.

However, this is quite difficult to judge.

Like in a normal void, you can confirm your position with quite a few things.

It is completely absent here, and any floating object can be completely invisible as long as it is far away from the scope of the dream of Ershi.

At present, there is no way to locate with distant scenery. It is completely unclear whether anything that will leave the ‘vision’ will change.

Unless a detector is left there.

With the return of the dream of Ershi, Lin also confirmed that this place is not the original place.

Things that are around are becoming more and more strange, and there are things that Lynn has never seen before.

Lynn thinks this is quite interesting.

However, it can be determined that this is not the influence of the instructor's previous attack... but there are some problems in other aspects.

Something affects the steering function of the dreamer.

The dream of the dream is very simple, in fact, it is controlled on the 'checkerboard'.

I want to turn it in which direction, and turn the grid on the board.

Now, look carefully at the board... in the grid where the dream image is located.

Lin can see that the grid itself does not have any movement, but the dream image above is slightly rotating.

This change seems to be very slow, so no one has noticed.

However, Lin felt that it might have started to turn from very early, but Lin did not notice when it started.

After all, I have not been rushing here.

Lynn wondered where the impact came from, so Lynn carefully examined the interior of the dream.

Almost all systems in this dream are automatic, and there is no thinking in control.

But the design is perfect enough to handle quite a few situations.

Although it seems that this situation is not included.

Lin's Veronica can directly detect the internal situation of the dreamer in this telescope tower. Lin found that the main reason is... the position of an engine is out.

This engine... was dragged by something.

There are many engines in Dreamland, and the shapes are different. Like the engine that Lin observes, the appearance is like a mountain.

Lynn noticed that there was a very thin 'line' at the top of the mountain.

It can also be said to be a very weak dream energy, although it is generally difficult to notice... but if you look closely, you can still find it.

It is always connected to somewhere in the depths of the void.

It seems that there is something that has released this 'line' far away and controls the direction of the dream to move in its direction.

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