4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 205: Among the ashes


On the edge of the burnt city shrouded in smoke, there is a small pyramid, and on the side of the pyramid, there is a white figure lying on it.

Lin has been observing its escape route. I did not expect that the king of the snails could survive under the flames.

It has some traces of burns all over the body, but it doesn't matter. Its fate may be very good. The white dragon found a relatively safe road and fled the city in a raging fire.

It was incredibly ran out of its own, and then it rested under the wall of the pyramid.

However, waiting for the flame to burn out, when the day comes, it has not been left here, why?

This white dragon is not injured, can't escape, not the cause of hunger, but... It still thinks about the crystallization in the city. Now it is looking into the burnt city from time to time, as if wanting to go in. Look like...

I like this crystallization to this point, it can be said to be ‘heartbreaking madness’, the word is good.

However, this white dragon is indeed not crazy, it is purely wanting that piece of crystal with its own consciousness, even if it has experienced so much!

Therefore, Lynn decided to call it the name "crystal madness."

In fact, this pronunciation is similar to the original name of the white dragon. When they came before, Lynn heard its companion call its name.

Perhaps it is this character that has caused its selfishness. In fact, the selfish species Lin has seen a lot. For example, there is a shark that kills the same kind of incubator around when it hatches. Only the strongest cubs can survive.

But in the end, sharks are living alone. In the case of being able to maintain a huge group of people. The only thing that can be so selfish is these dragons...

Driven by the temptation, 'Crystal Mania' stepped into the city again. In fact, this is indeed a good time, because Lie was probably burned to death, even if it dragged a big crystal and slowly came out. Will not be discovered.

However, Crystal Mad also needs to worry about the situation in the air.

Susumumi’s three Yalong knights are in the sky, they have been observing the situation of the city of Lishui, and almost all pyramids have been completely blocked. From the outside, I can't see what's going on inside.

Are Lie really dead? This is a problem that Susumi is very concerned about. The army of Jade Dragon is now unable to attack because of the wounded, so Susumu very much hopes that this fire sneak attack will win.

In the burnt grass, the crystal mania is covered with ash, transforming it from a white dragon to a black dragon, so as to avoid the eyes of the Yalong Knights. It immediately moved, and used the 'protective color' on his body quite well.

Soon it was once again close to the huge pyramid, at the entrance. It found the piece of crystal.

In the past, the crystal was kicked into the fire by black pepper, but there was no damage during the whole night. When Crystal Man saw it, he almost rushed up to hug the crystal, and then touched it on it.

After confirming that there was no problem, the crystal madness covered the crystal with ash, and Lin found that there was a kind of ‘pity’ emotion when it was covered with ash, but it was quickly fixed.

It seems that Crystal Mad is like the beauty of this crystal? It once again laboriously dragged the crystal, while avoiding the Yalong in the air, step by step toward the city...

With such perseverance but selfishness to the extreme, what a strange creature...

Time flies so slowly. In the middle of the day, the crystal madness finally dragged the crystal away from the city. It chose the nearest road, and it took so long to leave.

However, how far is it in the next road? Dragging such a large piece of crystal through the vast wilderness and the jungle to the beach? I also know that this is impossible.

However, it can now rest for at least a while, and Crystal Mad is glad that he can leave the city at this time because a group of emerald dragons have come to the edge of the city.

They are a team of Susumi's search team. There are a total of three hundred emerald dragons, led by a new commander. They are to observe the state of Liqi, and the black pepper is also in this team.

When the crystal madness is slowly dragging and crystallization, Lin can also observe this group of emerald dragons together... What are the problems with them? Because Lin did not put eyeballs in the small pyramid, I still don't know the situation.

The emerald dragons entered the black city of the black, and each of the emerald dragons was very nervous. Although they had heard the report of the Yalong Knights saying that there was no place, they were afraid to jump out and attack them.

Lynn's spy also discolored into this unit and explored them along with them.

Although this group of emerald dragons are also very concerned about the crystallization of the pyramids, but they are all task-oriented, no one will try to knock down those crystals...

