4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 189: Exploration team

The night is already deep...

The war between Jade Dragon and Lieutenant is still going on. Although there has been a lot of fighting between the two sides, the battle is just beginning.

On the other side, something small happened.

Here is the dragon forest, the dragons still live a happy life of the banquet, the sound of stone instruments echoes under the stars, and the dragons are cheering for a special thing this time.

The flying spear of Emerald Dragon produced an egg with a golden flower. Although this egg is smaller than the average dragon egg, it is very healthy and normal.

For this matter, not only the dragons, Lin also felt a little surprised, I did not expect that Jade Dragon and Xiaolong can really breed...

What color will their cubs be? This is a thing worth looking forward to, and I don't know how their size and strength are. The shape of the jade dragon is smaller than that of the dragon, so the pups whose two cells are combined should be between them.

For the problem of raising young babies, the spear and the 骸龙霍酱 that it lives in have a little dispute. The spear feels that it should raise the offspring by itself, and the sauer sauce thinks that the eggs should be placed together in the common place where the eggs are placed.

For this, the flying spear seems to be difficult to recognize, although it has always been learning to integrate into the dragon's community, but some of the habits of the jade dragon make it difficult to rest assured, although the jade dragon does not kill the same kind, but it is possible to steal the same kind of eggs. The egg placed in public makes it difficult for the spear to be sure that it is safe...

However, Xiaolong does not have the idea of ​​'stolen the same kind of things', so Huo Wei thinks that it is safer to take care of everyone than to take care of themselves.

On this issue, they may have to argue for a while. However, this banquet is not only to celebrate the production of flying spears. It is about the ‘exploration team’.

Although the flying spear did not mention anything about the Jade Dragon. But the dragons have always been very curious, they always try to ask about the spears about the life of the jade dragon, their communities and so on. Recently, the dragons slowly began to think that they might form a Exploring the team, going to the jungles of the South to take risks and see more things...

The dragons are very keen to see the community of other creatures about the jade dragon, so the dragon leader Lidell has already selected the dragons of this team. This banquet is also to celebrate the group of dragons.

These twelve dragons are standing in front of Liddell. They are the most powerful hunters. They have also achieved long-term survival in the dream world. These dragons hold the leaves of the leaves full of drinks. I am preparing to drink in order to express my determination to start.

Lin found that this mixed drink can make the brain excited, which is related to a special ingredient in the sap. Drinking more will have some problems.

"You, can't go there!"

The spear suddenly stood in front of the exploration team's dragons and Liddell, and its current Xiaolong language has been much smoother.

Liddell said: "Our people should see more things. But why? You never say your ethnic group. Not mentioning your previous life, we are very curious about it."

"They...is very dangerous." The spear said: "Our life habits... Unlike you, every member, they are very selfish."

Liddell questioned: "What does "selfishness" mean? Is your language?"

The spear said: "Yes, members of our ethnic group, they will plunder the food, manufacture, or everything else around us... and our 'heads', it has been thinking about expanding the territory, because construction requires a lot Resources, there are many people like you who are caught in the vicinity as slaves..."

“‘Slave’? What does that mean?”

The spear said: "I will be forced to work all the time, only get a small amount of food, and continue until death."

When the spears spoke these words, the surrounding Snapdragon looked at it with strange expressions, and it seemed difficult to understand this way of life.

"Yes..." Liddell said: "It seems that your ethnic group has a strange habit, like a white group of dragons, but we don't see you."

"I have been learning about your life... I have been trying to integrate into this perfect place," said the spear. "But... they are different. They only see the resources here and then wage war against them."

"War? It was a long time ago." Liddell heard the word war, and seemed to fall into the memory. "Remember, Tucker first led our tribe to fight the jungle gnomes, and then they got on it." A strange disease..."

The spear continued: "If you let the king discover the existence here, it will definitely attack here. All members will be treated as slaves, and these trees will be cut off or transported away."

"We are not so weak." Liddell looked up and said loudly to the surrounding trees and all the dragons on the entire branch platform: "We will destroy the invaders!"

