4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 296: Golden chase

"Oh ah!"

A sharp axe descended from the sky with screams, and the sharp blade on the axe fell into the head of a huge creature...

"Oh..." The sorrow of the creature accompanied the sound of the earth falling at the same time. At the moment when it fell to the ground, there was a cheering sound around it.

"This thing is very difficult to deal with." "Yes, but if we get together, nothing is invincible!"

In front of the corpse of the creature, five creatures of similar height, but different races stand together. They are called 'dream adventure team'. Just under the combined force of five, they successfully killed this. The second food after the world.

... a monster of up to six meters.

"So, go find something that can make a fire, I am here to smash meat." ‘Brave’ Beer is the captain of this team, it is generally used as a conductor and a forward.

"Hey!" Several of the brave men walked away with the accompanying, leaving the brave standing in front of the creature's body.

It slowly lifted the blade of the hand called the scorpion.

In fact, this is not the blade in the hand. It is more like a weapon that grows directly from the brave. It lifts the weapon to the side of the body and is preparing to chop it down...


A loud bang from the sky gave it a glimpse of the body. The brave looked up and saw that a burning thing was flying fast! It quickly hops backwards...

'boom! ! ! Again, the loud noise splashed countless dust, and the objects in the air just hit the original body. The roaring explosion turned the food of the brave into a pile of ashes.

"What is this?"

The brave went to the pothole where the object fell and found that it was in addition to the ashes. There is also a pile of golden pieces.

'boom! When it was doubting, the sky once again blew the sound of the explosion...

"That is..." When it looked up again, it saw only a lot of burning things falling in the air, and among the falling fires, it could see some flickering objects flying at high speed.

"Come here!" The brave suddenly found that the airborne objects flew to the side quickly, and the brave man hurried back and forth, but its pace quickly stopped.

"Devil?" Because it found that it was a familiar creature that flew down... a ball of fluff,

“But why is it white? And it’s weird...”

"Beer." The white fluffy ball suddenly spoke: "I will give you the one you promised."

Said, the body of the pompon suddenly split. Two weapons slowly extended from the body of the pom-pom.

"This is the legendary..." The brave saw the weapon and suddenly screamed in surprise.

I saw that the weapons shimmered in the sunlight, and they looked like a pair of palms, which could be called a 'glove'.

"Yes, this is the legendary thing." Pompon taught the brave to the brave: "Take it, the sun will give you strength."

The brave slowly retracted the sword in his hand, and it took the pompom to give it a crystal glove. And put it on your hand,

"Hey!" The brave raised the crystallized glove in the sun, and shouted to express his excitement.

It used to be the legendary glove in the world, and now it can finally wear it!

The brave looked around. I saw a stone standing not far away.

"Wow!" The brave suddenly jumped up, and the crystallized glove slammed on the stone, and the whole rock suddenly shattered and turned into a pile of debris.

The pompoms said: "Yes, but you still don't know the real way to use it."

“What is the real way to use?” The brave man looked puzzled at the crystal fist in his hand: “Is there such a thing?”

"You have to explore for yourself." Pompon said: "Your companion. You will also get something new... Then, continue your exploration and adventure." After watching the brave excited and confused expression. The pompons slowly merged together, and they immediately flew into the sky.

"Other companions..." The pompom hesitated in the air for a while, then flew away in the distance.


Although, Lynn still wants to continue to watch their adventures, but it will be interesting to look at them for a long time, but because their opponents may become stronger than before, they need some new equipment to strengthen.

But the actual weapon that is actually made is only the glove. Others are being made, but there are still many other things to deal with...

Because it seems to start again... war.

In the area that was originally the sea of ​​clouds, countless flashing swarms were crawling out of their pockets. They swayed their wings on the towers they built, allowing the entire area to circulate and cool the hot weather.

At the same time, it can be seen that occasionally three or five groups of insects fly from the ground and fly away in the air...

The detection of the Inca group has begun, and the antennas they use are particularly enhanced, and they are very sensitive to various subtle odors in the air.

