
In the incomparable heat, it can feel...

Its thoughts, as well as its body, are slowly dissipating in this flame...

It just wants to see it again.

Seeing to create your own creatures and asking everything about it, and what should be done in the future?

At the same time, it also wants to resurrect itself and let yourself get the real body again, instead of using metal to do it for yourself.

In the endless void, it has experienced many things, many failures, and many victories, but no one is as close to victory as it is now.

It will almost succeed, but... it fails, why... will it fail?

It has not been remembered.

It is slowly entering a deep sleep, this time, it seems to be sleeping forever...

However, before it completely dissipates, it turns its own will and thoughts into signals, which spread like waves in the water.

No matter what creature receives this signal, it only hopes to pass on its consciousness.

Hope, there will never be a complete end, hope, there will be the emergence of successors.


The creature closest to it did receive a signal.

It seems that the heavens and the earth are in the darkness. I don’t know where it is, maybe it’s quite far away from the pompom.

This is in a dream, before the spiral creature dies, turning all its thoughts into brain waves. This brain wave is transformed into a dream. Lin sees the things inside and knows a lot about it. Things.

In this brainwave. Lin felt the strong thoughts of it. It seemed to want to tell a lot of things. Most of it was uneasy and doubtful in its thoughts.

It has one of the biggest ‘desires’, and that is to resurrect its ‘mother’.

Spiral creatures seem to have a lot of problems. I want to ask the old creators, but there are some other ideas, that is, to fully recover themselves.

Previously, the virus that Lynn saw in the core of the little creator was what it used to make it 'recovery'.

Those viruses are the 'reversal viruses' created by the small creators by absorbing some of the nuclear information of the old creators. Because spiral organisms have no somatic cells, and the remaining brain cells do not degenerate into basal cells, but it can use the virus to restore brain cells so that it can have the body of a normal creator.

Although it has been using metal structures to fight, it still hopes to fight directly with its own body.

but. These viruses have other functions that can revitalize the original creator, but not the same as the true 'resurrection', but let the little creator grow into the same form as the old creator, and even have the same memory. .

This aspect is more complicated, but it did start the process of making the virus before Lin let the Emerald dragon destroy the filter. And it was successful during the fight.

Although it said that it ended in failure.

But why does it lose its ordinary cells?

Lin has always wanted to know about this, but the dream that now appears seems to be after that.

Here is a ridiculous land, the ground is full of gray-black rocks and gravel, and in this wasteland, there is a strange thing.

It looks like a metal-made cylinder, about ten meters in length and five meters in diameter, because in the dream, Lynn knows that the spiral creature's brain is there.

And it also constantly explores the surroundings with brain waves. So Lynn can also see the nearby environment.

However, this quite detailed, Lin feels that it has more than the way of brainwave detection, but now even if you know its thoughts, you can't fully understand its structure...

The time that Lynn sees now should be something after his brain has left the body.

Lynn wants to see what it is getting out of the body. Maybe you can try to adjust this dream and put the time back?

The content of dreams that Lin sees now is only the information transmitted by the spiral creatures, and should be adjusted at will.

Thinking... Lin started experimenting in this area.

It seems to be successful... The surrounding scenery quickly began to change, and Lynn saw a completely different space...

No, this is not the time when its brain is out of the body, but the way it is flying.

Lin saw a metal cylinder flying fast, and there was a violent noise coming from it. This thing ran into the land of a wasteland.

It seems that I can't see how it was separated from the body before.

Perhaps the spiral creature is very reluctant to recall this thing, so it was not included in the information released before, but it can be found in its thoughts that it was changed by a certain method in a particular way.

And that kind of creature seems to be the original creature using the 'construction', and the knowledge of the structure of the spiral organism is learned from this creature.

Now, Lin's eyes are dark, but there are intermittent images.

This can be called a 'bio-illustration', and various creatures are displayed in this intermittent image, which was discovered by Lin when she just adjusted the information of the spiral creature.

These creatures, now shown, are the first encounters of a spiral creature since its birth, and in the image, the form of the creature is shown, as well as the constructs they use.

It seems that it can also be adjusted to show that this creature has a detailed lifestyle, and they seem to be a creature with a multicellular structure.

It seems that ordinary multicellular creatures are more common in the voids that Lynn currently knows.

However, their lifestyles are special because they have to live in their own structures because of the harsh local environment.

The way they control the structure feels relatively 'primitive', using the limbs to work with the brain, and not using the brain alone.

Spiral creatures call this creature "Ser", which is the pronunciation of its own language, but has no specific meaning.

‘Ser’ seems to have established a number of cities and kingdoms before the arrival of spiral creatures, but two different kingdoms have been in combat, until spiral creatures have come to the world...

The spiral creatures almost completely destroyed them, and the city of the city burned under its attack, and the entire race seemed to be pushed to the brink of extinction.

Spiral creatures are not only fighting themselves, they even learn how to make structures, and they create a structure of their own control structures.

At this time, the almost desperate ‘Ser’ used some way to separate the brain cells of the spiral organism from the body, and put the brain cells in a metal round can, and shot into the void.

But this key process has no way to see...

Maybe, if you travel in the void in the future, you will encounter this kind of creature, but Lynn thinks that they are more likely to be extinct because spiral creatures almost consume the resources of their place of residence, and they kill at least 99% of them. Above residents.

The scarce amount left may not continue to live in that harsh environment.

Moreover, ‘Ser’ has no ability to travel long distances in the void.

It can be seen from this that if a creator is not blocked, it will affect the local biology.

If there is no ecology in the area, the creator will create a very good ecology, just like the dinosaur continent made by the creators of the old world on the pompons.

And if the locals already have ecology, they will destroy the entire ecology...

It would be better to say that the creators will not stop until the local creatures have fully yielded.

Because ‘Ser’ battled to the last moment, the spiral creatures also killed them at the last moment. If they didn’t resist, and they became the food raised by the creators, they would not be almost extinct.

But the biggest reason is not that they don't want to, but they don't know.

Because Lynn has seen it, many creatures will be willing to be slaves in order to save their lives. This phenomenon is very common among individual creatures.

But ‘Ser’ doesn’t know that spiral creatures want to 'raise' them, and spiral creatures have never discussed them. Sergean only thought that it would destroy them completely, so they had to constantly resist.

If it is not because of this small problem, it may be that the spiral creature will come back here with a stronger force, and its body is also complete.

However, it is also difficult for the whole body to travel in the void, so it should be only a part of it, but it will become a lot of trouble...

And now, it has only become a floater in the void.

After a short flight, it seems to have reached a nearby tumbling person.

It is far from the sun, so the temperature is very low, but the spiral creature still wants to live alive...

Hiding with its brain cells is a large number of small structures.

It uses this structure to drill out, find food for itself, find energy, the cylinder in which it is located has the function of heat preservation, and the various functions inside are very complete, I don’t know why those who will give it a preparation The complete thing seems to make it clear that I want it to live.

It lives here, it uses small structures to make larger structures, and finds the nutrients it can absorb from the stone debris, and it encounters a new creature in this place.

...the cold stone.

But initially, the spiral creature was not interested in the cold stone. It has been building its own base here. It uses small structures to find the right material from the rock debris and make it into a new structure. The bigger it is, until it finds that there are some shortcomings...

PS: Thanks ~ End of the World Dragon ~ sigh of blue sigh ~ time ∨ 烬 ~ 圣 鱼 ~ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

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