In the forefront of the jade dragons with a few electric gnomes, the smell of scorching around does not affect their sense of smell, they smell the West smell, and suddenly these gnomes gathered in front of a pyramid on the side of the road.

"Stop!" the commander shouted. "This is suspicious. Open it and see!"

"Yes!" Several emerald dragons stepped forward. They knew that the lieutenant temporarily sealed the entrance to the pyramid with mud, so they tried to knock on the wall a few times and found the more vulnerable position, they immediately took it. Take a spear and smash it.

Suddenly, the dirt stuck in the entrance was opened by the group of emerald dragons, and Lin immediately entered the pyramid with them.

Inside the pyramid... nothing, the inside is completely empty, only some broken eggshells.

This made the Emerald Dragons suddenly look terrified, and they did not die! They are still alive.

The two sides have hit the present, the Jade Dragons are already familiar with Lie's tricks. Although it is empty, it is obvious that Lie has already hid somewhere, and then blocked the exit. The Jade Dragons knocked on the ground. Knock it and try to find a place to hide.

Soon, the Jade Dragons found a place on the ground. After opening it with a spear, Lin saw that it was a pothole, and there were some very strange things in the pothole. It looked like it was half of the emerald dragon. High, egg with a purple shell.

There were a total of five eggs piled up in this pothole. The jade dragons were also very surprised about this, so they dragged the eggs out and let the commander decide what to do.

"What the **** is this?" The commander kicked the egg on the floor in a puzzled manner, and then poked it with a spear!

The egg was instantly poked out of a hole, and a large amount of sticky liquid flowed out of it.

The commander saw the message: "Cut it up." Under the command of the commander, the Jade Dragons completely shattered the egg, and there was nothing but a lot of liquid.

"What the **** is this thing..." The commander saw the liquid for a long time, and then said: "With one to report to the king!"

"Yes!" Several emerald dragons picked up an egg and ran to the direction outside the city.

Then they searched for some nearby pyramids. The 'content' of these pyramids is roughly divided into two types, some of which are like the previous ones. There are some large eggs in the potholes, and most of the pyramids have suffocation. The standing of death.

When Jade Dragon discovered these erections, they were very happy. Susumi’s tactics worked, and they successfully killed quite a lot of erections.

In this battle, victory should belong to them!

Later, this army almost inspected every pyramid in the entire city of Licheng. All the pyramids were in the above two situations, and there was no third situation. That is to say, the emerald dragon did not find a living stand. scorpion.

This is a very strange problem, but without the jade dragon, the commander knows that they successfully solved more than 50% of the battle in this battle, and the rest is inexplicably gone, only the rest A pile of eggs.

The commander returned to the camp of the Jade Dragon with a portion of the eggs and gave a detailed report to Susummi.

After Susumi heard the news, it was not very convinced at first. After it personally took a group of troops to check it, it discovered that...

The battle is over!

Jade Dragon won the victory! The news was quickly spread out in the army, and each of the Emerald Dragons cheered on the victories they won and the crystallization that will soon be available!

At this time, Baiji Longjing mad has been dragging the crystal of the main brain out of the city a few hundred meters away, which is still far away from its goal...

Lin estimates that it will die soon after entering the jungle, and she still has to search for the island herself.

Emerald Dragon is now doing some repairs. Susumui has already let a Yalong knight fly back to the city to report the victory to the city, but currently Susummi has not decided to let more Jade Dragons collect the crystallization here.

Although some emerald dragons want to get some crystals now, they don't move without Susumi's orders.

At present, Susumui still pays attention to the treatment of the wounded in the entire army. The whole team is injured and lives near the rotten marsh. Many emerald dragons are infected with some diseases. Although they are not a big problem, they will temporarily cause them. Relatively weak.

Next, Susumumi’s troops stayed here for more than a dozen days and nights. They treated the wounded for almost the same treatment, and after the problem of infection was almost solved, Susumi began to decide to contact the city and dispatch the crystal. force.

Li Wei did not have any movement during this period, and it seems that he has fully proved that Susumumi has won.

But Susumumi did ignore a problem...

Those eggs. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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