4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 201: White mystery

It comes from a distant place...

In the brain of this white dragon, Lin found many secrets. At present, Lin can't directly read the thoughts, but Lin uses a method to connect Bai Xiaolong into a dream-like world, and then the world will respond according to its brain. It has a variety of scenes.

Bai Xiaolong is now wandering in a real dream like the black pepper. It is now on the edge of a cliff. This scene is very similar to what was seen in the black pepper nightmare.

Perhaps this white dragon is also like a black pepper, was mad after being bitten by a brain?

But they don't look crazy, and they look a lot.

Although there is no special scene around, Lin can know that the area in which it lives is far from here... Bai Yulong looks at the sea and has a feeling of nostalgia, usually this Emotions occur when creatures recall their previous things.

At the same time, in the presence of ‘remembering’ this kind of emotion, Bai Xiaolong’s body will also secrete the corresponding substance. Lin only needs to give it a little injection of similar substances, which will make it recall unconsciously.

Lin can find their home through the memories of Bai Xiaolong. This white dragon is obviously different from the average white dragon, but it is not meaningful to catch one or two. Lin needs to find their gathering point.

Bai Xiaolong looks at the sea. It goes to the edge of the cliff. Does it live in the place where it lives? Is it... other continents?

In other words, this has something to do with the Astra group. After all, black pepper has always dreamed of the sea.

The residence of this white dragon should not be another continent. but. It is really necessary to go out to sea.

Lynn saw that a huge island suddenly rose from the sea. The island looked huge in the dreams, with strange mountains, various plants, and some wonderful creatures flying around.

I don't know if the island is really the size, but it should indeed exist.

Bai Xiaolong looked at the island and it suddenly went forward. It walked out of the cliff, but did not fall, but walked in the direction of the island in the air.

The dream is born according to Bai Yanlong's thoughts. If it believes that he can walk in the air, it will happen in the present situation, but Bai Xiaolong should not know that he is dreaming.

Bai Xiaolong walked through the sky and set foot on the beach of the island. The beach was not gravel or rock, but was full of a strange green plant.

Lynn also saw some green jade running around on the ground. Is this the unique species of the island?

Bai Haolong stepped on the green ground and went deep. After passing through a strange jungle of unseen plants, the white dragon walked into a forest glade...

Here. Also stayed with several of its kind of white dragons.

Bai Xiaolong immediately went up to talk to them. They used the language that Lynd had never heard. Lin remembers that most of Bailulong like to use the sounds like '嘎' to represent various meanings, but this white dragon can use similar jade The complex language of the dragon.

Sure enough, it is very special.

Lynn tried to understand what it meant in the words, and with the feeling of it, Lin knew that it was describing something that was very surprising.

These astonished things also appeared alongside Bai Xuanlong's thoughts, and Lin saw... the emerald dragon, the lieutenant, the pyramid, the split brain, and the city of the jade dragon.

It turned out to be like this... Lin feels almost understandable.

Lin currently has a speculation that perhaps these white dragons have similar development levels of jade dragons, but they do not know the development of this side, only recently came here to see, and then they feel quite surprised.

However, this is only speculation, because there is no such thing as what the Bailonglong will create. The island seems to be completely covered by the jungle... there is no such thing as a jade dragon city.

But maybe they live in the trees? This is not very likely...

The language skills of these white dragons do indicate that they have more complex behaviors, but how do they get these? For example, Jade Dragon and Xiaolong are all teaching them in a special way, and they have developed rapidly in a short period of time.

The surrounding ‘wild’ white dragons and dragons still maintain their former state, creating small shacks and living a small community with little progress.

Lin thinks that the development of gnomes is much better than that of Snapdragon, and if there is a big white dragon, what is going on?

This problem seems to be already obvious... that is the Yate group.

However, the original ethnic group of the Atlantis lived in the sea. It was not a long time to come to this continent. Can they create a group of such white dragons?

Or is this group of white dragons doing this for other reasons? It may not be related to the Yate population, but they do respond to brain waves that split the brain.