These swarms will detect the entire continent, and as long as any target is found, the specially prepared 'crystallized fly hopper' in the swarm will attack.

The Inca swarm is ready to launch a full-scale attack on the creator.

The Inca swarm quickly found an unhidden target... the island of research that Lin had been waiting for.

The island is not as strong as other places. It flies in the desert, looks very conspicuous, and has no special camouflage, and its movement speed is not very fast.

After the target was discovered, countless insect swarms in the wormholes immediately began to move. The new forces formed a gleaming army in the sky, and they rushed to the island of research at an extremely fast speed.

The island of research is not without knowing the offense of the insects, just... they know it too late.

"The bug has come!" "You must ask for support!" "Oh ah! I want to run away!"

The synthetics in the study islands panicked, most of them were trying to escape, and only a few were planning to fight back.

However, their weapons face the swarm, which may not have much effect.

Lin does not need to participate in the battle, the Inca group is fully capable of destroying the island.

Therefore, while this happened, Lin is dealing with some other issues.

‘Hey! A sharp bullet hit the sky, and it pulled the distance of several kilometers in an instant. A golden jade appeared in front of the bomb.

At the moment when the bomb penetrated its body, the gold armor of the whole body was broken like a dead wood. The entire feather was instantly turned into countless golden debris, which drifted from the air.

There are still a lot of such things...

Since these days and nights, Lin has been destroying these golden jade, because the information she saw in the excavation field - ‘confirming the continent where ‘琳’ is located, unfolds unity and destruction. ’

If this information is like what it says, it should be noted that in order to confirm the truth of the information, Lin let the floating soul eroded the outer shell of a golden sapphire and swallowed the controller inside.

The controller has a false memory, but after the previous research, Lynn circumvented this layer of false memory and observed the true memory in the controller.

In real memory, they do have this command... ‘confirm that Lin’s is.’

Their current mission is to fly out of the East Continent, to other continents outside the ocean, and to use the latest detection devices equipped with them to detect those continents, including the islands along the way, to confirm whether there are ‘琳’ there.

However, their task is only to do these things, and there is no such information. What will happen after they are found, will it really ‘destroy’?

These golden hairs don't know because their task is just searching.

However, they should still be shot down in case something special happens.

At the same time... Lin wants to know something, how does the creator react to Lin’s smashing? Lynn has been detecting everything about the creator.

But does the creator know that Lin is detecting it? It can definitely be thought that Lin will detect it, but has it discovered the arms used by Lynn?

I still do not know yet……

Some of the things that are currently encountered are difficult to judge. The 'creator' knows if Lin is detecting it, but if Lin wants to find these golden feathers to shoot down, it is obvious that Lin knows the 'creator'. plan of.

This time it is necessary to look at the reaction of the creator, so that you know if it knows what Lin is detecting.

‘Hey! The golden debris was scattered in the air, and Lin had already let the troops in the air catch up with the golden hairs and continually destroy them.

These hairy jade on the mainland are easier to find, they are basically flying around at low altitude, they are detecting the location of Lin on the mainland.

Lin let a large number of snipers spread to the activity areas of these jade, and all the jade jade encountered will be shot down...

However, the problem is those who have already left here.

Many Maoyu have left the mainland and flew to the ocean.

However, in the nearby sea, Lin also has troops on the defense.

‘Hey! A golden veil flew over the sky above the sea at a high speed, and its speed suddenly slowed down, because in its field of vision, an island of more than 100 meters in diameter appeared.

There are only gravel and rocks on the island. It looks like there are no creatures. Even so, the jade has not hesitated. It flies to the island and uses the detectors in the body to start detecting the island.

‘Hey! ’

But as it approached the island, it turned into a pile of golden debris.

PS: Thank you ~ Huaxia's proud soul ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ the 胤~ the winter of the flying ~ evil **** week ~ jumbo_koko ~ lmxy ~ monthly ticket ~

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