"Ah... ah!"

A strong scream, echoing among the crystallized giant ships...

The spear of the fluff did not completely pierce the captain's head, but only pierced its armor outer layer.

But this is enough to cause it to be terrified.

"Wow, ah!" It was like crazy. The captain raised his weapon and launched a crazy shot on the pompom. Countless metal bullets scattered throughout the room, and the ground and walls hit were kept. The sound of the sound of the earth.

The shooting continued until the captain’s weapon made a ‘咔咔’ sound, and it stopped breathing and gasped...

"Team...Captain..." The two imaginary people looked at the captain with horror. After a few seconds, they reacted and quickly ran over: "Nothing! Is the armor pierced?"

"Almost pierced and leaked..."

The captain’s panic has not stopped completely, but it seems to be more concerned about pompoms than if he was pierced.

"The white thing has escaped..."

The captain looked at the surrounding wall and saw the bullet hole extending to the right on the wall in front and extending to the exit of the room.

The captain’s shooting was actually aimed at the pompom, but it did not hit the pompom once. The pompom fled its shot at a faster rate and fled outside the room after it had shot the ammunition.

"What is the structure of that thing? Why can its hair penetrate the armor?" The other two virtual people looked nervously with arms around them: "But it should scare it away."

“It should be a potent corrosive liquid.” The captain touched the pierced place on the helmet: “There is actually a very hard thing, it is estimated to have the ability to temporarily harden, it will be rolled into a bit type. With the corrosive liquid, the armor was drilled."

"And..." The captain has calmed down and took out a piece of stuff from his leg. Put it on the weapon: "It won't escape so easily, it's very smart, it has been teasing us."

"It shouldn't be possible...the kind of hairy animal." Another virtual person said: "It's just a matter of speed."

"It's not that simple, it won't be fast any faster, but I noticed it." The captain picked up the jar with the liquid. Pour into the hole where the helmet was pierced: "It first judges which position I am aiming at, and then avoids it. This thing is very dangerous. It is definitely not a wild animal. It should be some experimental creatures in this ship." thing……"

But we have to complete the task. "The captain said: "According to the map of the test, we are approaching the important parts of the ship..."

It stopped when it was not finished. Because it saw, the entrance to the room was blocked by a lot of white things.

These are all pompons, and their number is at least... ten.

"Ah!" The three virtual people suddenly threatened to raise the weapon at these pompons, but the captain quickly shouted: "You don't attack, run! Run out here!"

Said, it took out a ball and threw it over the pompom. The ball burst open as soon as it approached, and a lot of smoke came out...

"Run!" Under the captain's scream, the two imaginary people immediately turned and ran. They ran out of the room from another entrance and ran in the path of debris.

However, they did not seem to notice that the captain did not follow up.

Because the captain is running. Its feet have been entangled in the fluff and drag it back a little bit.


These seemingly slender fluffs exerted great power, and the captain of the virtual captain, who was three meters long and full of armor, was dragged into the smoke. In panic, the captain slammed his entangled legs and legs. The armor suddenly slammed out and the captain escaped.

But it only took a few steps out of the smoke and felt a pile of fluff around its helmet. Forced to take it back.

"Ah!" and the captain did not hesitate. He snapped his head with the same action, and the helmet suddenly got out. It immediately ran out of the room...

"Where did the two go?...must..." The captain held his breath and quickly swung two pairs of limbs missing an armor in the channel of debris. The faster it runs, the faster it consumes gas in the body, and its movements become slower and slower...

"No... I have to suffocate... I am going to die here..." In the end, the captain just ran a distance of more than ten meters, and it was on the ground and never moved again.

After a few seconds, the pompom that dragged its helmet flew out of the room and came to its side.

This captain, I feel very interesting... I can see the characteristics of the pompoms in a short period of time, knowing how the pompons are evading, but they do not carry out air detection when they come? I don't even know that the air here is almost harmless to them.

Because it has deliberately closed the air after taking off the helmet, and then violently running, the oxygen is excessively consumed, and the brain is insufficiently oxygenated and fainted to the ground.

Now that it is fainting, the respiratory organs begin to breathe on their own...

So it can't die, but it's hard to say next... Lin looked carefully at the head of this imaginary. It was very similar to what I had seen before, and there are many conical thorns on the head. Lin remembers them. The brain is in this small thorn.

Although the structure is peculiar, their character seems to have nothing special, except that they prefer casual attacks.

Thinking, Lin let the pompon pierce its head and see if there is anything interesting in its memory.

At the same time, on the other side.

"Ha... ah..." The two imaginary people gasped and escaped the ship in the same way.

"What's wrong with you? Captain?" Two other imaginary people on standby outside immediately stepped forward and asked: "Is there any danger inside?"

"The captain...?" The two imaginary people who ran out seemed to react to this. They looked back and saw that the captain did not follow up.

"The captain was eaten by those hair groups!" They suddenly shouted: "Hurry up to contact the command! There are very dangerous creatures here!"

"The command has come over." The two outsiders said: "But the captain was eaten? What the **** is going on?"


As they spoke, there was a roar of sound in the sky, a huge shadow obscured the land under their feet, and the huge aircraft of the virtual people flew near the ship and slowly landed at a distance of three ships. More than ten meters on the ground.

‘Hey! At the same time, many openings were opened on one side of the hull, and a large number of imaginary people wearing armor came out of them, most of them dragging or carrying something.

The two imaginary people who ran out looked puzzled at the scene: "What are they doing here?"

“Don't you contact you? They are collecting 楷.”

... It seems that the crystallization of ships may be a very important resource for them...

Lin also watched these creatures on the sky, and saw a large number of imaginary people carrying various things out of the aircraft. Among them were some quite large individuals with ordinary people. The same armor, but they are more than three times the size.

These large virtual people are also used to carry things. They carry a lot of square-shaped objects from the aircraft and place them near the crystal giant ship.

Then, there are a lot of virtual people who open these boxes and put the things inside out.

Lin saw that the things in each box were different. After some boxes were opened, some small aircraft were flying out from them. They were more than one meter in length, square in shape, and surrounded by four turbines for flight.

These things are estimated to be used for detection. When they fly out, they fly around and fly away.

There are also some things in the box that are folded together. Several virtual people spread the folded things and lay them between the aircraft and the crystallized ship.

Lynn thinks this should be something like a track.

Lin has been observing the work here, they are like building a base here, laying various tracks on the ground, and then putting some cars on the track.

Finally, a large group of machines with the arms of the drill bits flew out of the virtual aircraft. These machines seemed to be controlled by the virtual people. They gathered under the crystallized ship and began to dig.

Most of those imaginary people stopped working, but armed with weapons around them.

It seems that these imaginary people intend to collect a large amount of crystals on the ship? Lynn thinks that they are really a group of very daring creatures.

At the same time, after they heard about the captain's experience, they also dispatched a small team into the ship.

Although they may not be found.

Moreover, at the same time, Lin also let a pompom fly into their aircraft...

The environment inside is very similar to that imagined by Lin. There are metal corridors and rooms, as well as a large group of busy people.

The pompom has already flown to a T-junction where there is a map on the wall.

The entire space in the aircraft is clearly marked on the map. Lin found that most of it is for living, and there is a warehouse for things. It seems that there is no place to make weapons. It seems to be a simple transportation type.

In other words... should they have other ships?

And the command is on... here?

After the map was written down, the pompom floated to the side of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor is a door, unlike the spiral door of the spiral creature, the virtual people seem to use the square door.

And from the inside of the door, you can hear some sounds.

"Contact the fleet and prepare to target each continent."

PS: Thanks~ I got the name even if it was 1888~!

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