The reason why these white dragons look for black peppers is definitely related to this, and they still have quite a few questions. Why they stay on the island is also a big problem...

No matter how much, in the end, the island must be found. Lin intends to circle the entire continent and say that the island looks like it is near the coast.

This white dragon has been talking to the same kind of fantasy in his dreams. It seems that he has started to talk about a lot of other topics, but that should not be important information.


At the next moment, Bai Haolong opened his eyes and saw that he was still in the pyramid, and that a green head was watching it...

"Oh!" Bai Haolong was shocked. He quickly tried to stand up, but found that his body was difficult to move, his hands and feet were a weak state, and he could not move.

Lin gave it some paralyzed toxins. Although this white dragon seems to be very special, in fact, their physical constitution is almost the same as that of the common white dragon. The brain is also, but the muscle is worse. It is more than the average white dragon or even the jade dragon. Weak.

Lin is not going to let it go now. It is better to let it stay here and see if there will be a companion to save it. Lin believes that there should be many such white dragons here, and they are acting separately.

"In this place... inside!" There was a voice behind Lin, and the black pepper was constantly rummaging through the split brain piled up on the ground. It seemed to want to find something from the inside, but it has been I didn't find it...

"Hey!" Bai Haolong shouted on the ground. It seemed to know that Lin's 'Jade Dragon' couldn't understand it, so it always used 嘎 to express it, but Lin didn't care about it, but threw it directly here. Turned over to the black pepper and walked over.

Lin saw that the black pepper had opened the split brain, but not only is it a pile, but there is also a hole with a diameter of more than two meters on the ground, and in the hole, there are a lot of split brains...

This hole doesn't know how deep it is. From where did Li Zhi find so many split brains? Grab a few brains and let them always make it?

These split brains seem to have died because of the long-lost relationship. It is impossible to get enough nutrients here, but because they are quite large, the brain waves they emit are still strong.

Black pepper has been dig in it all the time, as if there is something inside.

Lin feels that the brain wave intensity inside is getting lower and lower, and it is estimated that all of them are dead.

Lin looked at the black pepper and dig it until it was dug up to two meters deep, and it smelled of rotten smell inside, but the black pepper still digs a strange thing.

This thing is a huge crystal...

Wait, this is the main brain of the Yate population!

Lin immediately jumped into the cave and looked at the large crystals dug out of the black pepper. This thing is indeed the crystallization of the main brain. I remember it was in a building in the center of the city where the madness was ridiculous. It took it out and put it inside?

Of course, this brain is dead, the same as when it was first discovered.

However, why do you want to put it here? This thing should not release any brain waves right...

After the black pepper found this thing, it seemed quite angry. It grabbed a pile of crystal brains nearby and smashed it up, but the crystals of the main brain were quite hard, and the small crystals that split the brain went up and shattered. Then the black pepper was madly knocked up by hand, and the blood was not stopped.

The black pepper is really weird. When it came over, Lin felt that it came with a kind of ‘worship’. Why did it become angry afterwards?

It's crazy, it's the only explanation...

"Oh ah ah ah ah!!!" The black pepper finally hit the top with the head, but there was no crack in the crystal.

"This thing... this thing..." The black pepper seemed to give up. After seeing the last glance of the crystal, it turned and curled up aside, never moving again...

Abandoning is quite fast, Lin thought it would hit death.

So what should I do now? In short, go to the island of Bailulong and talk about it, but it is easier to go back and look for them. If there are other white dragons to save this white dragon, then it would be better.

Or let it go back?

Just when Lin thought, there was a loud noise outside. Is it really a white dragon?

Lin immediately climbed out of the cave, only to find that it was not the white dragon, but a group of people.

Most of these groups are carrying some wounded people. They look like they are retreating from the battlefield. They put the wounded on the ground and then ran out. It seems that they did not find the split brains inside. It opened, and there was a white dragon on the ground.

It is no wonder that they are because... the war is still going on. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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