"噢噢噢噢!!!" All the dragons in the jungle started a burst of cheers!

"Exploration is a must, and we have to open up new territories." Liddell said: "If your ethnic group is such a cruel ethnic group, then we will destroy them."

"No..." The flying spear seems to try to tell the habit of the Jade Dragon, and wants to keep the dragon away from them, but it has aroused the war of the dragon.

Liddell went to the center of the platform and continued to say aloud: "If there are such cruel creatures, then they must be destroyed. The Tucker leader has always taught us this. It is said that when it is still very young, the white dragon is one. A very cruel creature, when it was still young, experienced a lot of this situation, its ethnic group is constantly being destroyed, it is also growing in fear..."

"Until, it was blessed by the pompoms, led a community, set up our home now...cleared the brutal white race nearby." Said Liddell to the spear: "You said they abandoned You, you should tell us the location of your ethnic group, we must look at what your ethnic group is like, if it is as you say, then you must..."

In fact, the dragons did not understand the life of the emerald dragon at all, but it was clear that Liddell used the white dragon as a control. The white dragon was sometimes brutal to the same kind, and Liddell seemed to think that the habit of the emerald dragon was the same as that of the white dragon. With the influence of Tucker, the dragons are more likely to hate creatures with this habit.

"No, you can't fight with them!" The spear said loudly: "There are quite a few troops that will cause the destruction here!"

Liddell said: "You don't have to worry, this kind of thing will not happen, we will guard our territory. Under the blessing of pompoms, we will become stronger and stronger, defeating all possible invaders!"

Lin found that, like the original white dragon cub, flying spears are quite easy to integrate into the dragon group. After familiaring themselves with each other, they can get along very well, but this does not prevent the dragon from flying the spear. The same kind of hostility...

"The expedition team must start." Liddell said: "Ready! We must go see these strange green creatures!"

Twelve expedition teams’ jade dragons have already dressed up with equipment and weapons, and drank the high-altitude drinks in their hands. They shouted together: “Pompom!”

At the moment they drank the drink, the surrounding dragons cheered again!

Pompon is a special word for Xiaolong, and it is also a discourse that can motivate their thoughts. The flying spear looks at this situation. It seems that it can't say anything. Lin believes that the flying spear seems to want to follow it. But it ended up not having this decision.

There is nothing to meet them, but Lin has another worry, that is, the dragon may learn the life style of the jade dragon. It is possible that some dragons find that stealing the same kind of things can temporarily obtain more resources, so that they should be stopped. Now.

"Wait a minute, I will go too!"

Suddenly, a special voice joined the cheers of this group of dragons, and all the dragons suddenly looked over there, only to see a special dragon on the platform of the banquet.

Liddell suddenly surprised and said: "Tucker leader!"


The banquet continued until the arrival of the day, and the expedition consisting of thirteen dragons began to set off. At this time, almost all the dragons of the woodland gathered on the edge of the dragon forest, and said goodbye to the exploration team.

At this time, the dragons will show some sad feelings, mainly because their leader, Tucker, is also ready to go together.

Although Liddell became a leader, in fact, Tucker has an unparalleled position in the thoughts of the dragons. In the wood of the dragon habitat, there is also a statue of Tucker.

"Tucker leader, why..." The other twelve dragons obviously didn't want Tucker to carry out this dangerous journey with them, but they didn't finish it, Tucker said: "Don't worry about me, I hope in the soul." Before returning to dreams, see more things, let us... set off."

These dragons are not good at seeing this. Soon, they left the jungle in the cheers of the members of the community.

Only the flying spear did not cheer, and its eyes were filled with worries.

"Don't worry." At this moment, one hand was placed on the shoulder of the spear. It turned and looked and found that the sauce was standing behind it. "Are you worried about your former ethnic group?"

"No..." The spear said: "I don't want to... it is destroyed."

"You don't have to worry about this. Before the start of the Tucker leader, the pompoms have been foretold, and there is no danger."

Lin can't remember when she foreshadowed this kind of thing, but I don't know... What happens when Xiaolong meets the Jade Dragon? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~00121ling~ monthly ticket~

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